Saturday, November 03, 2018

Romancing Iran---Original Post 01/15/2013

During Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, Iran wanted to be a regional power in the Middle East, but it could not, it continued to be an oil producing power, nothing more.

After the 1979 Clerics and Ayatollahs revolution, Iran wanted to be a regional Middle Eastern power through spreading propaganda fears of “exporting” the revolution to the scared neighboring countries, especially to the Arab Gulf monarchies but also it could not.

The Arabs have been too proud, too weary, too suspicious, too historically distrusting Iran and vice versa, that they accepted the tyranny of their Arab brethren than to give their Islamic Iranian “Brethren” the joy of dominance over them.

So where does that leave Iran, what does Iran want besides blackmailing the world community into a dialogue through calculated threats of becoming a nuclear power and its hypocritical and demagoguery and empty and pity threats to Israel every now and then. And to add insult to injury, Iran mastered in between 1979 and now, a unique diplomacy, the Hostage Diplomacy, by picking up and kidnapping foreigners like any outlaw and jail them with no proof or due process and accuse them of what else but the famous “spying”.

They got motivated by America’s humiliation during the hostage crisis of 1979 and the failure of Jimmy Carter to free America’s diplomats. Or maybe it was the curse of the poor exiled ailing and dying Shah that Carter and America decided that he was too of a burden or it did not trust his son Ali to govern.

America knew that the Shah was dying of cancer few months before the end of the “Shahenshah”. The Shah actually through his dictatorship, personal, unrealistic and obnoxious lavish spending and lifestyle contributed the biggest chunk for the fall of Iran in the hands of the Mullahs.

Actually besides the other factors, I think the Shah was an obstacle to the very much needed Shiite power in the Middle East, that was to do the job of supporting tiny Shiite groups like Hezbollah in Lebanon, and later on in Iraq and supporting forces that were created in the Middle East like Hamas in Gaza and Jihad and the rest of these “Media Terrorists” to balance and even substitute for the failing and corrupt Arab liberals and their flipside, the military generals. And to create a momentum for a calculated, again, democratic rise that is now paving the way to political popular organizations dressed with the flag of Islam to rule and create not a regime drive towards peace with the State of Israel, but a popular drive by the same entities that keep publicly attacking Israel but somehow will ensure on the popular level that the peace with Israel, which should be the case anyway, is something that appeals to the masses in the Arab and Islamic countries in the Middle East and beyond. Because if this drive to peace comes from seemingly conservative religious political parties, then it would definitely have the pragmatic appeal it needs and the credibility to pass.

Arab tyrants and regimes have lost all credibility and crumbled or one by one start to crumble. They lacked popular support, so no other alternative but the use of Islam, rather than Arab nationalism and traditional Arab politics.

The continuation of Iran’s Hostage Diplomacy- the other side of it- on the surface appears to be threatening the world, the US, and Israel with nuclear power but in reality Iran wants dialogues and recognition and here we reach the hard part, to some.

Iran wants some sort of recognition of a status like Turkey as the main Islamic powers. Iran wants talks and wants pampering and wants most importantly to avoid popular revolution that if it takes place, it could very well send the clerics to the same finale and destiney of Shah Pahlavi and maybe worse. The Iranian people have had it but waiting for the ignition to start and for leaders to arise.

The results of the questionable 2009 presidential elections in Iran caused massive popular uproar that Tehran did not witness since the religious scholars seized power from the Shah in 1979. The Iranians are fed up with the status quo, fed up with the privileges and status scholars have in comparison with the rest of the country and fed up with a deteriorating economic situation that should not be the case in a leading oil producing country like Iran- the Iranians stand in line to fill their car with Gas.

The Iranians are also fed up with the adventurous and seemingly confrontational style of their president Ahmadinejad. The Iranian wants freedom, they long to the day when their country get rid of Supreme Ayatollahs, the new Shahenshahs, and their cronies and be just a regular country with a president and a parliament.

Iran longs for the time when they can say and talk and just breathe freedom and for women to thrive with and without head cover; it’s up to them and not to the clerics. The governing religious body in Iran has substituted the repressive Shah regime with another repressive regime, different names, but same methods.

