Friday, March 13, 2015

The Evolving Identity of the State of Israel: Bye Bye Bibi

The Israeli society is a very dynamic society, very energized, not complacent to be taken by its politicians for granted. Israeli politicians know this fact and were over time tested to make sure that they do not forget. Israel in few days will elect a new parliament ( The Knesset) and a new government that could be lead or not by probably one of the state most imposing and most clever and most controversial politicians since its independence in 1948- Bibi Netanyahu of the Likud party.  

The Israeli society looks at its state and government like a corporation every Israeli owns part of it, holds stock in it and elects its executive board. Israelis are practical and in their majority are thinkers, they will elect and re-elect but they will also change and try to change.

Recent polls towards the March 17 elections indicate a desire for change not because people do not trust Bibi,  Israelis do trust him but because they see a need right now for a new approach, a new thinking, a new style, less combative style and more results that the average Israeli can feel and relate with.

It is not only a change to bring better communications with the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank but a change to bring better standards of living to the hard working, life loving Israeli population.

The Israeli people want peace and they in their majority understand the price which is the creation of a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank and the sharing of Jerusalem as the symbolic capital of both the State of Israel and the State of Palestine. But the Israelis also very well aware of their surroundings, very well aware of the hostilities some neighbors publicly, not necessarily privately,  blatantly do not hesitate to show towards them. The Israelis will not surrender their security to make someone else happy; no nation on earth should surrender its security and existence just to make 
something looks right or to make someone else happy if that someone is not willing to reciprocate and share their happiness.

In Gaza and the West Bank there are no real strong credible politicians now but  there are plenty of  hypocrites. In Gaza and the West Bank there is no government, elected government, but there are two groups: one in Gaza that acts and plays the role of the terrorist and the negotiator as needed, and the other is  in the West Bank that does not know what do waiting for some sort of ongoing guidelines to show them where to go and what to say.

But the Israeli people knowing their strengths and their weaknesses look like they are willing to make a change, Israelis cannot and should not and will not wait for others to change so they can follow and make a change; Israel will act and Israelis will change if its in their best interest or if they need to take a different direction for the the best of their interests.

On March 17, exhausted and tired Israelis of economic situations 
inside the State of Israel, tired of the obvious back and forth politics, wars and the usual negotiations that follow with Hamas of Gaza, tired of extremists groups within the Israeli society, tired of  extreme settlers not willing to comprise in the West Bank,  tired of  the combative style of Bibi, will elect a Knesset that will give others a chance to govern. It does not mean Bibi will disappear from Israeli politics, but it means that others will share the spotlight and will have a say and will make a difference in Israelis daily lives and their future and the future of others.

Picture: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks on before praying at the Western Wall, the holiest site where Jewish people can pray, in Jerusalem's Old City, Saturday Feb. 28, 2015. (AP Photo/Marc Sellem, Pool)

Update: On 03/18/2015 a divided Israeli society almost 50/50 between left-center and right, gave Bibi Netanyahu a chance to rule again. The State of Israel is in constant movement and evolution and the Israeli society more than ever is prepared for a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank. However while the Israelis are prepared for the Palestinians to have a state, the Palestinian people themselves are not. They do not have credible elected leaders and they do not have elections and they are divided between Gaza and the West Bank.

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