Saturday, April 24, 2010

Jerusalem, Israel and the Arabs .... by Jamil Shawwa

Now and not tomorrow, Israel and the Arab countries especially Jordan, Egypt- both have diplomatic relations with Israel- with Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian authority must start talking about Jerusalem- maybe they have, what do I know- the city of the three divine religions, the city of love, the city of the synagogues, the churches and the mosques. This city should be preserved as an international and historic landmark. I do not think that there are cities on earth more significant historically or religiously than Jerusalem, I said in previous pieces here how the city is destined to be inhibited by the three divine religions and by the followers of these religions. When you look at the big picture, you realize that this means almost the whole world past, present and future. Jerusalem is looked at and towards from Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australia, and that is the world. In China, Japan, South East Asia included as they have followers of the three divine religions. Now, the Arabs must drop their famous hypocrisy, pretension, and start the long march towards a historic finally peace between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. As I said before, Jerusalem will continue to be the capital of the State of Israel. In the same time, I said that Jerusalem in its eastern parts would be the future capital of the future state of Palestine. Jerusalem will always and it should be an open city, no barriers and no fences, no fights, and no terror, no destruction and no hatred. Start the dialogue now even before the final status on the West Bank and Gaza strip. We have four legitimate entities with the popular support to do it. The State of Israel, Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian authority. Use the arts of negotiation with no prejudice, and set and talk, converse. It is not a dream, I do not like to dream it, I like to do it. I do not dream for peace between Israel and the Arabs, I want to make it happen. The voices of despair, darkness, terror will shut up for the last time- or they can continue to talk as long as they do not use violence- once the process starts. I know the Arabs, I have family in Gaza, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and in many  other Arab countries and of course here in the US- and I know Israel, I have as I said before very distinguished friends that I call family in the State of Israel, and I know how they long for peace. Again, Israel will be integrated in the new Middle East as a viable country with the state of Palestine in the West Bank and the Gaza strip. Israel will join the Arab League, needs to change the name though to something like The Middle East Union, MEU, and it will be fantastic for commerce, and the well being of the people of the Middle East. Enough- As the late Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin said- suffering. the Arab people in their vast majorities are the most affected by this condition in the Middle East, every excuse on earth is used in the Arab countries for not doing the right thing for their people which is the historic conciliation with the state of Israel. We can dwell on the past, cry on things that we do not control, continue to weep and call things Nakba or Naksa or we can stand up, and talk. You do not lose anything when you talk, but you lose everything even your own self-respect when you hide your face in the sand and pretend that nothing around you exist.

Friday, April 23, 2010

*State of Love III......She Rules..........By Jamil Shawwa

He: but how can we maintain this momentum, how can we continue this level of lovemaking

She: we agreed that it is not the romantic love, it is not the ah and oooooh love, it is stronger, it is the mind love

He: indulge me please, I feel lost, for the first time I feel that I am not in control. Love but not love, mind-making love, are you creating a revolution in the love making process, as we know it.

She: I am! but I am not! It has existed forever but people thought that it comes from the heart though it really comes from the mind. I am of course talking here about the normal love making process; I am not talking about the love making that exists because of any other factors.

He: any other factors? What is this? Am I talking with an analyst here or am I talking with a sensual female that drove me nuts in the number II state of love conversation.

She: I drove you nuts because my mind was in full gear, in full satisfaction, in full desire, and my body just responded naturally to a very stimulating conversation.

He: that is too much for me, too much calculation, too much mind or whatever processing, I just want to make love, can we please do it, I am in the mood.

She: I am not! We are not animals here; I must feel stimulated before...

He: honey, love, baby, cutie pie... come to daddy...

She: my heart is telling me go, my body is pushing me to respond to you playing with me, I can not resist your hands and fingers, and your body indulging, but there is something missing...I can not..

He: Something is missing alright, for sure...too much thinking, you do not feel my love, my touches, we were unbelievable last night, until this brain thing came between us. Please honey, give your mind a break, let your body talks, listen to your body, it is begging you.

She: no dear, my body is not begging me, you are the one that is begging and it is so pathetic... honey, talk to me, stimulate my brain.