The defunct regime of Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi had the “Savak” as its oppressive Paramilitary army to control the lives of the people and the Mullahs now have the “Basij” to continue the job. The Iranians do not go as of now as far as asking for a regime change completely, they are asking for more freedom and more democracy. But I think they want more and will not settle for middle ground. The Iranians historically have moved from one extreme to the other- Maybe now they have learned to get things done on stages.

The future of Iran might turn to be as of its neighboring Turkey, with a liberal democratically elected Islamic party and with the religious scholars going back to their natural place, where they belong, modestly speaking, which is the place of education and universities and Mosques.

Picture is courtesy of PBS Frontline from images of the 2009 revolution. (link not active)

Picture is courtesy of PBS Frontline from images of the 2009 revolution.
Check link:
Romancing Iran Jamil M. Shawwa Posted January 15, 2013

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Rage, Rage Kavanaugh: Everybody Rides Kavanaugh

Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh speaks at the Senate Judiciary Committee, Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018 on Capitol Hill in Washington. (Michael Reynolds/Pool Image via AP)

Rule of law, due process and fairness require the accuser in a court of law to show proof of misconduct; same rules put the burden of proof on the accuser not the accused if the state on behalf of the accuser moves to file a lawsuit before a court of law.

In Kavanaugh's case, Trump's Supreme Court Nominee, the evidence of sexual misconduct or a pattern of sexual misconduct brought up in public by few accusers and witnesses and primarily by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford- now looks like not completely conclusive while at the same time strong enough to cast numerous doubts on the judge judicial temperament, heavy drinking he bragged about during the September 27, 2018 hearing  and possible blackouts happened to him as the result of heavy drinking and partying which possibly confirm the accusers accusations and at the same make them almost impossible to confirm especially after over 36 years and no solid recollection of the events.

The FBI report into Kavanaugh's alleged sexual misconduct released today, Thursday October 4, 2018- the Senate has a copy and the White House has a copy- the report cannot be shared publicly and for understandable reasons as people who testified and interviewed by the FBI need their confidentiality and privacy to be protected- so far again it looks like there is no conclusive conclusion to damn or "convict" Kavanaugh; Chuck Grassley, Republican Senate Judiciary Committee Chief-  according to the Associated Press said  ' No hint of misconduct in FBI report on Kavanaugh's sexual misconduct'

However the rage and anger Kavanaugh's showed at everything Democratic and the partisan outburst he displayed against the Democrats and the Clintons while defending his record and life could make it easier to doubter senators especially female Republican senators and red state Democratic senators to say no; don't confirm Kavanaugh.   

Regardless whether Kavanaugh was fed the rage he obviously and highly emotionally showed on September 27th, 2018 and was pushed to act the way he acted- by Trump and his lawyers; Trump and his Fox News supporters felt Kavanaugh in the night before the senate testimony Fox interview acted like a choir boy- or he did it out of deep anger and resentment towards a process he portrays as so unfair to him and untrue or because of his bias against everything not Republican and at everyone who's Democratic- the display is so troublesome that seriously would or should again make undecided women Republican senators and male red state Democratic senators in the Senate think few times before voting him into the Supreme Court. 

Another troublesome behaviour Kavanaugh displayed is the mental belief that he has the undisputed right to be on the Supreme Court and that he earned the credentials; he said he served George W. Bush and that he served the US Government at highest levels and that he earned multiple FBI clearances and that he 'worked his tale off' at Yale and that he was the top of his class in addition to saying he did not have sex for 'years and years'- as if not having sex is by itself a proof of innocence from the alleged sexual misconduct; actually on the contrary such claim could show opporessed desires- and he never had blackouts at parties in which  almost all related persons including him confirmed he was fond and active planner and participant: Basically Kavanaugh believes he is so clean, so polished, so educated, so "perfect" and fits a "picture" or an image,  that no way he should be denied what he worked for all his life-to be a United States Supreme Court Associate Justice.

But again the process is so political and politicized and really it has been like this for the longest time.  The bottom line: Everyone rides now Kavanaugh to achieve something; Trump and his supporters have Kavanaugh as a dark horse or trojan horse to rally the base to win the midterm elections or at least keep the senate Republican as it looks like the House is already lost; Democrats need now as well a big victory and nothing would cement such victory in the upcoming midterm elections more than keeping Kavanagh out of the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh himself needs to ride Kavanaugh to get his dream job fulfilled.

