Thursday, June 01, 2017

His Stage and His America: Trump scraps Paris and Berlin for Pittsburgh and Youngstown

Today, this evening, Thursday June 1, 2017, President Trump scrapped Paris climate deal and said he is doing it for America's presence and America's future and that he cannot and will not allow America's future to be mortgaged by foreigners-not exactly his words but that was the essence of the speech in the Rose Garden of the White House today.

Mr. Trump was entertaining more than ever, he brought up numbers, examples, cities, figures, most cannot even verify-maybe true and maybe not, depends on who you ask and if they know or pretend to know or not or if they represent an agenda or not.

Again, President Trump climate announcement was entertaining more than anything else but at least he relates to the average and above average Americans in a way Democrats fail to do; However his focus continues to be the base that elected him president of which was a surprising melange of all types of Americans and not only blue-collar frustrated(for whatever reason) and angry Americans.

Trump will continue to go back and forth, do things halfway but will not abandon his base; Mr. Trump will follow-up on all campaign pledges but always half way

But in reality we need to balance between exploring America's potential and understanding the impact it has on the environment if any; America cannot afford Al Gore extreme  environmental vision and at the same time needs to have true and impartial scientists- (or we need to learn more on our own to formulate opinions and then elect those we believe will give us the best of both worlds to office)- tell us what is the bottom line.

What is next is not clear, the impact of today's announcement might not even be felt until after the next presidential elections and if a new president is elected, he or she might scrap Trump's dramatic climate announcement show and creates a new thing.

But the bottom line we need to try things, we need to see if there are impacts or not, we need to hear the real thing and not the politics of the things; we need to learn and get smart and elect those who represent our educated choices and not our emotional choices; we have a long way to go as Americans to balance between the fact that we cannot withdraw from world affairs, we tried it before and the world went through horrific devastating two world wars; we cannot only embrace America only, we must embrace the world around us, be part of it, maintains military and economic supremacy, however, if we fully embrace Mr. Trump's vision-if there is a vision- will we be able to continue to influence world affairs and maintain much needed for world peace and humanity America's supremacy.

President Donald Trump stands next to the podium after speaking about the U.S. role in the Paris climate change accord, Thursday, June 1, 2017, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

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