Saturday, December 31, 2011

Politics as Unusual; the Historic 2011 by Jamil Shawwa

Not since the Collapse of the "evil empire " to quote Ronald Reagan’s favorite about the Soviet Union, and not since the reunification or the disintegration, it depends on how you look at things, of Europe, and Germany's integration in Europe, not vice versa, that the world has witnessed a movement that was inspired and carried on by ordinary people, the masses, you and I, as it has witnessed this year, 2011. The Middle East protesters in their respective countries have risen to say no to politics as usual, have risen to say no to families governing for generations, have risen to remove brutal dictators like the Libyan’s Qazzafi and “benign” dictators like the Egyptian Mubarak and the Tunisian Ben Ali. Have been rising against the Yemeni dictator and succeeding- he is in his way out formally, he also happens to be a benign dictator like Mubarak, and now the battlefield is Syria to remove the last of the true fascists, in modern times, a true brutal police state that Al-Assad created, a true criminal regime and political system that have engaged the Syrians in the worst brainwashing and psychological warfare any totalitarian Stalinist style government could or would have it's people engaged.  But not only the Arab countries in the Middle East or so called Arab countries, but other countries as well, Turkey has ended forever the military oversight and supervision over its government; the generals have no role anymore except to do what the army does in any democratic society, serve and be under the command of the elected executive and government. The State of Israel is evolving in a very vibrant mode, the ultra-religious people there are causing uproar against their treatment of women, the incident where a religious person tried to make a woman to set at the end of the bus and she refused- Rosa Parks of Israel as I have mentioned couple of weeks ago on posts on Facebook. Demonstrations in the State of Israel asking for more economic opportunities, more politics but not as usual, but unusual. The Israeli people are also standing strong against minorities within the settlers’ community in the West Bank who are resorting to armed force, attacking their own military, trying to score political points and have their voices heard, in an extreme way, before the eventual and expected establishment of the Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. In Iran, where fake and pretentious ultra-religious people have been suppressing a vibrant culture, the Persian culture, into mental servitude, and into mental suppression; demonstrations there have sent multiple shocks to the system, and Iran will be clean as well, and clear from the religious hypocrites that have been ruling it since 1979. In the United States, the most powerful and democratic nation on earth, people in almost all states are going to the streets asking for more accountability and more transparency and more control over the manipulation or so called and claimed manipulation of Wall Street. In other parts of the world, in Europe, people are rising, and protesting their even elected governments lack of touch with the real average person, in Greece, and other parts of Europe, shocks have been sent to the system; the EU is at a cross road, the Euro is crumbling, and the whole EU system is on top of a live and living volcano.  In Russia people are sending daily shocks to Putin and his protégé, Medvedev, that they cannot just keep taking them for granted and keep switching the presidency back and forth and that Russia cannot live on fears of the so called” West” and Russia cannot live on corruptions and by throwing successful business people behind bars on questionable accusations to say the least; just because they have risen against the new Czar; Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin.  In Korea, a transition of power, from one dictator to his son, correct, but not the same, it’s making the two Koreas closer. India is rising as the third economic super power, Pakistan is moving closer to a "normal", Indian like, stable democratic process, with Imran Khan, a business man, a sportsman and politician creating some excitement among the Pakistanis.  Almost everywhere in the world, The Middle East protestors are inspiring the population of the world to start thinking, not accept the statuesque, not accepting politicians claims at face value, but to question, and to probe and to ask and order the politicians to give them an item by  item of what they are doing and why. The Middle East, the overall Middle East, the birthplace of the three divine religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the future Middle East with democratic governments  ruling is sending a message to the world that it is changing from a place   of having a reputation of exporting extremism and the usual terrorists, to  a reputation of exporting hope, Peace and civility.  As  for the other stuff, the Middle East, will not  be a place more  or less than any other place is or  would be in regard to good and evil; nothing that  would  stand as out of the ordinary. The people of Israel, Egypt Tunisia, Yemen, and Syria are inspiring the world to act, not set still and accept whatever comes upon them. The famous "silent majority" in every country is standing for the first time in decades and in generations to the extreme minorities, either the governing minorities, not demographically, but in manipulating the wealth and the capital and the potential of their people, to ultra- religious people that want to create a state within the state. The year 2011 was a good year.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Newt! By Jamil Shawwa

