Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Clear Choice For Egypt....”.Vote For The Crook” The Lesser of two Evils....Ahmad Shafiq For President...

The Egyptians  today go to the polling stations for the second round to choose a new president;
the first real presidential elections for head of state in thousands of years; no exaggeration...The Egyptians last year ended the rule of the pharaohs that lasted thousands of years. Today they have to make a choice between a former military general and the Muslim Brotherhood candidate. The choice is clear, to millions of Egyptians as well, the military general and not the Muslim Brotherhood candidate. Ahmad Shafiq, whom I described once as a tasteless, no personality, colorless person, is the only choice now and he is the lesser of two evils. My first choice for this era in Egypt was Omar Suleiman, the former intelligence chief, and the last vice president by the time the former president abdicated last year, but he chose not to run now. In Egypt as I mentioned before two entities run the show; The intelligence and the military- like many countries in the Middle East and the world. This formula has to continue for the time being but through a democratic process, kind of.. Egypt is not a regular country in the Middle East; Egypt is a pioneer in the peace process with the State of Israel and the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza, the largest Arab country, and a major if not the most important Islamic educational center in the world. *President Obama chose Egypt in 2009, two years before the revolution ended the rules of the pharaohs, as the place from which to address the Arab and Muslim countries- check link below from ArabamericanWire about that visit. Egypt borders the State of Israel, it borders the Gaza Strip, the future Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza. It borders Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Egypt has to transition to democracy with a military oversight- by the way it will happen even if the Muslim Brotherhood candidate wins; no other choice for now. Shafiq, the military and intelligence candidate, will be able to work with the Military leaders, of course, of the country to build a foundation for a new and democratic Egypt, will help to write a new constitution that in my opinion should establish a secular Egypt and will help in the new parliamentary elections to replace the one that the Egyptian Constitutional High Court ruled couple of days ago as unconstitutional; the one the Muslim Brotherhood had a majority. On the other hand, if the expected new parliamentary elections is held and the Muslim Brotherhood wins, then they should form the government. I expect the new president first job is writing a new constitution, and then preliminary elections. **David Brinkley, the late famous TV personality and the former ABC anchor of “ This Week with David Brinkley” once said “ Vote For the Crook” in describing the only two choices for the governor of louisiana; a former KKK leader, David Duke, and a former governor, Edwin Edwards, who was famous and on record of being corrupt. Brinkley’s quote applies to Egypt now.
*President Obama's Cairo University Speech 06/06/2009**Poor Gaza! By Jamil Shawwa 06/25/2007

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