He: (busy roaming his everything all over her)

She: baby, stop, no more for now, I cannot make love with my body, I cannot make love with my heart, and I have to make love with my mind. I know it is hard, I know it is unnatural, I know that we are revolutionizing the love making process, I know it feels as if we are machines, but we are not, my mind has to get warm before my body part does.

He: ok, you go ahead and revolutionize the love making process, as for me, I'm not a revolutionary person, I go by the flow, and I'm very happy with the good old fashion love making process, where I use my other parts to make things happen and give my brain a break and just let the animal senses do the job

She: well, with me, tonight, right now, your animal senses cannot work.


For entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance with any real life situations or people is just a mere coincidence. These conversations are not related to any specific person or persons. They are general human observations from life.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

*State of Love II a Sequel Jamil Shawwa

He turned around in a very slow motion, in a very lazy way, more like rolling rather than turning and there she was with her eyes wide open, wearing nothing but her sensuality and a little warm cotton blanket that complemented her vibrant, silky and warm body as if it was part of hers. Her looks were so confident and satisfied as she was walking through his motions- with her eyes only- noticing every movement he has been making even before he woke up, looking towards him as if she was expecting him to look, roll or turn. He said good morning,

Good morning, she said, and gave him the smile of the victor, the satisfied, and her long by the shoulder, as he likes it, straight hair added vigor to her smile.

He: I am so happy

She: I am happy too

She: it is amazing

She: what

He: we were both together, in the same time, it rarely happens

She: rarely very true

He: how

She: not sure, and I do not want to know

He; you are right, why ruin the moment

She: no way, I still feel it

He: really

She: of course, it is still with me

He; oh yes, I remember now, we immediately slept

She: yes, we could not move from the bed and the bed did not want us to leave, there was a little of a struggle there but the bed won as if it wanted everything that happened to stay still.

He: I wonder if we can repeat the story, the action, I wonder if we can hit the replay button and have it all over again with no changes, just duplication

She: no way, I do not want to duplicate, I do not want to repeat the same thing; I do not.

He: but you said that it was something that rarely happens

She: yes, and that is why I do not want to duplicate...

He: so is it love

She: no, I mean it is not love the way we say and feel love, it is stronger, as if our minds who made love and not our bodies. Our minds made love even before we met. What followed was natural. It is so strong; we can make love to each other any time anywhere, even if we were not together. What we had was not love; it was the meeting of the minds in a very complicated way with the love making as the climax of that meeting.


For entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance with any real life situations or people is just a mere coincidence. These conversations are not related to any specific person or persons. They are general human observations from life.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Religions In Public Jamil Shawwa

I was fortunate enough to exchange some ideas with very distinguished friends on Facebook and I thought to bring my notes regarding religions in public schools into this third and final trio on public education. I believe in the separation between religions and public schools, Religions in public schools cannot be taught because of the diverse- in open societies- background of the students. Religions also are a private matter between the person and God or the persons' faith and whom they worship. Countries at some point must choose if they want to adapt secularism or theocratic form of government. Having a mix will not and does not work. There will always be conflicts between the two. In the United States, religions are not taught in public schools, period. There are countries though with special status as the Vatican and to a certain extend Saudi Arabia that the teaching of the religion is in the core of their existence. In the case of the Vatican, it is clear, as the head of the Catholic Church. In the case of Saudi Arabia, the country really is not a regular country with regular form of government but is fully based on the religion or the alliance between the royal family and the Wahabi sect of Islam. The family runs the country affairs and the Wahabi runs the religious foundation. It is for the Saudis as any other country to decide if they ever have the chance to decide. For the rest of the world, Parents who are interested in teaching their kids religions, any religion, can do that through private education. When students go to higher education, colleges and universities, they can study anything they want if it is their choice. Public schools by definition, is the main, free primary education for all. See the links below. While at school In Gaza and Jerusalem, my heart broke during the religion class every time my colleagues who happen to be Christians would leave the classroom and go to another classroom. This should not happen; no one should ever feel different based on religion, race, color, cultural background, language, gender, etc. Maybe the logistics demanded this situation, but the style and the procedures matter. That practice existed and probably still exists in The Middle East even in private schools. Still, public schools are different, they are usually funded completely by the taxpayers’ money and it is for all. I agree that students from other religions had their religious teaching but the point I want to make is that those who happen to be Christians had to leave the classroom, and not us the Muslims, why? Because they were few students, less than 5% sometimes of the class population. This was humiliating. Now, maybe if we all had to leave that class and go somewhere else, maybe the picture would have been easier to swallow. Again, people will differ about the role of religions in society, I think religious schools can exist and should exist in any society as parallel to the public education. In the United States, you can send your children to any kind of schools as long as it is authorized and licensed by the state. We have here Jewish schools, Christian schools, Muslims, Hindu, etc.

