Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Mouse Is In the House

This morning my writing routine got interrupted around 7:00 AM with the wife screaming from the kitchen, I know that you are all surprised because we all know, wives never scream, when I went to the direction of the scream, I found her standing on a chair shouting, Mouse! I pretended to be very concerned, grabbed the broom and found that little grey thing scared under the table, I think he was scared of the wife and not of what is waiting for him. Anyway, the naughty creature got away but I declared emergency in the house, rallied the troops, and went running to the hardware store and bought all kinds of mice and rats poisons. Then all of a sudden, it hit me, what If I make a deal with the mouse, what if I try to extend my hand and the broom if needed and try to have a peace treaty. I reached out and looked at him in the eyes, I'm assuming that it is a him and not a her, see I'm already assuming things that might not be true, and I told him that I can spare his life, be reminded that I have not caught him yet, if he agrees to leave the house. The mouse answered back- just go along with me here readers- and said why, I answered because it is my house and you are an intruder; you are not an invited guest and you have no rights on this property. The mouse looked back and said, but where shall I go. I started to get angry, and started to waive the broom in his face, when then he said what if we make a deal. I answered that you are in no position to bargain, remember the broom and all kinds of mice killers that I have in my hand. He answered back and said what happened to live and Let Live, I answered that this human rule does not apply to mice. He did not give up, tried again to reach a compromise, and said what If I leave your house and stay on your property. I answered; explain please. He said, I will leave the house but wonder around the garden, I will be outside, what is the harm in that. I looked at the mouse and said you got a deal, get out now, and do not come back inside but you are welcome on the outside. He looked back, and said, see, it is a win- win situation. I answered; do not rub it in.

How do you like it?


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