Sunday, August 19, 2012

Britain and Ecuador; No Morality but Settling Jamil Shawwa

Obviously and historically, we can easily come to the conclusion that there is no lost love between the British and their "friends" across the oceans  in South America. It was the Falklands in 1982, and now the Swedish Assange, the creator of Wikileaks, who was indicted in England, in London, on sexual assaults and was supposed to be extradited to Sweden to stand trial for the alleged crimes he committed while he was in his home country. Instead, he managed to fool the British, somehow, and escaped to the Ecuadorian embassy and asked for political asylum. Of course Ecuador has nothing to lose, and Britain has everything to lose from this humiliating episode. The least, of course, its prestige, or what is left from it.  Ecuador on Thursday, raised its finger in the face and the prestige and the legal system of Great  Britain and granted Assange Asylum on"moral" grounds as its president, Correa, claimed. Of course morality has nothing to do with it, But being on the spotlight and having Ecuador, that probably you only hear of it, never, everything to do with it. Today in a meeting in Quito, the capital of Ecuador-Ecuador so far is the one calling the shots, as if the matter did not take place in London and as if it does not concern the British- for Foreign ministers of the neighbouring countries, all have the same lost love with Great Britain, when the Ecuadorian president suddenly joined the meeting-sure, it's such an opportunity, world media is on him- and repeated the " high grounds of morality" that demand that he stands for the way similar calls are being heard by some Britons in England. So we have a "standoffish" now that should end from a legal point of view, according to my understanding, in Britain not granting safe passage to Assange. But politics, usually, plays or it has the upper hand in final outcomes like this one. The US is silent, publicly, which is understandable because Assange is wanted here to stand trial for leaking our correspondence that we did not know how to protect..How will it be resolved depends on Britain’s resolve.. and how it will handle. Let us see if *David Cameron will repeat the Margaret Thatcher’s bold Falkland episode but this time instead of sending the Armada eight thousand miles to Argentina, he will send British Swat team downtown London and restores Britain's lost prestige.

*CafĂ© au lait ………………………………..The Evolution of David Cameron

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