Friday, May 20, 2005

What if ?

What if ?
What if peace spreads in the Middle East. What if we teach our children to love thy neighbor, first, and foremost to love themselves. What if we work to live and enjoy life and not just to survive. What if we learn to love life. What if we thrive and work hard and smart and take vacations and travel. What if we negotiate our differences rather than having suicide bombers. What if we teach our kids to accept Israel as a state in the Middle East and to understand that the Jewish people have a state there that can live side by side with the state of Palestine and the rest of the Arab, Middle Eastern, Countries. What if we change our attitude, mentality from the mentality of every thing that comes from the west is evil, and the west is out there to get us to the mentality of prosperity and cooperation with everybody. What if we stop inciting in our media and just report the news as they are and then if we like to comment then we do that without stepping and ignoring the facts. What if we teach our kids the real Islam, the religion of tolerance and peace. What if we all stand against terrorism and those behind the terrorists. What if we tell all those disgruntled people to stop using this great religion, Islam, in acts and actions that far from it is true learning and beliefs. What if we have the chance to elect freely our rulers. What if we can create due process to our citizens. What if we stop terrorizing the people in our police stations. What if I can drive my car from the city I was raised Gaza all the way through Tel-Aviv and Haifa, Beirut, Damascus to Turkey and then to Europe. Alternatively, what if a family in Israel drives its car all along the Mediterranean to Casablanca and then through the ferry to Spain. What if?

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