Monday, July 11, 2005

Quality Control And World Politics

In business, we use the word QC or quality control as often as we use vending machines. Quality control and Root Cause Analysis are synonymous to modern and current business practices. The reason is to ensure that we are doing what we are supposed to do in order for us, businesses, to get the job done, and done right. I think we need to create such a mechanism in world politics and international relations. Quality control will help politicians to do a better job in understanding other cultures’ sociopolitical dimensions. In accordance to what I wrote in "Mission" many mishaps in world politics happen when we, people, politicians, etc, misunderstand a cultural dimension to a reaction or a decision from another party or country. The UN is a perfect world body that we can use as a pilot for this program. The whole world is at the UN and having a department that would filter and interpret information upon request would be a great first step. Of course I do not have all the answers as to how this QC would really help but I'm sure that if the political class in every country creates a mechanism for more intercontinental understanding to each other that this mechanism will help to reduce world conflicts. Each country should consider the rest of the world as it own customers , potential customers or prospects and accordingly should be more thorough and civilized to news and issues other wise the customer or customers would go somewhere else. In business, there is a famous statement, if we do not treat them well, someone else will" We also should apply root cause analysis to world conflicts and break down each conflict to it's smallest components to get to the root of the issue in place. This approach will not only help to prevent on going conflicts but will also help to reduce and diffuse future ones. Quality control can be applied to war zones and active conflicts. The approach would make us better conflict managers and reduce human and financial losses.

How do you like it?


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