Sunday, November 28, 2010

The virtual Jamil Shawwa

The virtual politician is taking his place behind the scene or behind a screen. He is not into too much noise, or maybe he pretends not to be so. Maybe he likes it but he does not want to admit it. He is ready to scan the world for things that he thinks are important or catchy. He feels that his job is to analyze the news, events, and the news behind the news. He wishes sometimes if this virtual politician becomes a reality in today's fast-paced world. He thinks that every country needs virtual politicians who see things from the larger perspective, from top of the mountain, from the bottom up, and the sides, from the end of the road and not the beginning or middle of the road. He thinks that in order to get it right, that is the analysis, you must look at the news from two, three, or ten angles, you must see yourself as the news maker, the reader, and the intended audience or any passing by audience. The news to the virtual politician is not about an event, but it is about the psychology behind the event, the rational behind it, and the politics behind it, if there were any. When he analyzes news from America, Mexico, Israel, Palestine , Egypt, or Russia, China, Korea, England, Brazil, India, Africa, France, Germany or any other place in the universe or the outer space, he is not himself, not at all; he is German, Israeli, Palestinian, Indian, American, English, French or even an alien from outer space; he was called alien many times. I think it is enough; we got the picture. The virtual politician of course can be opinionated, he likes to show but he usually provides the other perspective and he usually uses the comparison to make the point. The virtual politician applies science, as he sees it, to the analysis and applies logic, his maybe, to politics, and will the two ever meet. His job is not to be a role model; far from it maybe, his job is to analyze, to provide the meal and let others taste or look and smell and decide for themselves. He does not want to change opinions, but if he does, then why not. He talks beauty, he analyzes women in lingerie and without them, he is not a womanizer, just an admirer to the female body and brain; they can meet, and they can mingle together and he then connects that to politics and to society in large. He analyzes leaders and he takes upon the tough issues. He does not go with the so-called conventional wisdom, to him, it is nothing, and it is just the expected. There is no utopia on earth, he says and claims, which is true, but what if there were utopia on earth, what if each country decided to elect the virtual politician to provide unbiased analysis and unbiased advice regarding all events or regarding what ever comes to their plate, or provided to them.  He is lazy, so sometimes, news has to come to him before he starts analyzing. Sometimes though, his analysis is unstoppable, like a machine or a computer, you put in and takes out in the same time or simultaneously. If each country decided to go with their utopian idea, it still should mean that it has to be an elected position, the virtual politician is not a virtual dictator. Every four years, without mentioning any names, just presenting ideas and methodology and examples, people would go to the ballots and elect that idea and of course, behinds that idea is the virtual politician. Once in office, still anonymous, except for few as well elected officials, his job is to filter the news, suggestions, and ideas and from looking from all angles, internal and external, political and psychological, he or she of course would suggest the best course. The idea depends on the political system, would be presented to the elected body, parliament, and get it debated and approved or not. The virtual politician is not like the council of wise men or women or both as some countries might have or pretends to have. The virtual politician is not necessarily a virtuous politician; on the contrary, he is a practical and realistic politician, Wait a minute that did not sound too good. The meaning is that he or she is not immoral, no, but they look at morality from the view of the different players or participants and the different cultures and backgrounds, not an easy job at all, probably the most difficult. The virtual politician can be and should be a paid position, I mean, that person needs to eat too and live, otherwise how he can think. The virtual politician cannot be elected for more than one term, again as I said before, we do not want the virtual politician to turn into the virtual dictator or feel like he or she is above the clouds, in some sort of an ivy tower. The virtual politician is not an executive politician, he cannot order but he can analyze. His powers stymies from his ability to convince the elected ruling body or any seeker of the effectiveness and practicality of his analysis. See the checks and balances again at its best. Oh, one thing about this virtual politician, he thinks that he does not have bones hidden in his closet, so he is free as a bird, or he thinks he is. Birds can also live in cages.

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