Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Obama’s Inaction on North Korea

In 1992, while attending the Masters Program at the University of Iowa college of law, the professor of a course called Foreign Policy and National Security law asked us about predictions that we think would happen in twenty years, one of mine was that the two Korea’s will be unified by 2012;it did not happen, not yet, at least.
What took place and is taking place right now is a regime that is playing the nuclear game with the US and the US until now is returning the favor. A vague complicated game, to us, average Americans.
But today, it did not look like just a game; the North Koreans today announced that  they can attack the USA with nuclear missiles and that they are ready, on target , aiming, and waiting for the word “Shoot” from an eccentric, arguably mentally not stable, dictatorial  leader who inherited power in a country that says that its communist- Royal Communists.
The North Korean threat is not the problem, as gravely serious as it is; the problem is the US complacency so far, and the US reaction or lack of to this annoying game of politics. The average Americans, when we hear that a country is now threatening to fire nuclear missiles at us, the question arises as what we are going to do about it.
I have not heard a reaction so far except for a UN Security Council condemnation and sanctions this morning, which could be translated to nothing really. Or it could reach war as it happened in 1950 but this time North Korea has nuclear power.
President Obama in the middle of all these threats are nowhere to be found. The US is threatened, which to some might be a joke, but not to me, and Obama did not appear on TV, did not hold a press conference telling us how he intends to defend America in the remotely extreme  possibility that North Korea pushes the button and fires the missiles.
President Obama needs to address the American people of what he is doing, if any, if such crazy thing happened, what if North Korea fires, God forbid at us, how are we going to defend, do we have a net that would prevent any missile from reaching America. The politics in East Asia is not clear; politics is never clear, but the clear thing is that we have a quantifiable, measurable, and actual publicly sent threat to bomb America with nuclear weapons, and so far I do not see or hear a reaction. Obama needs to act now, not tomorrow.

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