Sunday, September 04, 2016

Israeli Arabs and Palestinian Jewish: Israel and Palestine Today not Yesterday

Why not, it can be done, it already exists; Israel has a 20% non-Jewish population, mostly Arabs who remained in their land after the UN Resolution 181 of 1947 to divide historic Palestine between Israel and Palestine; the Arabs rejected and lost and Israel accepted and prospered.

The story of glory and sadness has moved through generations of Arabs and Israelis with no resolution or yet a final conclusion.

But now the times are for a solution, a peaceful solution, a realistic solution; the Arabs and Muslims are geared toward the unavoidable resolution and historic correction of a wrong course they took since 1947.

Israel knows very well that a Palestinian State in Gaza and the West Bank with Jerusalem open and shared is not a choice, is not a luxury, but is a must, no other way around it, it will happen, it has to happen.

Israeli Jewish residing in the Palestinian West Bank of the Jordan River must be given the choice, either stay and become dual citizens or choose a Palestinian citizenship- Palestine in Gaza and the West Bank should cherish having a Jewish population among its population, or move and  reside in the State of Israel.

As for the Israeli Arabs, they must engage positively in their society and their priority is Israel and not Palestine; they must push themselves to engage politically, to democratically seek to share their share in governing their country, the State of Israel; same applies to the Jewish population that choose to stay in the future Palestine in Gaza and the West Bank.

Palestine is the West Bank and Gaza, the rest is Israel with Jerusalem open and shared between the State of Israel and the State of Palestine-this fact must be taught to future and current generations of Jewish, Muslims and Christians, it must be embraced, it must be believed to happen as a fact and not as just an opinion or a even a choice.

The Palestinian people are the people of Gaza and the West Bank and part of Jerusalem and their priority is Palestine and not Israel.

Again, majority of the Israeli people understand that peace means a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank with Jerusalem open and shared; historically the obstacle to creating the Palestinian state has always been caused by shortsighted Arab and Palestinian leaders and not only shortsighted but collaborative with others to prevent Palestine from existing next to Israel or delaying it from existence pending the game of politics in the Middle East.

But time is now, the Middle East is going through a transformation that will force Israelis and Arabs to make things happen and to accept each other; ISIS, the terror group, is presented as the common enemy to both Israel and the Arabs and the Muslims. 

The hardest thing on earth is to make peace and the easiest thing on earth is to make war and that is why it takes many wars to make the lasting or enduring peace.

Check attached links: 

Good Morning Jerusalem

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