In Cairo University, also, the non-Muslims were required to go through Islamic laws and the Quran teaching concerning the legal system classes because it is part of the legal system. Again, what if a society decides with their 100% free well that they want the religion to be part of the system and that they want the religion to be taught. In that case, religions in law schools for example must be taught to all because it is part of the legal system and has nothing to do with coercing a student to learn something that is not part of their beliefs.

During our Facebook discussion which actually was triggered by a piece of news that came from Egypt stating that there were acts in certain areas of forcing non-Muslims to read and memorize verses of the Quran. I replied stating if that practice exists, forcing nun-Muslims to read and memorize verses of the Quran, then this is a crime by itself in my book and it should immediately be banned and fought by all legal means.

Read: ...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Public Education in the United States... Political Analysis by Jamil Shawwa

In Brown Vs. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), The Warren Court, in reference to Earl Warren, the United States Supreme Court Chief Justice, the *Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students and denying black children equal educational opportunities unconstitutional. That ruling at that time reestablished The United States Supreme Court active role in shaping and reshaping the nature of the political system in America. Public education movement started in my opinion from that day on. In 1957, President Eisenhower used the ultimate federal power by sending troops to Little Rock, Arkansas- Hometown of Bill Clinton- to open the road and the path for nine black students to attend an all white public school. That action has not been done since reconstruction that followed the civil war between the south and the north. President Kennedy in the early 60s did something similar. All these historic events were the foundations to the current public school system that we have now here in the United States. The system politically is not perfect yet, states specially in the south until now tries to rezone certain districts to avoid just appealing as discriminatory, making sure to try to avoid a one ethnic public schools. Of course, it is there now but not based on segregation among ethnic groups but mainly due to the demographics. **The public school system provides the rights to all children in America to have a free education until grade 12, or the end of high school. The system is run by the states with overall ***legal supervision and monetary influence from the federal government. The education concept in America is different than any other country or at least it's purpose is highlighted in a way that you do not find in any other society as ****Jeanne Lombardo explains and I quote "Yet, many Americans also believed that too much learning might set one citizen above another, thus violating the democratic ideals that education was supposed to promote. Education should, in the minds of ordinary people, be geared to provide direct practical benefits. It should focus on providing training for a livelihood. Anything beyond that was considered elite." when I first went to school, then college, and then to the graduate school, my goal really was to obtain the degrees but the concept above makes all the sense. Education is not a goal by itself or it should not be a goal by itself, it is a vehicle to a goal, better living, more enjoyment and giving back to the community that you live in and personal prosperity. Our public schools though the concept is excellent; the practice is not. The system is falling behind in many states and within each state for many reasons. Teachers are not inspiring children as they used to do, they are worried rightly so in part about there livelihood, schools can downsize and either relocate teachers, moving them to part time or laying them off. Some teachers as here in the District of Columbia, Washington DC, have been fighting to keep the tenure system, which in a way provides employment for life though many are not qualified. Michelle A. Rhee, Washington DC School Chancellor has been pioneering this effort of breaking the tenure system. I know Washington DC and I know some other areas, and I know the teachers and I know that the system needs to be reformed.

