Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Collapse of The Trophy Boy .......by Jamil Shawwa

 Time Magazine back in September of this year put him on it’s cover, the whole world including the US said that he will be the one, the candidate, that he will win, that he will beat Obama and bring the trophy to where the Republicans believe it belongs; to them, to the Grand Old Party, to the beacon of America's conservatism to the good old boys network, to business as usual.

The collapse of Rick Perry was sound, was quantifiable and was recorded and their is no way on earth that anyone can even raise doubt about it or dispute it. Perry collapsed on stage, collapsed before the American people and the world and "ooops, I forgot" end of quote of what he said. and the American people replied back and said...ooops, we got the wrong guy.

Rick Perry during the Republican party candidates debate, went off line or online, and all of a sudden and in a Texas fake manly way, screamed his lungs out and said that he would eliminate three federal departments and went on, no one forced him to do so, and kept going and mentioned two, looking at his peers in the debate, and stopped short from stating the third department..looked around for help, expected an aid to jump to the rescue, expected a TelePrompter to appear from no where and give him the answers, but non existed in that moment, Rick Perry was on his own and he collapsed, he could not remember the third department that he is telling the American people that he wants to eliminate.

Ricky Perry had a mental blackout, went blank....said first, wait a minute... and then realized the size of his mental aptitude and said "oooops...I forgot” Then looked desperate and said that he forgot.  Month earlier someone on Twitter went on and said how can we elect a half mentally retarded man, to me that was unexpected, and still describe him as a retarded  is so harsh, at least wait until you have a psychiatric evaluation. 

Rick Perry, the protégé of the Bush clan, the product of Texas southern old boy’s network, the trophy boy, stumbled and with him, the whole Republican establishment stumbled. They all were left politically naked, and the view to the American people was disgusting.

The establishment went bunker, the think tanks went into  their war rooms, trying to salvage the shattered glass, Rick Perry, but it was too late for any genius to save him; not sure if correct, but  the Bush family went on vacation to avoid the possible and expected exposure to have to explain how all this happened, or worse to draw the comparison between Perry and their son, George W. Bush but this time the comparison will not stop at the looks but will continue to George W reserved domain; "mental brightness".

Rick Perry, very late of course realized that he is on his own, and it is not good, and that he is no longer funny.

What is next to the Republican party; a Mormon- Romney- an African American-Cain - with a record, sexual advances that might be left out for now or made him quit once and for all , but just the thought of choosing a black to be the nominee, could cause some of those hard core Republicans a heart attack...they prefer to die rather than see a black as their candidate for president....will, but pragmatism comes first, so if is there is no other choices, Then let it be.

Finally, a discredited politician- Gingrich -who handed his party in 1996 the worst political disaster- the presidential elections loss to the arguably unethical and womanizer, Bill Clinton, as the republicans describe him, he went on a crazy spree and shut Down the federal government in 1994, with his failed republican revolution, and handed on a platinum platter, Bill Clinton, his second and precious term in office. The road is ready, unless he screws up, for Obama to make a big a turnaround, and drive through the gates of the White House not as the departing one term president, but as the incoming new president with the prestigious second term trophy in his hand.

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