Tuesday, November 08, 2016

A Date with America not with Trump or Hillary

This morning, now, not tomorrow; tomorrow does not count, tomorrow is too late; now is the moment and now is the time and now we need to act. This morning, we have a date with America, we need to get clean and ready and we need to put on fine appearance and demeanor to show her how much we love her and how much we care.

Today, we have to go to our dating location and we have face to face look her in the eyes and we have to give her a big hug, after all, she only requires a hug once every four years. We cannot stand her up and we cannot waiver and we cannot shy away and we cannot stay home or retreat. 

Today, now, we must show our love and strength and resilience by voting and electing our new president. The choices never been tougher and never in the history of the United States have been more challenging or more questionable as far as their legitimacy.

But these are the choices and we need to act based on who we have now not on who we think should have had. The people of each party have spoken and the choices are Trump and Hillary, however the date is not with either one, the date is with America and we owe it to her to go and vote and make a clear choice.

Check link:

A Different 4th of July for America 2016 by Jamil Shawwa

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