*****"Waiting For Superman" a movie that tells the stories of many children across metro areas in America as Washington DC, Los Angeles, and New York City that focused on the deteriorating state of our public schools system across the country. It shows stories about kids who could not read or do math and it shows according to it's writer, see footnote below, how our kids are getting depressed because the system is telling them that they are below average and that they can not keep up and that they are in a sense do not belong here. Our kids are suffering; the way we grade our first grade and second grade kids is appalling, so complicated that when I looked at my daughter's report card I got shocked, first I did not understand and had to bring an interpreter, the wife, who said that she does not recall having the same thing when she was a kid and then I went to my regular teacher-parent conference and that teacher looked at me as if I was coming from outer space or some sort of an alien. The kids in second grade are judged based on 14 categories, again, I, with two law degrees could not understand who is the genius or the lunatic, it depends on how you look at things, which came up with such system. What are we trying to do here, are we trying to create a super human, and are we trying to outcast any child that might appear as normal or not genius.

I had lunch today with a gracious lady friend who told me that her relative's 12 years old daughter was required to do an Excel sheet with graphs and point markers, what is that, and present a power point presentation. Ok, we need to compete and we need to be the best in everything but at what price, and if we are doing it, are we succeeding, and if we have been succeeding, why are we importing scientists and medical experts, doctors and nurses from all over the world to cover the shortage we have here. I must though intercept myself here to state that America has and will always be the place that will attract people from all over the world to come and succeed. This is how America was built and this is part of America’s genius, it is really the melting pot of all human civilizations. After that interception, I have to say that to continue that strategy, we must as well take care of those at home and continue to promote a solid inspiring education. The kids are afraid and they should not, the teachers are worried and sometimes not qualified and they should not. One more thing, to those mad geniuses that created the grading system and the report cards and all these psychological tests to check the abilities of our normal kids, I have one or two words, get a life.


* wikipedia

**wikipedia-Public education can also be post-secondary education, advanced education, or universities, colleges, .... University Press of America. ISBN 0-7618-3331-5.

*** States have to comply with the constitution of the United States and federal court decisions and federal laws.



Tuesday, April 13, 2010

*A Journey in a Woman's Jamil Shawwa

She is confused,

She is angry

She does not know what to do

She thinks that she is in love

Nevertheless, she does not know how to handle

He is different,

He is stubborn

He is strong, or maybe he thinks he is

She is weak, or maybe she thinks that she is weak

She thinks that he is strong

She might have misunderstood his kindness as a sign of

She has someone that she does not love

Or she thinks that she does not love

She is bored with her life or thinks that she is

She is confused, but not desperate, she fluctuates and
changes her mind faster than a bird switching or flying from tree to tree, or a crazy driver swaying from lane to lane, not knowing where to go or how to go...

She is not willing to enjoy the ride or the Journey. She is only looking for the destination.

She does not know that in order to reach the destination, you must go through the Journey

She might have finally realized that she is best if she is left to the way she is, no change needed, change is difficult, and sometimes it is just not needed. She prefers security to happiness.

He wishes her the best, and wishes her love and stability; she deserves them, every human does.


For entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance with any real life situations or people is just a mere coincidence. These conversations are not related to any specific person or persons. They are general human observations from life.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

*I have a Headache; I am not in the Jamil Shawwa

She: I am not in the mood

He: you are never in the mood, not sure what to do

She: not sure what to do with what? The lovemaking or me?

He: well, now this is a cheap shot. I meant you. No problem there in the lovemaking.

She: try new things, you always do your routine, I am bored.

He: well, why do not you be creative this time and try to finesse me...

She: Not in the mood, I have a headache

He: oh, yeah, the headache story...again, it is the oldest trick in the book

She: what do you mean; you think I am lying, and what book are you talking about?

He: The lovemaking book, anyway, but it has been a month since you have been having these headaches, maybe you should examine your head_ he is saying that maliciously, he means her mental status.

She: no, I am ok, it comes and goes... and I got the real meaning by the way, do not try to be clever.

He: yes, it comes and goes when I come and it goes when I leave the bed. I notice things, you know, I am not completely blind as you think.

She: well, you have to live with it.

He: until when

She: until I am in the mood

He: oh, very kind of you, so you want me to be on a leash, a poppy dog, you call and cuddle when you are in the mood and kick away and lock somewhere when you are not in the mood. Well, no more.

She: no, honey.

He: please do not honey me; I have not tasted it for over a month and it all because of you

She -maliciously-: I have few Jars in the kitchen; help yourself.