The senate will vote Friday and Saturday October 5th and 6th, 2018 to either confirm or reject Kavanaugh.

The Accuser: Christine Blasey Ford
Angry Kavanaugh
Matt Damon Portraying Kavanaugh's Rage
Kavanaugh Senate Incident and Behaviour
Women Against Kavanaugh
America and Trump and the Battle of Kavanaugh
Trump attacks Christine Blasey Ford in Ultra Red Southaven, Mississippi
Democrats and Republicans Ride Kavanaugh
Chuck Grassley

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Trump, Elevate Vladimir Putin And Start A Cold War

In the picture, Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, looks over towards U.S. President Donald Trump, left, as Trump speaks during their joint news conference at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland, Monday, July 16, 2018. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
In 2001, George W Bush said “I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy,”; Bush was talking about none but Vladimir Putin, the most controversial Russian leader since Soviet Stalin. America in fact has been allies with the Soviets and then the Russians-once they decided that socialism and communism will destroy the country and ends dramatically the "Soviet empire"-  since 1917 when scammers claim to be proletarians killed the Rasputin controlled Czar dynasty and created a fraud called communism which is none but a gemic where few dictators controlling millions, rubbing them from basic human rights and dignity in the name of nationalization and 'people's owning means of production rather than private initiative and capitalism; the Cold War following WWII was probably the biggest scam politics have created and humanity ever witnessed and endured.

In 2018 Donald Trump who is probably as controversial as Putin  sided with the Russian president in what many consider a 2016 elections meddling scandal that eventually could lead Trump to be impeached and removed from office. 

In a press conference with Putin in Helsinki, Finland, Trump said that Putin made a very strong argument against hacking the 2016 American Presidential elections contrary to what US intelligence community confirmed and concluded as meddling; Trump later on the following day in America said that he "misspoken" was "mistaken" and that he meant the opposite of what he said in Russia and  now he believes Russia meddled and hacked the 2016 presidential elections. Trump opponents blasted his Helsinki performance and some called him "traitor, like former CIA Director Brennan in a tweet following the infamous press conference on 07/16/2018. Prior to the Helsinki meeting the American President-Trump- called America "foolish", "stupid" and other names for what he said disastrous relations with Russia by other presidents prior to his presidency and for America distancing itself from Russia.

But during the infamous Helsinki press conference on Tuesday July 16 2018 Trump and Putin shed the light on their cooperation in regards to  international issues the US wants Russia to participate and wants the Russians to have high profile while occasionally or almost always appear as an adversary; for world powers (five+Germany) to do business the world has to be polarized.

Aftermath of the end of the Cold War, The Soviet Union was done, finished, defeated, humiliated and gone; and Russia as such emerged, broken, defeated, humiliated but not finished; America has to play a saviour again to what looks like to the unproven and untested eye as an adversary that for some must not rise again.

Not America; America believes in and practices win-win situations; after WWII, we helped Japan, and Germany to rise to become first class world powers; America benefited from making adversaries allies; we did not get stuck on the notion of Germans and Japanese horrific WWI actions, we looked the right way, the other way, and helped Europe and Asia to rise and then created the idea of the EU and demanded that Germany be for the first time in Europe and for Europe and not against Europe and outside of Europe.

In other few words, Russia now compliments NATO-unbelievable- but at the same time will always play the role of the other side, the adversary, the controversial; if Russia does not play such role, politics will die.

Check: Woodward's Fear, Rosenstein coup and more on Mr. Trump politics and style and his base

مصر الإخوانية يوم تلاتين، دقن و طرحه و شومه و مطوه و سنجه.. بقلم جميل محمد الشوا 06/27/2013

