Saturday, March 06, 2010

Fashion and Style ....... by Jamil Shawwa

I did not know what to write until my seven years old daughter screamed all of a sudden and asked me or should I say hit me with a question. The question was what is the difference between fashion and style. For few moments, I went blank, did not how to answer specially that her mother was there, setting next to her and I thought that this might be a trick question or some sort of a female conspiracy to show my daughter and I quote "look, honey, daddy is a Jackass". Then my pride and other things kicked in and I decided to summon my courage, or whatever left of it, and started to answer back with the full throttle and the full horsepower of my aging car and said, yes, yes, of course I know sweetheart. She replied very graciously and said ok daddy, tell me, and she looked at her mother with devious and naughty female eyes that girls -God bless them- develop at a very early age. I must share here that at that moment when the wife and my daughter exchanged looks that I felt so lonely, I was in the middle between the two and kept moving my scared and anticipating eyes between them as if being in a courtroom with the wife as the Judge and the daughter as the prosecuting attorney. Oh, my god, I am in the middle of a cross examination by my seven years old daughter with the wife as the puppet master, it is a setup I tell you, and I fill into it like an idiot. Finally, the decisive moment has arrived and daddy must deliver or I will lose whatever respect that I might still have forever. I said, honey -trying to hopelessly gain some ground- fashion is what you wear today, or tomorrow, it is temporarily and it could change by the season. Fashion also could be a temporarily style, a habit, a book or a movie. Sometimes you hear people saying- they really do not say it publicly, that they are going to the Kennedy Center -Theaters for performing arts and an Opera House here in Washington DC-because it is fashionable to be seen in these circles, or maybe it is fashionable to see this play, anything. Style on the other hand is more long term, it could be considered class or behavior, it is not related to rich or poor, you can be a garbage collector with more style than a politician can for example. I looked back at my daughter, trying to ignore the wife for a moment, and I felt that I lost her. I said baby, the bottom line is that we have to try to act in style. She replied, but daddy, you shout sometimes, you curse in weird language- Arabic- and all the other things that she said and I can not publish here, because it would not be [etiquettesh]- so what are you saying that you are out of style or do not have style or do you have fashion or what, you lost me daddy. I said honey, things happen in life, we are humans, and looked back at her and saw her looking at me with the same petty look that her mother gave me on our wedding night.

How do you like it?


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