Monday, August 18, 2008

Sam Nunn, Joe Beiden or Warner By Jamil Shawwa

Senator Obama, the Democratic Nominee in waiting, is in the process of appointing or choosing his running mate. Next Monday, 08/25/2008, is the start date of the democratic convention. The conventional wisdom states that both republicans and democrats will choose their running mates by the start date of their respective conventions. Obama, my focus in this article, might wait until day one and spread the word or might choose the person this week before the convention. The news is and has been speculating about whom he might choose and mentioned few names, mostly of Joe Beiden of Delaware and Sam Nunn the ex senator from Georgia. My choice would go to Nunn. He represents the appeal that Obama needs to have to attract the Reagan democrats and other republicans whom are disenchanted with the party because of the Iraq war, the economy and the list goes on. Sam Nunn also has proven and diversified foreign policy and defense experience that he gained during his years as a senior US senator. His choice will give assurances to both conservatives and liberals that with Sam Nunn on the ticket, America will be safe under the, according to some, untested Obama. The only thing that might work against Nunn is that he might remind people of Dick Cheney. The looks, the style, etc. On the other hand, he can go with Joe Beiden whom has as Nunn a long foreign, legislative and political experience. Joe Beiden though was once accused and confessed to plagiarizing a speech but besides that he has a good liberal record however, I do not think that Beiden will get the same base or coalition that Sam Nunn can get. Reagan democrats do not like Beiden nor does the south and Obama does not need him to attract the liberal base; they are already attracted to Obama. The black horse whom is almost never mentioned in the campaign is in my opinion Mark Warner the former governor of Virginia and the Democratic nominee for the vacant seat for Virginia in the US senate. Mark Warner can run for both, he can be on the ticket as VP and still run for the senate seat for Virginia, remember Joe Lieberman in 2000. Warner's success as governor, his appeal as a rising star and a potential runner for the office of the presidency, his young age and overall popularly and executive experience might very well attract people across the spectrum and create a dream ticket for the democrats.

Update: CNN just confirmed, 08/23/2008, that Obama Chose Joe Beiden to be his running mate on the Democratic ticket.

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