مصر يوم تلاتين حتقوم و مش حتقعد،
حتنزل الشوارع و تقفل الحواري،
مصر يوم تلاتين حتقول و تقول؛ تعبي مش حيروح فاشوش،
مصر حتسوي الهوايل و حتعمل عمايل،
الإخوان جاهزين؛ سبحه و زبيبه و شومه
و في كل ركن دقن و سنجه،
ده العمر مش بعزقه والرياسه زيطه و زمبليطه قاعده و قايمه،
و كان يا مكان شعب نايم، وفي الغيط من الفجرية طالع،
و في المدينة والجزيرة شعب تاني، في العسل صاحي و نايم،
ومصر بعد ماكانت اتنين زمالك و شبرا،
مصر بقت تلات و اربع و خمسه و سته،
شعب صحي بعد آلاف سنين صحي و بعد بعلو حسه للحاكم الأمر خانع مطيع مسالم،
اللي بيقول إخوان و دقن و اللي بيقول بابا أنور و حسني واللي بيقول يا سيسي خش و ارجع، والتاني اللي قام في الميدان بثوره و هوجه، و بعد كده كل زمبه و بمبه،
ده يوم حيكون لمصر، تاني يا مصر، جه مرسي و راح حسني، بس يا بلد، انتي يا بلد يا بتاعه المزاج و الامزجه مرسي انتخب في ساعه تجلي و زهزهه، في ساعه واحده ناس صوتت و غيرها قعدت في بيتها تصوت و للخدود تلطم،
اصحي يا بلد اللي عايزك إخوانية راح و انتخب، و اللي عايزك ليبراليه قعد في بيته يفتي و ينتقد،
اطردي ده و ده، و معاهم بردع و عمرو و حمدين اللي عل النيل رايحين جايين و من غير لازمه و فايده في مكاتب و تلفزيونات البق مفتوح و العقل مقفول.
يا محروسه، اتبهدلتي و اتذليتي من اخوكي و أختك و ابنك و بنتك و اهلك و ناسك.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Mr. Trump Borders: Immigration and Immigrants between Politics and Morality

Mr. Trump has been making the news almost daily since America-to the shock of people inside and outside the United States- elected him President and defeated his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton-Hillary is not better or worse by the way. 

However, Nothing probably has generated more pain to most and joy to few- only In Trump's narrow base and fantasy land- than his theatrical and intentionally calculated immigration tweets and actions and twisted politics; the man separated American born children of 'illegal' migrants from their parents at the borders with Mexico and then scrambled to correct and update and find the kids and the parents to reunite them again together. 

Nothing has been worse in America's history besides detaining Japanese- Americans in camps during WWII and the cruel slavery than what Trump did recently; nothing more inhumane than what took place recently. The whole tragic episode of separating kids from parents has been a harsh episode of playing dirty politics and has nothing to do with immigration reforms, or creating sound immigration policy or even securing the borders with a wall; that is Trump's wall that probably will take some sort of shape to satisfy hungry base for drama and to fill in an inferiority complex gaps with demagoguery speeches. 

But Democrats have not been better; Trump for sure added cruelty to reality but Democrats have skirted the issue for the longest time ; Obama is no better, Bill Clinton is no better but again Trump has been the most tragic in tackling the issues, the most cruel; But is this what we needed as Americans to wake up to; we needed Trump's calculated  cruelty and insensitivity to wake us up and seriously start resolving or agreeing on something that eventually will balance the reality of having millions of 'illegal' immigrants and their kids in America and how do we need to regulate this matter moving forward.

Did we have no choice but to bring a Trump to wake us up; Trump the no feelings alarm clock; Trump the insensitive and obnoxious tweeter; Trump the other side and cruel side of America's coin but a Trump who could prove to be better than his rivals on both sides of the isle in bringing to the surface cruel realities exist and existed for the longest time in America.

But Mexico and other Latin countries no better; America opened it's doors willingly to immigrants, undocumented immigrant, Latinos in particular, to enter America; America could have closed the borders, but it did not intentionally because we needed the Latins to come to America-Trump or no Trump the policy will continue. 

Latin countries, who share and tremendously created the pain of the immigrants in America now; who are at fault as well with their corrupt political regimes who failed to create prosperity and democracy; forced millions of Latinos to sell what they have in their original homelands and take the monumental risks to cross the borders illegally, to pay ransoms to drug traffickers, lowlives, thugs, criminals and border pimps just for a glimpse of hope to be able to cross the borders; Mexico in particular at fault; Mexico: What supposed to be a grand country, has never actually succeeded in anything grand; it has been a symbol of chaos, lawlessness, and broken at the borders and everywhere else hopes.

The immigration and immigrants tragedy is so complicated to the degree politicians in Washington decide to complicate and continue to use as bargaining chips to play dirty politics; the issue can be resolved if politicians choose to resolve. Otherwise we will continue to have tragic episodes from time to time. 

