Monday, August 29, 2016

Good Morning Jerusalem

The Arabs and Muslims easily and comfortably should recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and at the same time and by the same token, the State of Israel should recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine in Gaza and the West Bank; the above is not a puzzle but common sense and reality.

The Palestinians once they have clean and elected leadership should assume with the Israelis responsibilities over Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is for the Jewish and Muslims and Christians and for whoever wants to visit and pray in peace; Jerusalem is not for one or the other.

One choice: Two people in two states with Jerusalem open and shared. Once the Palestinians have their state in Gaza and the West Bank, they and the Israelis- if both choose to do so- can talk about other options for the two of them to live together. 

Check related:

The Jewish, Muslim and Christian Jerusalem

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Hillary, Hillary, No other Choice but Hillary

Hillary Now, but  why Hillary, The short answer and the only answer is because the other choice is Trump.

The path technically and arguably is clear for Hillary to win the presidency; the other nominee is way out there making it clear that he is not about the presidency but about making a statement to show Americans so clearly that he should not be elected president.

No other nominee in the history of the United States has intentionally made it so obvious that he does not want to be elected president and he does not qualify to be president and basically begging voters to vote for the other candidate like Trump has done and is doing.

The Trump factor in American politics will help us understand more the imperfections in our society, the hatred some have for others for no reasons except for the way they were raised and for the way they choose to be.

In America, regardless of the nominee, a percentage of voters have always voted across party lines, so no matter what, historically, they have voted for the party they have voted for or their parents have voted for.

Things are changing in America and have changed, with Trump, people have realized how serious the the process of electing a president, we have realized it as well profoundly when we elected Obama twice and now among a minority of voters, there is a backlash against that fact, that we elected a black president for America.

The Trump factor is not about moving America forward but about catering to those who wants America to move backward, knowingly or unknowingly.

To support Trump is in actuality a support to isolationism and to support xenophobia and to support racism  that have always existed in America, Trump might not himself be all the above, he is the typical selfish demagogue that talks the talk but never walk the walk.

The job of Trump is to bring to the surface the worse in this country and to show the world that we are normal and we have our shortcomings and America has basically its social defects like every other society. However the process in America is slightly different, by bringing the worse to the surface, we usually counter that by bringing the best. We have to show the difference, we have to show the other choice and we have to show the danger of the other choice.

Angry white men and angry minority of whites who think that their country has be taken away from them, are voting for Trump although most of them know in heart that he cannot win, he just cannot; everything in America now and Trump profoundly is helping to feed into it shows that Hillary will be elected president.

Arguably, the way Trump is handling the campaign shows as if he is willingly is moving and helping America to realize that no other choice but Hillary, that no other safe choice but Hillary and that no other sane choice but Hillary. Trump based on events is helping Americans and undecided voters to elect Hillary.

Hillary comes from a background, an American background that believes that as long as you are clever enough and as long as you do not break the law in so obvious ways and as long as you have proved in temperament and in practice that you can function, then we will give you the chance to function, we will elect you and we will live with your imperfections and your shortcomings; we did the same with Bill Clinton.

Not only that, but if no other choice or if you are the only choice for whatever reason, being a woman is a big factor in Hillary's case, we will help you to be elected by showing and bringing adversaries that will help you shine and rise.

Republicans in the 1992 elections defeated their own, George Bush, by bringing an eccentric billionaire from their own party-Ross Perot- who helped Bill Clinton becomes president, Bill Clinton would not have been able to make it on his own without Perot taking away vital votes from Bush the father. Same thing happened to Al Gore in 2000 when Ralph Nader basically took his 500 votes that made George W. Bush president. America made the right choice with Bush though because Al Gore proved beyond doubt that he is not only not likable but to many coming across as an annoying elitist. 

Most voters in this elections year hoped to have a normal Republican to elect as president but there was none, all candidates could not stand up to Trump's message of defiance and Republicans were so angry that they refused the others, but again the others could not absorb the anger and transition it into a positive force to create a message that can elect them.

Practice and events have shown that Hillary can govern, that she can move things forward, that she can be inclusive and she can most importantly to may Americans complete the social agenda of president Obama.

Hillary Clinton will overcome the email server issues and the Benghazi attack and handling and will pass through the various political metal detectors that even if they beep and flash red alert , we will turn a blind eye and we will have her pass through and rides a wave that will place her again in the White House but not as the first lady but as the President of the United States.

In the picture, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton listens to a question at a news conference after a roundtable to discuss the health care crisis in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Friday, Sept. 4, 2015. (AP Photo/Ricardo Arduengo)

Monday, August 15, 2016

السيسي مع اي ام اف عمل اتفاق بقلم: جميل محمد الشوا

زغرتي يا مصر واتحزمي وعلى الواحدة ونص ارقصي، الجيش ويا الصندوق عملوا 

اتفاق وحيجبولك يا محروسة، يلي من ايام الفراعنة موعودة، بدل البليون حيجبولك من 

الصندوق اتناشر،

،المدام: إتليمت على التناشر بليون يا سيسي ولا لسة

،السيسي بصوت واطي جداً: وهوا انا حظي كدة، ورايا ورايا المدام ورايا

السيسي رد من الصالة: لسة, دة انا لسة عَل العقد بلأحرف الاولى بصمت وبإسم مصر 


،المدام: ماشي ماتنساش انا عايزة كولية و عقد لولي من عند فابريجة

،السيسي: فابريجة لية، وهوا السرجاني خلاص بقى رِمة و بلدي

،المدام: فابريجة ياسيسي ولا اجيب على الغدا مامتي وخالتي

،السيسي: انا خارج، انا خارج يا عالم يا هووو من الاتحادية انا خارج

،السيسي ويا الحبايب في المخابرات والجيش على النت ويا لچارد وعلى التليفون

،انا السيسي المصري اللي يا لچارد من آلاف السنين للصندوق مستني

،الف بوسة يالچارد وتناشر بليون تعظيم سلام للمزّة بتاعة اليوروهات والدولارات

انا السيسي، وقعت مع الصندوق الاتفاق وقلت يا مصر خلاص فرجت والبلايين عقد

.لولي و كولية للمدام يا تكية من عند فابريجة


Sunday, August 07, 2016

السيسي في ريو دي جانيرو بقلم: جميل محمد الشوا

المدام: سيسي نفسي اروح ريو، خدني وياك ياسيسي ريو

السيسي عامل طناش: هية الشنطة جهزت ولا لسة شوية

المدام: شنطتي جهزت بس انت لسة

السيسي اتلسع: يا حبي و ياحياتي يلي افديكي بحياتي، كلة الا ريو

المدام: يا شقي يا بتاع ريو

السيسي: الا ريو، ده فيها زيكا وخطيرة، دة انا علشان مصر ريو رايح، بس انت يا 
عمري عليكي خايف

السيسي ويا الجيش: انا رايح ريو مع الولاد رايح، خلوا بالكم دي سينا لسة هِو وبراح 

الجيش: يا فندم الطيارة جاهزة وعلى ريو رايحة

السيسي: ماشي، اخ، نسيت، الطعم بتاع زيكا، مع المدام نسيته، في القصر نسيته، في 
الاتحادية سبته

المدام: سيسي سيسي نسيت الطعم يا سيسي، اروح ريو ولا ماروحش

السيسي غلب حمارة: ريو، و هية ريو تنفع من غيرك يا حتة من ريو

السيسي للبيادة: جيبوا المدام وامها وعلى ريو طوالي؛ انا لمصر قاعد وعلى ريو لا 
جاي ولا رايح


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