Monday, September 17, 2012

Bibi Netanyahu: Israel's Chief Lobbyist by Jamil Shawwa

The job of the Prime Minister- the Executive in a parliamentary system- in the State of Israel has been since its independence to make the case and build the support for their country. 

Having said the above , that political functionality is also found with various and different styles and shapes in every truly democratic country, that is a country that places, politics aside, the interests of its citizens above anything external and a political system that its politicians are elected periodically, every four years or so. But that does not mean isolationism, on the contrary , it should mean and for Israel, it has always  meant, pragmatism as well. 

Israel since its independence in 1948,  contrary to some beliefs, has never had an ideologue fanatic prime minister, never. Israel has always had prime ministers who have been very aware of its geopolitics , and the potential and the path that at some point a Palestinian State next to the State  of Israel will be established- The West Bank and Gaza . 

Of course the styles, the maneuvers of the prime ministers from David Ben-Gurion until now with Bibi Netanyahu, differed but not the core politics. 

The prime minister in Israel is the chief executive of the government and Israel’s main and most important spokesperson abroad, but Israel though a normal and original country and has its place among the nations as any other country on earth, has always had the urge and the necessity, politically speaking, to make a case of being forced to apply a “special status” due to its geography in the Middle of Arab and Muslim countries in the Middle East and the surrounding areas, that for the most part have not established diplomatic relations with it and have not recognized it formally or as very few, intentionally, create a continuous and dubious hostile propaganda against it. 

Case in point is the media aggression of the Iranian political system towards Israel and their demagoguery and completely politically motivated campaign to discredit the country and even speak of its legitimacy. 

A legitimacy that the Arab and Muslim countries including the Palestinian people have recognized, accepted as  a natural fact of life and geography and politics including the right of the Jewish people to have the state that they are in now. 

In the same token, the right of the Palestinian people to have their own legitimate State in the West Bank and Gaza. 

While attacking Israel daily, Iran is creating a nuclear program that no Israeli prime minister, politically speaking again, can ignore or not lobby against- as Bibi Netanyahu has been doing and did during a TV interview with NBC on Sunday’s Meet the Press when he as news reported, appealed directly to the American people and made the case against delaying a strong response to Iran’s nuclear program and probable nuclear weapons soon, six months, as he put it.

So Iran with its questionable media attacks is indeed providing two important things: first, cementing the role of the prime minister of Israel as the prime lobbyist for their country abroad and the second is Israel’s need to take care of its own nuclear program in addition to the fact that Israel’s position on nuclear power has technical legitimacy over Iran, for the mere fact that it is not a signatory country to the Non-Nuclear Proliferation treaty and Iran is. So technically and realistically, Iran is in violation when it continues to denying inspection and continues to have ambiguity over its nuclear program. and not Israel.

If we drive down or up the road few miles- sometimes it depends where you are, it is a matter of driving few feet- to the Palestinian side, there are no lobbyists making the case for Gaza and the West Bank as Bibi Netanyahu is making the case for his country; The State of Israel. 

As a matter of fact the only clever lobbyist the Palestinians ever had was Yasser Arafat. Regardless of personal opinions, like Bibi, Arafat kept going like a clever salesman, Master Salesman. The West Bank and Gaza need a chief lobbyist now not tomorrow.

More on Israel, Netanyahu and the job of the PM in Israel:

Pease with the State of Israel without a Rabin and without an Olmert

Bibi and Ehud and a Journey inside the politics of the State of Israel

Israel from 1947 UN 181 to 2016 UNSC 2334

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