But again, if Trump did not act in cruel way, we probably would not have spend all this time with such attention to finally address the borders tragedy and the tragedy of undocumented people inside America who gave up everything and risked everything including the worse ever which is to be separated from their children and to be under the mercy of borders pimps and the politicians in Washington and their countries, for a thin line of hope that their kids, one day will live securely and humanly in the land of opportunities and hope and grand dreams in other words to live in America.

Check related:
Trump Immigration and Trump Collections

Trump Politics: Isolationism or Just Politics

Trump Doctrine

"Poor Mexico, so far from God, and so close to the United States” by Jamil Shawwa

More on Mexico Politics

Latin countries obviously so problematic, so corrupt, so malicious, so dangerous that pregnant women prefer to die climbing US walls rather than staying home

President Donald Trump speaks during a roundtable about the tax reform at the South Point Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nv., Saturday, June 23, 2018. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

حماس: قتلة برخصة إقليمية ودولية ومفاوضين برخصة إقليمية ودولية بقلم: جميل محمد الشوا

حماس بتشتغلش لحالها، حماس بدت لما إسرائيل كانت في غزة؛ حماس بين مصر وإسرائيل- مش ممكن تعيش من غير الاتنين والامريكان

بدل الصواريخ، حماس بتبعت البني آدميين يموتوا

حماس خدمت إسرائيل بتحسين شبكات الدفاع والمضادات للصواريخ

حماس خدمت إسرائيل بتحسين كيف تقضي على الانفاق اللي حماس حفرتها تحت الارض

وهلچيت يا اهل غزة ويا أهل الضفة ويا أهل فلسطين في القدس وغزة والضفة، في مهمة جديدة لحماس وهي تجربة جديدة وكالعادة للشعب الفلسطيني مميتة ولدولة إسرائيل خدمة جليلة وهي جعل آلاف يائسين يحاولوا يعدوا حدود دولية ملهاش دعوة في الدولة الفلسطينية و يمتحنوا كيف إسرائيل تستطيع مواجهة إشي جديد لحدودها منيح وللفلسطينين مميت،

المجتمع الدولي رح مليون مرة يتفهم ويتعاطف اكتر مع إسرائيل من لو حماس متل عوايدها بعتت صواريخ وإسرائيل إضطرت ترد على كل القطاع بالطيارات

الامركان موافقين والمصريين موافقين

حماس مهمتها ارهابيين ومفاوضين تحت الطلب، مهمتها تقديم وتأخير القضية، مهمتها تبعت هدول وهدولاك اللي في اغلبهم يائسين من كل إشي ومن كل حد وبدهم بالقصد يموتوا

حماس وغيرهم چالوا للشعب الفلسطينين مافش فايدة,  ولكوا روحوا موتوا، ويمكن على جنة حماس اللعينة تروحوا؛ جنة الرحمن مش لحماس والأعوان

حماس مجرمين مرتزقة متل طالبان وحزبوله

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Starbucks: No coffee, No toilet, No respect for you....Black America

I was not surprised it happened; I was kind of expecting it to happen, something stupid to happen, something obnoxious to happen, somewhere, at a Starbucks or similar establishment across every day USA.

It has been happening almost daily in every day America.

The 'incident' at Philadelphia Starbucks where and when two black"individuals" as Starbucks described them in its first official statement following the arrest of those "individuals". Starbucks in its first reaction to the humiliation of black America at one of its branches did not dare to say what it should have said and it did not dare to describe the two men as it should have described but instead it carefully chose carefully worded description and said individuals rather than and instead of saying customers.

Starbucks refused to say or admit that the two humans who went to buy coffee and wait for a friend to arrive were actually customers and not as their manager in Philadelphia and the police in Philadelphia described them and called them ... "trespassers'.

Two humans, two men, two customers,  went to buy coffee at a Starbucks, which by the way sells horrible coffee, they burn their beans;  these two individuals got arrested because they asked to use the bathroom before ordering and while waiting for the friend to arrive.

