Thursday, February 02, 2012

*The End of Al-Assad ...The UN Security Council Countdown by Jamil Shawwa

The momentums to finalize the end of the political system of Bashar Al-Assad are in place; first regional, with the symbolic Arab League sending "observers" to the UN political handling which now is taking place in the Security Council to come up with a resolution to end formally the regime of the Syrian Alawis tribe, the Ba’ath party and ideology and the president. News reports continue to point to Putin's Russia objecting, arguing that such resolution will only result in an eruption of a civil war in Syria. Russia has played the same role historically with Korea in the 1950; it pretended that its ambassador was in the bathroom or somewhere and cleverly did not use the veto to prevent a Security Council resolution and in the same time did not object to the UN Security Council sending troops to the 38th line that separates the two Koreas. There is no way that China and Russia would veto a resolution on Syria. Syria will continue as a country but Al Assad is gone. Al-Assad is a huge liability, a burned card, a footnote in history books, a passing by trespasser, an occupier to Syria's brains and minds, and last but not least , a criminal against humanity. What could be worse than what is going on now in Syria; over 5000 dead, a sectarian divide that is getting worse where mainly Sunni Muslim cities like Homs taking the lead in resistance, a new freedom fighters formulating by the name of The Free Syria Army and political groups lining up with demands that none can be done except after the removal of the symbol of the sectarian divide; Al-Assad himself. Even within the Alawis, a minority in Syria, most are objecting to Al-Assad’s family decades of monopolizing privileges. A son of a Stalinist style dictator, Al -Assad came to power in 2000, after the death of his father, Hafez Al-Assad. Senior was an important player in the game of politics in the Middle East during and by and after the end of communism and the end of the Soviet Union itself and the cold war; with a sound victory to America and the free enterprise system. After the attacks on America in 2001, the game needed to change, Saddam and the Iraqi Ba’ath finished, the Arabs revolted against their vicious dictators, their oppressors, their dreams killers. Tunisia first, then Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and now Syria and the rest will follow one way or the other. Syria’s dictatorial political system is the last one remaining in The Middle East that belongs to the same class of dictators that Qazzafi of Libya and Saddam of Iraq. His end is inevitable; his presence defies time, and the Arabs Rise in their respective countries. If politics and logic ever meet, so rarely, they both meet in the already finalized conclusion that the Ba'ath fascist party that used to rule in Iraq and is ruling now in Syria, must disappear from the ground and the mind. Al-Assad is history before he becomes history.

*For more on Syria and Al-Assad Check / and type "Lion" or Syria, the history and the future are all there. Check as well my facebook,
Twitter and LinkedIn posts.

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