Saturday, April 10, 2010

*I have a Headache; I am not in the Jamil Shawwa

She: I am not in the mood

He: you are never in the mood, not sure what to do

She: not sure what to do with what? The lovemaking or me?

He: well, now this is a cheap shot. I meant you. No problem there in the lovemaking.

She: try new things, you always do your routine, I am bored.

He: well, why do not you be creative this time and try to finesse me...

She: Not in the mood, I have a headache

He: oh, yeah, the headache story...again, it is the oldest trick in the book

She: what do you mean; you think I am lying, and what book are you talking about?

He: The lovemaking book, anyway, but it has been a month since you have been having these headaches, maybe you should examine your head_ he is saying that maliciously, he means her mental status.

She: no, I am ok, it comes and goes... and I got the real meaning by the way, do not try to be clever.

He: yes, it comes and goes when I come and it goes when I leave the bed. I notice things, you know, I am not completely blind as you think.

She: well, you have to live with it.

He: until when

She: until I am in the mood

He: oh, very kind of you, so you want me to be on a leash, a poppy dog, you call and cuddle when you are in the mood and kick away and lock somewhere when you are not in the mood. Well, no more.

She: no, honey.

He: please do not honey me; I have not tasted it for over a month and it all because of you

She -maliciously-: I have few Jars in the kitchen; help yourself.

He: oh, thanks a million, I live here and I do not know where the honey is

She: you asked

He: you know what I meant; stop playing mind games

She: I do not understand; I am not excited anymore, I mean, I do not get excited easily anymore.

He: why don't you take some hormones, they might help, even you

She: even me, ok, I will let it pass this time. It is not the hormones, I checked, I am ok.

He: well, then, this left only one other reason for your condition, maybe... me.

She: I do not know, it is not the same

He: the same! You just said that you do not want to do it because it is the same routine, now you are saying that you do not want to do it because it is not the same... I think we might need to test your mental status, Love.

She: Love... you have not called me love in quite some time

He: I have been calling you, but you have not been listening, you see my lips moving but you do not hear me. You look at me and I am just a ghost.

She: honey, stop it, not sure what happened but I am starting to feel your words in my ears, your picture is getting clearer, I see the real you. Baby, it seems that the headache is gone all of a sudden, not sure why, I'm starting to feel my body more; it is talking back to me, it is urging me to do something, it is kicking all over. I am starting to notice things in you that I have not seen in quite some time, at least from this angle. Go ahead, use the same routine, and do not change a thing...

He: well, I am...

She: Shush, turn off the lights and wrinkle the sheets.

He: Yes, Ma'am

For entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance with any real life situations or people is just a mere coincidence. These conversations are not related to any specific person or persons. They are general human observations from life.

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