Thursday, March 24, 2011

For Israel and For Palestine...a Table for Two. By Jamil Shawwa

The forces of darkness, evil, and hypocrisy continue to drag this poor but not naive people, the Palestinians, into the abyss. They go to homes and kill families and they expect the world to watch and say hurray. They are Satan in long dirty beards and without beards, wearing the flag of peaceful divine religions and brainwashing the innocent and the not so innocent. They blow buses, launch rockets and expect the world to sympathize and applaud. They are and the rest of those lowlifes, are the ones that keep making sure that the West Bank and Gaza never even come close to enjoy what the rest of the humans are enjoying; an independent state in the West bank and Gaza, where people can go to work, dream of the future, plan vacations for themselves and their families, travel and see friends and relatives and explore the world and it's beauties. The forces of evil and despair that are wearing the beards of hypocrisy are killing every hope in the land of peace and in the land of the three divine religions and they keep delaying the final status. But they are not alone, on the other side of the Isle, in the State of Israel, there are those that match them in fanaticism and hypocrisy, Their job- elements in the two societies- is to silence the moderates on each side and make them as despair as the rest and make them believe that the two cannot live together in two states and make them believe that an eye for an eye to the rest of it.  Abbas is crying and weeping like a  boutique girl in Amsterdam getting caught in the act, not ready for the next client, asking this and that to save him or asking this or that to tell Israel to do this or stop that. Those forces of darkness, some in their lousy, pretentious beards, in their deceiving appearance, in their criminal minds, are the wardens of the Israelis and the Palestinians and they are the tyrants that make sure that the Palestinians never wake up, make sure the stigma of terrorism is their name or their middle name. The Palestinians and the Israelis- maybe unintentionally- are helping the forces of evil; in Palestine, they are electing them, and in Israel, they are not clear on the policy and the future. Imagine the hypocrisy of a people, or maybe not, maybe it is not hypocrisy, maybe it is despair, maybe the Palestinians are desperate but they are afraid, they look around and they are afraid, they do not want to be called that they have forgot the forgotten cause, and that they do not want to be called the generation that has allowed what the previous generations did not allow. Well, I have news for the Palestinians, rise, and rise now, look around, and throw out your jailers and your wardens, kick them; vaccinate yourselves against them so they do not infect you again. Rise, go to the streets, no one can stop you, you, the Palestinians, can now make a difference, can now get rid of Hamas and the PLO and can now, elect people and can now call Bibi and Ehud and Shimon- as a sign of respect to the elder statesman- and tell them, I want to set now with you- I can provide the table and four chairs, ok maybe five but not more than six- and we are not going to leave the room until the Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza is born and we are not going to leave until every Arab and Muslim country recognize the ultimate right of the State of Israel to live in peace in it’s  internationally recognized borders with Jerusalem as it’s capital and the same Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza…What are you waiting for- I'm almost done- go to the streets, you have been manipulated by choice, for tens of years, maybe it is enough, maybe you will start dropping hypocrisy and self-deceive for other choices. Try, the Palestinians and the Israelis, something else, a new approach, and a new perspective and see if it works; you might be amazed beyond your wildest imaginations. Now is the time to act, because if not now, when.

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