Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Two Generals and Two women; Petraeus and Allen Last Battles

We have two women, so far, and two generals, so far. Two of our top 4 stars and decorated generals- we do not have any five stars Generals- Petraeus and Allen, both served in Afghanistan, Allen is the current commander there and Petraeus resigned the CIA on Friday. Both know the long and difficult terrains of that mountain country and both fell, Allen is in the way, to a battle that has nothing to do with Afghanistan, Al Qaeda or terrorism. A story is evolving that has various covered and uncovered, yet, events and people. We have a told story of jealousy and probably competition between two women that unveiled this whole steamy relations. And we have an evolving and related story that these two women might have known or revealed military secrets and information through these relations including a connection to the Benghazi attacks as some news reported that Paula Broadwell - Petraeus inamorata-might have  mentioned in a lecture. “The other woman”, Jill Kelly, of Tampa Florida, originally a Lebanese American from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with a maiden name of Khawam,  might not be too "innocent" after all- her emails with General Allen were of sensual nature as various news reported and might have revealed leaked secret military information . We will see how it goes. However, for our generals, the episode or episodes also reveal a hidden and protected underground culture among top officers in the US Military, the FBI, and the Secret Service; a web of sexual encounters and favors. In addition to watching each other's back and keeping the politicians away. The affair between Petraeus and Broadwell have been known to the FBI for sometime as The Republican majority leader Congressman Eric Cantor revealed through a whistle blower at the FBI but this revelations never reached the president until last week when Petraeus resigned and no information yet from the FBI director, as if the whole matter is none of his concern. Moreover, Both women, somehow, have been involved with the military establishment  either by graduating from a military academy like Paula Broadwell, or as working at the Pentagon as a liaison in the case of Jill Kelly. This is not new to the defense and national security establishment, few months ago, The Secret Service Personal in charge of protecting the president in and outside the US were caught in Colombia having parties with call girls while the president was on an official visit. Few years ago, in December of 2009, a year after being elected president, a couple, uninvited-  crashed the first State dinner that the Obama hosted and it happened to be for  the Indian Prime Minister Singh and the visiting Indian delegation; trespassers that managed to go through all types of security to reach the room where the president was hosting the formal dinner. The Secret Service confirmed then that this wise couple- The Salahis- were not on the guest list. So how did it happen, and where were the Secret Service. The head of the Secret service is still in place. Back to the “Allen Petraeus Kelly Broadwell”  A conclusion  might be reached that these  uncoordinated events might hide some sort of contempt and lack of  respect for the presidency and maybe in particular to the presidency of Barack Obama. No conspiracy theories here, just a chain of events and similarities for few years now. We have many crossed lines and we need clarity and transparency and answers.  So is it just the classic Women, politics, scandals, add to that Generals now or is there more to it than meets the eye.

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