Wednesday, September 22, 2010 Jamil Shawwa

The Jewish settlers in the West bank believe that they should be able to live in peace in any part of the land of Israel, including the West Bank and Gaza; let them. In the same token, Palestinians believe that they should be able to live in any part of the land of pre 1948 historic Palestine; let them.

Once you apply the same scale to both Israelis and Palestinians, to both people that live in Israel and Palestine, the whole problem or so called problem to some of the settlements in the West bank would disappear.

Israel and Palestine are so unique, there is no other land on earth that charge and provoke emotions and spirituality to billions of people from all three divine religions as that land of these two countries.

Same scale should apply to people who come from abroad and would like to take Palestine and Israel as their home, both people should be permitted within their boundaries or land. In the second stage, once both countries are established with borders but no fences, just borders, ultimately, people from both countries would be able to buy and sell properties anywhere.

A family in Gaza would be able or permitted to buy a house in Tel-Aviv, and a family from Israel would be able to do the same either in Gaza or anywhere else. See, the purpose of having two normal countries in the land of peace is to give among other things the Jewish people the feeling maybe for the first time in history that they do not have to live in secure enclaves or settlements, no need, because technically the whole land will be open for them to enjoy as for the Palestinians and as for others.

Same thing if an Israeli family or a Palestinian family wants to buy a house in America or France. Open borders, normal commerce, no need to go and take over any specific house or land and say that you want to establish an enclave there, just go ahead and buy it.

For hundreds of years, the Jewish and the Christians in the Middle East felt- unfortunately correctly- and were raised to live in areas together, create their own parts and sections; In Jerusalem for example, and within the old city, for hundreds of years and until now you have the Christian section and the Jewish section. This should stop now; they are regular people and citizens of the Middle East as any other religion and group, even if the number does not match the majority.

The future will have the twenty-two Arab countries and all the Islamic countries having normal and peaceful relations with both Israel and Palestine. Hundreds of years of the feeling of isolation cannot be erased in one year or two but the normalization of relations and the creation of the Palestinian State in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank would be the foundation that will establish for the first time in history the harmonious atmosphere for Muslims, Jewish and Christians to not worry any more about prosecution, religious intolerance, ethnic discrimination; all the above can seize to exist, at least would seize to exist as a systematic behavior.

The Palestinians right now are at cross road and not the Israelis, they, the Israelis, have already established a world class country, the Palestinians need to get their act together, get the West Bank and Gaza under a normal elected government, have Hamas join the peace process as a regular political party, no terrorism, no attacking border towns and blowing humans and buses. Set at the table, talk and sign the piece of paper that states that you are civilized, smart, and realistic. Cannot get any easier.

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