Friday, February 05, 2010

They come in Cans...

The other day, hunger, lack of imagination and complacency lead me to one of these franchise restaurants that are in reality factories that cater to the masses. That restaurant reminded me of Charlie Chaplin famous movie, Modern Times. I went there and ordered my favorite, so unimaginative, Spaghetti Bolognese and I asked the server, if they use fresh tomatoes, and his answer was and I quote, always, freshly prepared out of the cans. Enough said I think. We are losing the small restaurants, the fresh ingredients and the home cooking. Everything these days is mega places, no soul and no taste. Having said that, it is the times we live in and probably we must adapt.

Enrico Macias by Jamil Shawwa

I was maybe six or seven years old when I first heard of the legendary French singer- born in Algeria-Enrico Macias . I loved his songs from my mother who loved his voice. My father-may God bless his soul- used to sing Enrico Macias famous song, Le Grand Pardon, the great tolerance or the great forgiveness. Enrico Macias sang that song for peace between the Jewish people and the Arabs in the holy land in Israel and Palestine and all over the world. Enrico Macias still sings for peace and still hopes to live to see a lasting and just peace in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. Few years ago, Enrico Macias came to Washington DC and I went with my mother and other family members to see him at a theatre downtown, he was the same gracious artist, polite, accommodating his audience and of course singing for peace. In the middle of the show, he told us, his audience, that the president of Algeria, Bouteflika, has allowed him to go back to his original country to visit and sing. I am not sure if this invitation has ever been materialized but I know one thing that Enrico Macias never give up on peace between the Arabs and the Israelis and never give up on peace between the Muslims and the Jews, the sons of Ibrahim or Abraham. In addition, for sure the peace among the three great divine religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Enrico Macias still sings for that inevitable destiny that no one can run from which is that these two nations, people, have no choice but to live side by side, that they can not run from each other and that no matter what happens neither one can drive the other away from their homeland. So why not making love instead of making war.

The New Employee by Jamil Shawwa

After working for many companies and in many capacities, I came to the conclusion- probably almost everyone knew it except me- that it is up to the person, the individual to make a difference, That we can not set back and expect the company to fit in us and expect the atmosphere be up to our standards, and the co-workers are angels, and the cafeteria is full of whatever we need and that the board offers free Starbucks coffee and free ice cream once a month. If we expect any of the above to happen or to have any of the above as a measure if the company is right for us or not, then we are heading towards a huge disappointment. If we keep switching jobs hoping to find the ideal setting and the right people and the peaceful atmosphere, then we are also heading towards a bigger disappointment. If we setback and expect the company to appreciate us just for being there, then same as the above with the disappointment. Our job is to make things happen, to work to show the company how useful we are to it and not vice versa. In business, anyone is replaceable, if we ever think that any of us is indispensable, then we are setting ourselves to the biggest failure, probably. Show the company what you can do but always be on your guards; there is no job for life.

Final Thoughts:

Define the undefined and implement the defined.

Do not just expect the employee to fit in, but allow them to adapt, give them home,time and mental nourishment and the chance to fit.

The Snow Rush In Washington DC by Jamil Shawwa

The streets of our capital Washington DC and its suburbs in Northern Virginia and Maryland are bustling with all kinds of cars rushing through the grocery stores, gas stations and hardware stores. The reason, the big snow blizzard that we are expecting Friday and through out Saturday. The Washington Post is already describing the coming snow wave as historic. People are battling the cashier lines at the various places to get away with as much supplies as possible as quickly as possible. Gas stations at full capacity, customers are filling up the tanks just in case they are stuck somewhere. We are buying shovels to clean up the snow from our driveways and we are scanning the TV guides for programs to keep us entertained during the expected snow. Schools have already declared that they will be closed Friday and the kids are the happiest among all with the announcement, they are the only ones- God bless them- that are looking forward for snow day. Parents are panicking not because of the snow but because of the thought of the three days weekend with the kids locked inside the house. Trucks with sand to clean the streets are already positioned in strategic places around the capital and the suburbs ready to go on full speed as soon as the storm hits. Husbands and wives are panicking too not only because of the snow and the kids but also because that they have to be stuck with each other for the duration of the snow. Who knows, maybe this projected storm will bring more people to our earth and country, people instead of thinking of work and going out, will be thinking of love and making out.

How do you like it?


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