Starbucks like many food establishments across America and elsewhere around the world , but only in cities, or mostly in big cities, lock their toilets and some say only customers allowed to use toilets, which is in some instances reasonable accommodation however in the case of Starbucks as most probably if not all do, once the customer enters and say I will order, locks should become unlocked. But again, Starbucks is not a restaurant, and even if it were a restaurant and in restaurants it happens all the time, customers or diners enter, and tell servers we will not order until their guests arrive, and set at the table and go to toilets reserved only for customers- it is polite anyway if waiting for friends to arrive not to order before friends arrive.

Starbucks failed people on that day in April in Philadelphia and failed it's customers and failed its"individuals" and the reaction from corporate exemplifies the failure of that manager on that day at that local branch in Philadelphia.

 It's ok for people and blacks in particular to peacefully boycott Starbucks and boycott will benefit them and all anyway not only to make a statement for that incident in Philadelphia but also for taste reasons as will. 

Check related:
Starbucks Humiliates Black America in Philadelphia

Starbucks vs. Black America

 A sign in a Starbucks located in downtown Pittsburgh on Saturday, March 24, 2018. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Saturday, January 06, 2018

مصر السيسي اليوم: السيسي شايل شعب ورايح چاي موسكو تمنتاشر ٢٠١٨ بقلم: جميل محمد الشوا

السيسي شايل شعب شايل كورة وشايل دماغ وليل نهار بيرص وكلة علشان الدماغ،

مصر ورصة الليلة المفترچة، ليلة الچمعة، وأم كلسوم والكورة وشاي تقيل يچي في نص كباية بيسموه خمسينة،

مصر أهلي وزمالك وطقم حكم أجانب،

مصر كانت مماليك وفراعنة وخواچات كانوا أشكال ألوان ويا المصريين كانوا جيران وأهل وحباب،

مصر من يومها وهيه فرحانة حزينة و دمعة عَل الخد وفِي العين عايشة وبايتة،

السيسي شايل كورة وشعب بتاع دماغ و كورة،

السيسي شايل كورة وفانلة ولابس شورت بكارو،

السيسي بعد طول فراق وآهات وصاچات وكراسي في الكلوبات شايل شنطة وعلى الدماغ طربوش بزر إسود وعلى المطار رايح وعلى موسكو لوحدة من غير المدام طاير،

في موسكو السيسي حيلعب ويا الكبار،

مصر من يومها تحب تلعب وَيَا الكبار،

بس من يوم إسماعيل وفاروق وبتوع ليلة ضلمة كوبية، ليلة إتنين وخمسين، حرامية مجرمين ببدل ظباط صغار ، نهبوا وذلوا وبهدلوا بلد ملايين، والحمير أمموا وطردوا خواجات معاهم كان ملايين وكانوا أمامير طيبين وفِي وسط البلد منورين وفِي چروپي بياكلوا مارون چلاسية ومعاه شاي كومبلية،

نرجع للسيسي وموسكو، السيسي حيكون في روسيا وياة شايل شعب طيب، بس شعب عايش دور فهلوي شچيع سيمة،

السيسي چوة مصر حاچة وبرة مصر حاچة،

مصر إتنين، من يومها إتنين، جوة حاچة وبرة حاچة،

والمصري لعب يوم اللعبة لعب، وشعب متبهدل واكل من أيام الفراعنة مليون آفا وياه في كل لحظة هلل ولعب،

محمد صلاح للشعب اللي عامل غلبان لعب، لشعب الفول والكشري والطعمية والمرشيدش لعب،
وجاب الچون المفترچ اللي من سنين وسنين شعب المية مليون إلا فكة عَلى بلكونة التكية مستنية،

وابتدا شعب الفراعنة من ايّام الفراعنة شغلتة؛ أغاني وطبل ورقص وشوية عِمـل من صلاح فرعون 
ومن جونة عمل يوسف شاهين "حدوتة مصرية"،

هو چون محمد صلاح ولا هو مچهود فريق كامل،

وبعدين يا شعب، من البني آدميين تعملوا فرعون وبعد كدة تلطموا، وعلى مر السنين تعيشوا ندمانين ومولولين،

لا وچاحدين كمان، منكم كان في شوية دماغات من كتر الرص متأنتكة ومتبهدلة، بعد چون محمد صلاح، يقولوا اللي بهدلكوا تاني، يلعب تاني، جيبوا ابو تريكة تاني، ابو تريكة اللي بهدلكوا وبهدل التكية، عايزين تچيبوة من تاني.


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