Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Mosque in America; Urination and Quran Burning in Jamil Shawwa

Background Information from my posts on Facebook, and ArabAmericanWire:

 1.       01/12/2012

The president and defense secretary Panetta need to immediately initiate an investigation into these allegations; we must know for sure whether or not this incident actually took place and then take action. The issue was about a picture that was circulated in the media showing US soldiers in Afghanistan urinating on Afghani Corpses. Actually, Panetta mentioned in another report that he will investigate and he condemned what he described as "utterly deplorable" behavior. We need to take action now, not tomorrow.

2.       02/21/2012

The News from, picture through AP: “Afghan protesters in front of Bagram Air Base during an anti-U.S. demonstration, Feb. 21, 2012” protesting allegations that the US and Allies burned copies of the Quran.

My Note:

Let us not lose our heads here and also let us not ignore it, or judge it before having all the facts cleared. Now, the problem is not the incident itself; as serious as it is if it actually did take place, we do not know yet.  Anyone could incite such feelings, burn the holy books. The easiest thing is to tap into people’s religious feelings, sentiments and create huge manipulation and demagoguery to bring the results they are seeking; I mean those that are running an agenda, and they are tons, especially in that part of the world, just ask the Iranians, they are the best in no class, demagoguery, manipulation, and hypocritical politics. The problem we are facing is not the Afghans, I know them, it is ok, the problem is us, America, we are not doing a good PR job, we are not communicating, and we are just reacting and not engaging. We need people there to have Quality Control and Damage Control, people who understand and appreciate the psychology and the culture; I know we have many CIA and other national security operatives and handlers who speak the language and who are locals, but still, something is missing; the talent in handling and preventing; that is what missing. Check, The Khost Incident,  from 01/12/2010.

3.       02/23/2012

***Obama apologized on the Quran burning.  Good job that Obama apologized. The case would have been the same if the burned object had been any of the other holy books.

4.       02/26/2012

Our US ambassador in Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, is asking to "stay the course "after the Quran burning.

Two US advisers were killed yesterday in Kabul by an Afghani colleague at the interior minister in Kabul because according to various news reports including this one from USA Today, were making fun of the burning of the Quran. The Afghani could not handle it and shot them dead. One was a colonel. The picture is for a protest by Afghanis against the burning of the Quran or maybe I should say about the handling of the burning of the Quran.

Again, check my posts on Jamil Shawwa’s Report on Facebook  from 02/21 and 02/23/2012 about how to handle the situation with the Quran burning; it seems that we, the US, still do not get it, or some of us do not. Do not play or joke with religions, do not make fun of religions, play it smart and fake it if you do not have it. The situation is snow bowling in a way that could force Obama although he apologized to see if we need to change our intelligence and military leadership in Afghanistan. It is not difficult to handle but it seems that we still have those that prefer to utilize their Behinds rather than what remained of what previously used to be called their brains.

5.     03/06/2012

In a field interview with **ABC, General Allen, our top commander in Afghanistan said that the US does not regret apologizing to  Afghanistan for the Quran burning, he continued to say that he believes that it was not intentional.

Update 03/07/2012

And the evolution of Islam continues in America. America, despite the above and the previous incidents that I mentioned in the **** Mosque in America series- on ArabAmericanWire, show and contrary to what some believe, an upward climb and inclusion to the third tier of the divine religions to America’s culture; Islam. It is not easy for some, and it is so hard for others especially that the religion has been engraved in the American mind by some Americans, Arabs, Muslims and others, as a religion that its followers are blood thirsty and a religion that its followers are not part of the civilized world and cannot believe in the democratic values that some think or preach are only found in other divine religions and faiths but not Islam. This is the best time in America for Islam. Again, the expose, although through incidents that are appalling on both sides, the Arab terrorists that attacked America on 09/11/2001 and through the actions of some soldiers urinating on corpses and burning Qurans.
America is looking at Islam now, the same way it is looking at Judaism and Christianity and other faiths and the trends continue to climb to separate between the religions in Books and those that claim that they are acting on behalf of the Books.

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