He: oh, thanks a million, I live here and I do not know where the honey is

She: you asked

He: you know what I meant; stop playing mind games

She: I do not understand; I am not excited anymore, I mean, I do not get excited easily anymore.

He: why don't you take some hormones, they might help, even you

She: even me, ok, I will let it pass this time. It is not the hormones, I checked, I am ok.

He: well, then, this left only one other reason for your condition, maybe... me.

She: I do not know, it is not the same

He: the same! You just said that you do not want to do it because it is the same routine, now you are saying that you do not want to do it because it is not the same... I think we might need to test your mental status, Love.

She: Love... you have not called me love in quite some time

He: I have been calling you, but you have not been listening, you see my lips moving but you do not hear me. You look at me and I am just a ghost.

She: honey, stop it, not sure what happened but I am starting to feel your words in my ears, your picture is getting clearer, I see the real you. Baby, it seems that the headache is gone all of a sudden, not sure why, I'm starting to feel my body more; it is talking back to me, it is urging me to do something, it is kicking all over. I am starting to notice things in you that I have not seen in quite some time, at least from this angle. Go ahead, use the same routine, and do not change a thing...

He: well, I am...

She: Shush, turn off the lights and wrinkle the sheets.

He: Yes, Ma'am

For entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance with any real life situations or people is just a mere coincidence. These conversations are not related to any specific person or persons. They are general human observations from life.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

*State of Jamil Shawwa

She: you cannot love me

He: why

She: because you do not love me, you love the woman inside me

He: same thing

She: No, I am unique, I am me, nobody else, but the woman in me is found in every woman

He: I am afraid that you have lost me...maybe I am not smart enough to follow this complicated logic and philosophy

She, smiling: that we know.... when you look at me, you do not see me, when you touch me, you do not touch me, when you make love to me, it is not with me.

He: I am listening

She: it is the female that you are seeking, it is the joy that you have in the company of women..This is your life; I am just one that happened to be passing by you. You did not find me; you stumbled by me. I see it in every minute you spend with me or when I am away from you.

He: you are giving me more credits than I deserve, that is if we want to consider what you just said a credit.

She: maybe, you love every woman on earth, you enjoy the touch of any woman, and you would love to make love to every female body. When you go to places, your eyes are all over the place, it is so embarrassing, to me I mean, not you, you love it. I feel your love but I do not feel special, I do not feel unique, I just feel a number and not a human. Probably if I leave now and another woman passes by your table, you would invite her and continue the conversation we had just before I left but not with me, with her, as if nothing has changed and as if no new woman, another woman is setting with you and not me. How can I feel unique if I know that this is the way you feel. I do not want to be a number, I want to be yours, but I cannot stay with you if you cannot remember my name

He: your name is....

She: see, I told you, you could not even say it. You just love love.
For entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance with any real life situations or people is just a mere coincidence. These conversations are not related to any specific person or persons. They are general human observations from life.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Education in The Arab World.... by Jamil Shawwa

