Thursday, October 13, 2011

Why Israel Does Not Want To Win-The Shalit Episode… Jamil Shawwa

How can someone analyze this situation- The Shalit possible release- objectively. Obviously, and historically, Israel has proved that it takes care of its people. Each individual citizen that bears the citizenship of the State of Israel knows that it has a country that will look after them. The Arabs and the Palestinians in general never experienced such feelings; the feeling of a government that cares. Maybe the Palestinians once they decide to have elections in Gaza and the West Bank and build the foundation for a transparent government could understand such emotions. Of course, some in the State of Israel feel  strongly that their government could have done better and quicker rather than waiting six years to free Shalit and that the price is too high- some even go as far as accusing their government of failing to show enough power to secure an earlier release or at less cost. Politics is the name of everything in the Middle East, there is no ideological conflicts, but a game of politics that the Israelis and the Palestinians have and must participate in. In fighting Hamas, The State of Israel and the United States, are engaging Hamas, Egypt as well through its Intelligence Services played some sort of a broker. Basically, everyone that needs to be engaged and talked to and participate got its turn. But games change and the rules change and we all, or many of us who know or claim or think that they know, that in politics things can change overnight and instead of exchanging bullets, you end up exchanging flowers and kisses- kisses are the way to go in the Middle East. In a Time magazine cover story by the title" **Why Israel Cannot Win" Time questioned back in 2009 the state of Israel "inability" to destroy Hamas  once and for all and secure its borders from the daily shillings and bombardment. The answer was not clear but I responded, was not published, that the title should have been instead, ***“Why Israel Does not Want To Win”, I questioned few tactics and styles and I understand completely- I claim- that the organizations that exist right now in  the Middle East are not organizations that are hybrid, they do not stand alone, they do not have their own agendas and they do not claim anything else that other regional powers do not claim or represent; they are tools, again, there is no ideology here that is in conflict, there is no really so called hatred among the three divine religions followers. In the Middle East, everyone who is anyone is not an ideologue but a merchant. The politicians are engaged in business, the stakes are high, the historical consequences are abounding, and the ultimate target or goal or destination is the two-state solution in the lands of peace, Israel and Palestine. The concept of the Total War is rejected- in resolving the Palestinian issue- and it has been rejected by the US for the longest time. Total wars mean that you go all the way after your target until they are finished, eliminated, cannot get up or breathe again or be useful to play a different role. Israel is no exception here, the State of Israel realizes and it did since its independence that ultimately there will be a Palestinian state adjacent to its borders and sharing the land and the capital. So accordingly, and for other factors, regional and international, for Israel being a part of an international community and It  has  friends  that it consults with, understood that the total war is not even an option, less to say is something to think of, not allowed to think of. The Israelis  though adamant  in defending  their people are not sentimental about it, It took  Shalit over six years  and it could have taken  more, the Israelis are patient and have complimented and Indulged in the game of politics in the  Middle East.  Israel and the US are also responding to the Arab countries rising against their tyrants and dictators and within the same theme, complimenting indirectly the theatrical call of the Palestinian Authority chief, Mahmud Abbas, to declare and recognize a Palestinian state, during a speech he had a month ago before the general assembly of the United Nations. Again, there is no ideology at stake, there is no conflict among the civilizations and no conflict among the religions; actually the three religions, I claim, are one holy book from the same God which came in three parts.  We are witnessing historical movements that are championed by ordinary people going to the streets to claim their streets all over the world, not only in the Arab countries, but also in all Middle Eastern countries including ****the State of Israel.  So now, and at this moment, the Room is ready, the lights are on, the stage is clear, and the bell has rung twice. We are getting the closest to peace in the land of three divine religions. But do not be surprised if incidents continue to happen or so called conflicts continue to arise; you have to have them, otherwise you would not be living in the Middle East.
** Time 01/19/2009

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