Monday, January 31, 2011

Egypt Under Suleiman.... a quick Detour by Jamil Shawwa


A transition of power that could result in a Turkish/French style political system, with the prime minster- the majority in the parliament- and the president as the executive authority.


Continuation of Egypt’s role in leading the Arab countries in the peace process with the State of Israel and the efforts to establish a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.  The peace with Israel is as solid as the pyramids.

Continuation of Egypt’s role as a moderate country with the continuation of the special relations with the United States. I heard the other day a wannabe by the name of Tamim Barghouti- identified himself as a Palestinian poet in Al-Jazeera- who claimed that and I quote “America lost Egypt forever” end of Quote. I think that guy is lost himself, he does not know what he is talking about and he better off just focusing on growing up, read a book, two, or something.

The democratic reforms will extend to other Arab countries and will affect every single Arab country one way or the other.

Basically, Egypt is on the right track and the talk is now the future and not the past; Mubarak is the past.

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