Friday, August 24, 2012

* price Tag in the West Jamil Shawwa

I mentioned before, few times, that when it comes to the Israeli Palestinian relations, and interactions, and ” incidents and accidents”, in the West Bank and Gaza or in the State of Israel, I take no other choice but  a very careful approach on how to analyze and how to describe.

I personally cannot just isolate an incident, no matter how big or small, from the big picture of the Israeli Palestinian issues, and the Israeli Arab and Islamic countries future relations and the overall politics and history of this conflict in the Middle East. According to this report from the *Washington Post, link attached, the Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu and his deputy, Moshe Yaalon, described the attack by settlers near Jerusalem on the Ghayada Palestinian family on 08/22/2012- Jamila Ghayada in the picture- as “act of terrorism” .

The family is being treated now in Israeli hospitals as the picture and the Post report clearly show. The Palestinian leadership is absent, as usual, from a reaction to this attack or coordination in the West Bank with the israeli side to draw lines, or something, that would make both the settlers and the Palestinians safe. **The settlers’ situation is not settled yet, but it should be. And the Israeli society is fed up with a fringe among the settlers who are attacking their own military and government.

A group that is willing to terrorize their own Israeli citizens-Operation Price tag which is derived from a term that setters will revenge for Israelis killed by Palestinians in settlements in the West Bank, check links below-  to gain political landscape or to blackmail for what should be negotiations over the final status and the establishment of the Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank. Again, Israeli settlers in the West Bank can and should be able to have dual citizenship, if they choose to do so, and live as Israeli Palestinians in the West Bank. 

The new Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank could with the state of Israel become the two countries that actually have large populations of the three divine religions live side by side, next to each other and in each other, and having the citizenship of both states.

*“price tag,” a campaign of retaliation against Palestinian violence or Israeli policies they view as limiting their efforts to claim what they see as their biblical birthright"

** Settlements.... by Jamil Shawwa

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