Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Israeli Arabs and the Lost Identity and Dignity

Jewish and Arabs lived in historic pre-1948 Palestine together but mostly separate long before 1948 and the establishment and independence of the State of Israel; both are genuine citizens and both are genuinely belong to the place and the land and both relate to the place and the land. No one can tell the other to leave, no one should dare to tell the other to leave; the land is for both of them and it is for them to cherish and to keep.

Arabs became a minority in a land that never paid attention to anything called a majority or a minority, wars that followed the UN resolution to divide the land caused the Arabs to leave, not Israel; if Arab countries have accepted the 1947 UN partition resolution 181, there would have been the State of Palestine next to the State of Israel and accordingly Jewish population did not drive the Arabs out of their homes, but the Arab armies that caused what is known the Palestinian refugees. these are pure historical facts.

Once the Arabs in Israel come to accept the above, they for sure would get back the sense of belonging they lost and  they would start looking at the land as theirs as well as the Jewish population; neither one is a guest and neither one can kick out the other-never.

The legitimacy of the State of Israel is not based and it should not be based on the UN 1947 Resolution to divide the land but the legitimacy of Israel is based on the right, the genuine right of the Jewish people to share the land and to raise their flag on their part of the land.

The Arabs in Israel must learn and believe in the concept described above and at the same time, Arabs in Israel should not feel the need to emulate Israeli Jewish, not at all, but genuinely live as themselves in their country as Israeli citizens in a country with different ethnic and religious backgrounds. The Arabs in Israel must start living with dignity and self-respect; things that they chose to lose long time ago.

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