In my opinion, and I lived in couple of places in The Middle East and The Arab World, that, well, probably again as in any society in the world, education starts with the family and then schools. The main problem in the education system in the Arab world is that it is so centralized and so under the complete and sole responsibilities of the governments. There are of course private schools as anywhere else, but the focus of this piece here is on public education. Schools in the Arab world are not schools but are shelters to put the children in, open their brains and pour the information, then close the brains on anything else. There is no creativity and there is no training on how to think. The education should be based on the following, and I am talking from my own experience with the education in four places: Gaza, Jerusalem, Cairo, and the United States:
1- Free education for all up to 12th grade, secondary school. Decentralized the schools to accept funds, and donations and create a parallel PTA system- Parents Teachers Association to monitor and support the school system. Public schools in America are free until the end of high school. PTAs help schools be better, raise funds, participate in school activities and maintain the schools physically with the help of the local governments, the state and the county.
2- No more, free higher education. My law school in Cairo University was like a warehouse and not a place for enlightenment. Once, I had -arguably- a mentally retarded dean by the name of Dr. Noman Gomaa, who became later the chairman of Al-Wafd political party and then was kicked out for trying to dictate and at some point violently his ways on the party; he was calling for democracy and he was the ultimate dictator. While he was dean of law school at Cairo University, he banned us, the students, from entering the main entrance of the main building and ordered the staff to administer the student work through windows from the outside. This dean is not the exception. Egypt's example applies probably to every Arab country; I mentioned it because I happened to study there and not to pick on the country. Egypt has contributed tremendously to the overall modernity in the Arab world and it continues to do so.
3- Free, the government or the state owned universities, meaning, create board of trustees to run the universities as in all advanced societies. The board of Trustees is responsible to raise funds and establish the overall policies. This type of universities- as in the US- though technically established and funded by public funds, it is chartered to run its own affairs and it has complete independence under the overall general guidelines of the state.
4- Allow, based on a credential process, the establishment of private schools. It exists right now in almost every Arab country but it needs to be more encouraged.
5- Most importantly and hopefully, as in any advanced society, companies and individuals once they see the transparency and the credibility of the school system, would donate funds for their schools and colleges. Business people and private companies and organizations are not encouraged to donate, they feel that their donations might open a can of warms as for the source of their fortunes. In a culture that believes in conspiracy theories, self-doubt and random and baseless accusation, people with means to contribute are extremely discouraged. Education is a lifetime process, it starts through the parents or the guardians from the moment the child opens its eyes to the end. In between the start and the end, there are many stages, schools are the spine of education, straighten the spine and the whole body will be straight and healthy.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

*Wife Says: Words, words, words, and more words….you only give me words….by Jamil Shawwa

He: It is my turn to speak up now; enough silence and enough complacency. You have no feelings.
She: wow, someone is up early this morning, I wish though if it was the other thing, my little thing..
He: yes, I am up and I am not going down until I get justice around this house or something. Oh, please, and what are you talking about that other thing, you have no shame, it is always ready but it does not have the right key to turn it on.
She: do not play the victim part here, do not use what you think is a political skill that you have; you do not, to turn the tables upside down.
He: you cannot blame me for revolting, all these years of no communications, no talk, even when it was done, the thing you know, it was so mechanical, no feelings and no warmth.
She: well, you need to warm me up.
He: oh, God, not again, you set there do nothing and except me to warm you up. Please work with me here.
She: you lost interest; you do not like me anymore. Your interests are somewhere else, far away or maybe close, not sure.
He: all this love, that is it, no use, I do not know what to say. There is one word remaining in my dictionary that I am very hesitant to use.
She: go ahead, have the guts to use it, you are afraid, you know that I have the same word but I have the guts to use and so far decided not to.
He: you do not deserve it, you never did.
She: what; it seems that we are talking about different words. Ok, I have an idea, let us write our words on paper and open them up together and see if we both have the same word.
He: ok, here goes nothing
She: oh, God, I cannot believe it, maybe we should not play this game.
He: let me see what you wrote. Aha, I knew it, your word was Divorce me, and my word was; I love you. Well, that is it I guess, no more peace efforts, no more negotiations, and no more nice and little talk. The time is now, either now or never..
She: ok, ok stop it, lunch is ready.
For entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance with any real life situations or people is just a mere coincidence. These conversations are not related to any specific person or persons. They are general human observations from life.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

*Divorce Socrates Jamil Shawwa

Socrates wife was very famous, not as famous as her husband was, the great Greek philosopher but she was famous. She was well known not for enriching the world with science and philosophy but for her terrible temper, bad manners and the daily dose of mental torture of which she used to supply her husband.

Some claim that if it were not for her mental torture and abuse, he would not have been the great philosopher who gave humanity a wealth of information on all subjects of life; Theories historians and modern scientists built on. He was famous of trying to get answers to anything and everything, loved to argue and discuss, of course, this style did not set well with the wife.

I do not want to judge Socrates wife, I was not there to witness the treatment. Maybe he was terrible with her, maybe he never understood her, maybe she was very demanding -or not at all- in bed and elsewhere, and he did not enjoy making love with her, maybe his type of women are different.

Again, the maybes go on and on. The main issues here, regardless if it was his or hers, that there have been problems and the problems are, why we humans or some of us at least keep associate ourselves with people who torture us, mentally I mean. Why do we stick with them? Why Socrates did not divorce his wife, and why she did not ask for a divorce, maybe she did, I am not sure.

