Saturday, November 19, 2011

"Pippa's derrière "by Jamil Shawwa

The world's attention is not on Duchess Kate of Cambridge, but on her sister Pippa whom I read the other day in a paper a writer describing her Behind as the most eligible or famous since Jennifer Lopez’s patented derrière. And if anyone ever noticed- what a question, of course all noticed- J. LO's behind, they would absolutely and unequivocally appreciate the comparison. 

It is not easy for any female to step to where no woman ever stepped, to step to the unknown; to Jennifer's territory and the richness Jennifer Lopez fantastic talent carries Behind and we the commoners call Derrière. 

Since the wedding of the prince of Wales and the future king of England if the monarchies in Europe stay, and probably will stay for quite some time- look at the fiscal policies of the EU, my friend, the jackass, would have done better in Greece and Italy, oops, rundown sentence, back to focus... I'm saying William is the future king of Britain, his father Charles is a nightmare to his country and the world; he, Charles, is not evil, but some consider him a mental liability, so, back to focus and back to William and Kate,  no, back to William and Kate and Pippa. 

There is a Genius structure that was in the making, which is how can we, the people in charge- not me, ease the pressure on Kate. 

The concern has been that Kate would be subjected-of course- to the same media frenzy that at the end, and with people like Diana and Charles, somehow, helped to put an end to a fairy tale that the Brits wanted to believe that it is true in their dreams, hopes and to some extent, lives, and was crushed by the domino effect of the failed marriage of the two, Charles and Diana and the tragic end of Diana and her Egyptian billionaire boyfriend, Dodi el-Fayed, the son of Harrods owner- Mohamed El-Fayed, the crown jewel of Britain department stores that defied the royal family- not sure why, is it because for some legal reason he was denied citizenship in Britain- and the English traditional establishment for the longest time and turned it, Harrods, to a place to show his despise to the royal family. 

Poor Charles, he has been looked at as a Jackass for the most of his life, has been the butt of jokes all over the world, he suffered from constant feel, why, of inferiority complex, he has been waiting to be king since 1970! Every time he looks at his mother he talks to himself that he will never be king, and he should not, really. 

Then comes Pippa, Pippa’s evolution started before Kate and William wedding- sources close to intelligence - based on various media reports, have worked very hard to ensure the creation of a duplicate. 

The purpose is to never have a repetition of Diana's tragedy, another tragedy in that magnitude could bring the House of Windsor to its knees, which it did actually with Diana, but having a shrewd and extremely seasoned queen, political decisions, and the love of the British to their royal family, brought them back up. William and Harry are saving the House of Windsor from its own self destruction. 

Charles was going to destroy it with the rest of the queen's children, I think they took after their father, they have this mental stupidity, when they talk and act, all of them really, but not Diana's children, they are normal, they are popular, smart and relate to the common man, the common fish and chips, as we call them in Britain. 

I'm saying we out of love, Britain after all it is the mother country. Pippa is saving the royal family now, the eyes are on her, and her Behind of course, it's ok, she has very nice figures, I must say though that I have not inspected her Behind closely, to ensure that it can step up to the plate, but it seems that it is working. 

Why not, brag about it, do not be timid, show that you are not. The latest news is that she is breaking up with her boyfriend, this will keep the world paparazzi busy for the foreseen future until Kate and William finish their tours, and there is a baby coming in the way. 

So imagine the pressure, if there were no "Pippa's Derriere". The royal family of England cannot afford anymore to make too many mistakes and cannot afford too many Charles or Edward VIII. Pippa’s derriere is saving the House of Windsor.

Check update from today, Saturday, 05/20/2017

Pippa Getting Married


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