Wednesday, July 13, 2016

مصر السيسي اليوم: شالوم بيبي بقلم: جميل محمد الشوا

 شالوم بيبي، قالها السيسي بملو بقة وبعلو حسة

بيبي رد وقال وداني، مرحبتين يا حبيبي، سلام وشالوم للسيسي

السيسي: حبعت النهاردة سامح شكري بتاع الخارجية برسالة

بيبي: ماشي انا لسة من افريقيا راجع واليوم في اسرائيل اول يوم شغل وأول الأسبوع يا سيسي

السيسي: انا كنت جاي بس المدام جايبة على الغدا اليوم أهلها وأنت عندك سارة وعارف المدامات يا بيبي

بيبي: بيسيدر يا حبيبي انا عارف وفي هم المدامات انا وانت واحد

السيسي: اه يا بيبي الواحد نفسة ..ولا بلاش نقولها

بيبي؛ فاهمك يا سيسي فاهمك، من غير ماتقولها فاهمك

السيسي: علشان كدة بحبك يا بيبي، نرجع للرسالة، بتوع حماس، الإِخة بتوع غزة

بيبي: ماتكملش، فاهمك، انت عارف خدماتهم لإسرائيل وبتوع المُلا راسبوتين لبنان نصرلة دهب

السيسي: فاهم وعارف، ألإِخة حماس و حزبولة الجزمة بتوع لبنان وإيران المُلا، خدماتهم للدولة أُبا أُبا

بيبي: حنعمل اية يا سيسي، لغاية الفلسطينين مايفهموا اللعبة ويجيبوا زعما نضوة، ولغاية الأمريكان مايقولوا يلا للفلسطينين اعملوا في غزة والضفة دولة، حتماً لازم نلعب اللعبة

السيسي: مافيش مانع بس يعني اضرب افا حماس ونصرلة حسب اللزوم اضرب؛ دول اتنين كحل وضلمة وماينفعش فيهم غير ضرب الجزمة

بيبي: من العين دة للعين دة يا سيسي، انت جيت في جمل

السيسي: ميرسي بيبي، شبوع توڤ، و كل سنة وانت طيب

بيبي: تودا يا حبيبي، وانت طيب يا سيسي


Sunday, July 03, 2016

A Different 4th of July for America 2016 by Jamil Shawwa

This year, we Americans, are called upon to re-establish the foundations of Americanism that were created on Independence Day July 4, 1776, and we are called upon by our own experiences not by our politicians to ensure the Republic and the Union stand tall in the face of voices of hatred and division.

We are facing a challenge this 4th of July presidential elections year and it is so serious; never before that a major party had a nominee that publicly preaches hate and fear and isolationism to create a false momentum to win the day; Trump has no political platform, he does not care to create a platform, nor does he really care about America; Trump wants to have a show, wants to prove America is ignorant and Americans are naive enough to elect a joker, a demagogue, a billionaire that is telling America, by acting like me, you can become like me, little Trumps all over America preaching vulgarity even violence to get things done; Trump is preaching ways we have always had but never used as a country and as a nation.

But the Democrats also do not have the great nominee if such thing ever existed, we have Hillary with tainted political and personal record and while competent to be president, probably, she and her husband already built a reputation for being tricky and even dishonest; the choices are tough and so challenging and so dangerous that things can tilt either way

In America, we have always had fear mongers, adventurous eccentric millionaires and billionaires demagogues and politicians trying to hijack the will of the people but at the end of the day they never won.

America even while sometimes looked as if it is moving backward, has always moved forward.

America was not made to be just a country among countries, America was made to lead and arguably to be the world's safety net against destructive tyranny. We believe seriously in peace among nations and we at the same time will go to war to make sure peace prevails.

We Americans rescued Europe and the world twice from killers in Europe and we have established NATO and the European Union and the IMF and World Bank and the United Nations to create what we believe as win-win situations

We have done it the American way, America never followed Europe's politics; America has always had its own brand of politics

But America will work with all kinds of adversaries all over the world and we will sometimes create adversaries as needed; there is no utopia on earth and we are pragmatic enough to know there is no utopia and we do not want to create a utopian world

America cannot isolate itself from the world; evil will come to us if we do not maintain the most powerful nation, most engaging nation on earth status; but also America must fight homegrown terrorists, Americans who hate America and the federal system, killers like Timothy James McVeigh of the Oklahoma federal building bombing and Dylann Storm Roof of the black South Carolina Church murders and Omar Mateen of the Orlando nightclub murders

Last but not Least, we Americans are not Africans, or Europeans or Asians or Latin or Arabs or Jewish or Christians or Muslims or Hindu and Buddhists, We Americans are all of the above and more

We Americans are not looking to have people loving each other, we are looking for people who can work together.

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