We tend to accept the norms, we tend to stay with what we think is secure; probably we do not know any better or mostly we are lazy to make a change, that is sometimes a drastic however so important change.

A woman who does not love her companion once said that she is with him until someone else or better comes along. What logic is this and what character is hers. That woman is not alone, probably most of us share the same mentality or opportunistic approach, and that is why most people are still married or in relationships.

We tend to accept the comfortable, and to accept destiny without questioning. Again, it is laziness more than anything else-in my opinion, probably that is the main thing, or there are other people that depend on the relationship to continue. Socrates was the exception to the rule, we are not; we are just normal humans.

Mr. Putin Runs Jamil Shawwa

A relative once told me: Son,  Intelligence Services rule the world. This statement is at least true when it comes to the star of this article, the former KGB officer and the former Russian president and the current Prime Minister of Russia under his protégé the Russian president Medvedev, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Putin has become a Russian phenomenon. People of Russia love him, trust him, and in the same time are afraid even to question him not out of fear but out of the unknown. the Russians have used since and before the Bolshevik revolution to have a father figure to run the country, the Cesar was until the bloody communist revolution erupted in 1917 and ended the Romanov Family reign of power and it continued with the communists.

Mr. Putin is what some writers and philosophers refer to as the "just dictator" that societies are willing to surrender some of their rights to that one person who they can trust that will provide the basics for them, shelter and security.

I think Russia is moving away from this social contract. Putin will continue to govern the Russian Federation either as number one or number two or he might just at some point withdraws from the scene once he feels comfortable about the stability of Russia.

I was talking the other day with a Russian, originally Ukrainian, woman at work and she said that she does not think that Putin wants to be president again, she said that she believes that he is more comfortable in being the king maker rather than the king himself. I am not sure that I agree completely with her views, I think he might run for president again after the term of Mr. Medvedev ends in 2012. He after all might not follow the conventional wisdom.

Prime Minister Putin has succeeded to a certain degree in stabilizing Russia after the transitional period of president Yeltsin. He controlled to a certain degree but to a comfortable degree the outlaws that run havoc of the country kidnapping and killing the innocent and each other.

Moscow and Russia are much safer right now more than they have been through  the first few years following the collapse of communism, the departure of the last communist president, Gorbachev and the reign of Boris Yeltsin.

Still, investors need to have more rule of law to invest heavily in Russia and more due process to ensure that the mood swings no longer exist and that capital can invest freely without the fear of a government takeover or confiscation.

Putin and the Russian government control directly or indirectly the oil section and it will continue for a while; it is in their opinion the lifeline of Russia. In the United States, our oil companies are controlled by their boards of directors, in Russia Putin is the board of directors.

The most recent and ongoing challenges for Putin have been the terrorists coming from Chechnya and this is Russia's focus now. The terrorists can be defeated, it is not a dreamer's wish, but it is a reality, however, their defeat cannot be done by ignoring the basic needs of Chechnya's and the other republics that felt for ages that the central government in Russia treats them like, correctly so, third class citizens. Russia and Putin must embrace diversity and by doing that, he will isolate the terrorists. Terrorism strives in unjust societies; it feeds on the suffering of the masses. Cut that carbon monoxide from the people, the masses, allow the oxygen to come in their veins and the terrorists will disappear. This is not wishful thinking, it is a way that deserves to be tried and examined.

Russia is a vast country with multiple ethnic groups, republics, cultures. Putin's job is to recreate the Russian identity and build bridges and tunnels to connect the country. He can do that maybe by living to the name of Russia, The Russian Federation, by creating the states system as we have here in the Untied States with each state having an elected governor and parliament to run its affairs while the federal government maintains the overall harmony and sovereignty.

With the state system, you can have a federal government, a federal high court and a federal police and military. Each state, again as in the US, will have its own local state and county law enforcement powers and local or state high court. This system if done and agreed upon in a referendum would ensure Russia's future and will establish Putin as a world and historic leader. I think, as little as I know, that Putin has the seeds to be a great leader, he has the charisma, the experience, the temperament and the popularity. What else does Putin need, one thing, action and actual  show of leadership.

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