In 1992, presidential elections, America elected Bill Clinton as president and dumped the first gulf war victorious president, George H.W. Bush. In the 1994 midterm congressional elections, America decided to give Bill Clinton a reality check, as it usually does to setting presidents in midterm’s elections, and for Congress, moved the majority to the Republican Party. The Republican Party never forgave America for electing   someone with a reputation, the unknown, the nobody, then, Bill Clinton, and for the humiliating defeat of their respectable Bush. The GOP flew to the majority on what they called then the republican revolution, similar to the one that came to existence after the election of Barack Obama in 2008. The leader of that political pragmatic revolution was an unknown politician from the sixth district in the state of Georgia by the name of Newt Gingrich. Gringrich, the history professor, took on his part to defeat Clinton, and he did it actually in a way that is being studied by politicians from all over the world, as to what not to do; the revolution failed miserably. Newt hoping to embarrass the setting president, went on a stubborn budget rhetoric and shut down the federal government, Congress stopped funding, employees were sent home, and the American people walk up with their country, the strongest on earth, paralyzed in political rhetoric and settling old accounts and working along party lines; America could not stand Newt, his party or his revolution. In 1996, the American people sent a huge blow to Newt and his comic revolution and sent him and his party home, reelected Bill Clinton- coming fresh out of the Monica Lewinsky affair. Newt went into the shadows, divorced his wife and married his assistance. George W. Bush was elected in 2000, in part as a vindication to the defeat of his father, but in bigger part, because of the no skilled and annoying demeanor of his challenger, the ever boring, Al Gore. Since then and until now, Newt has been irrelevant, on the sidelines, someone whom almost all considered as a has been, a footnote in the history of American politics, a loser, to many. I personally thought that he is done, and this might still stand. But Newt is emerging, not because of his talents, although he might still have some to rise anyway, after that failed political movement that he called a revolution. Newt is rising because of the soundly unimaginative candidates that the Republican Party is displaying now. Romney the Mormon that no one likes according to Time magazine cover on 12/12/2011, Perry, Texas Trophy Boy, proved that he has an issue with brain brightness, when he could not spell out the names of the departments that he wanted to eliminate to save a dollar or two, and last, among the serious candidates, Herman Cane and his stupid cover-up, did not learn from Dick Nixon’s Watergate, of extramarital affairs that he kept denying until he could not, and  was thrown out of the race. Newt is taking it easy, no large staff, no budget, no fundraising, and nothing, no one expected Newt to be anybody, again. But Newt is rising by the powers of lady luck and the power of the moment. He is not chasing history, Newt, the history professor from 6th sixth district in Georgia, History, this time, is chasing Newt.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Collapse of The Trophy Boy Jamil Shawwa

 Time Magazine back in September of this year put him on it’s cover, the whole world including the US said that he will be the one, the candidate, that he will win, that he will beat Obama and bring the trophy to where the Republicans believe it belongs; to them, to the Grand Old Party, to the beacon of America's conservatism to the good old boys network, to business as usual.

The collapse of Rick Perry was sound, was quantifiable and was recorded and their is no way on earth that anyone can even raise doubt about it or dispute it. Perry collapsed on stage, collapsed before the American people and the world and "ooops, I forgot" end of quote of what he said. and the American people replied back and said...ooops, we got the wrong guy.

Rick Perry during the Republican party candidates debate, went off line or online, and all of a sudden and in a Texas fake manly way, screamed his lungs out and said that he would eliminate three federal departments and went on, no one forced him to do so, and kept going and mentioned two, looking at his peers in the debate, and stopped short from stating the third department..looked around for help, expected an aid to jump to the rescue, expected a TelePrompter to appear from no where and give him the answers, but non existed in that moment, Rick Perry was on his own and he collapsed, he could not remember the third department that he is telling the American people that he wants to eliminate.

Ricky Perry had a mental blackout, went blank....said first, wait a minute... and then realized the size of his mental aptitude and said "oooops...I forgot” Then looked desperate and said that he forgot.  Month earlier someone on Twitter went on and said how can we elect a half mentally retarded man, to me that was unexpected, and still describe him as a retarded  is so harsh, at least wait until you have a psychiatric evaluation. 

Rick Perry, the protégé of the Bush clan, the product of Texas southern old boy’s network, the trophy boy, stumbled and with him, the whole Republican establishment stumbled. They all were left politically naked, and the view to the American people was disgusting.

The establishment went bunker, the think tanks went into  their war rooms, trying to salvage the shattered glass, Rick Perry, but it was too late for any genius to save him; not sure if correct, but  the Bush family went on vacation to avoid the possible and expected exposure to have to explain how all this happened, or worse to draw the comparison between Perry and their son, George W. Bush but this time the comparison will not stop at the looks but will continue to George W reserved domain; "mental brightness".

Rick Perry, very late of course realized that he is on his own, and it is not good, and that he is no longer funny.

What is next to the Republican party; a Mormon- Romney- an African American-Cain - with a record, sexual advances that might be left out for now or made him quit once and for all , but just the thought of choosing a black to be the nominee, could cause some of those hard core Republicans a heart attack...they prefer to die rather than see a black as their candidate for president....will, but pragmatism comes first, so if is there is no other choices, Then let it be.

Finally, a discredited politician- Gingrich -who handed his party in 1996 the worst political disaster- the presidential elections loss to the arguably unethical and womanizer, Bill Clinton, as the republicans describe him, he went on a crazy spree and shut Down the federal government in 1994, with his failed republican revolution, and handed on a platinum platter, Bill Clinton, his second and precious term in office. The road is ready, unless he screws up, for Obama to make a big a turnaround, and drive through the gates of the White House not as the departing one term president, but as the incoming new president with the prestigious second term trophy in his hand.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

"Pippa's derrière "by Jamil Shawwa

The world's attention is not on Duchess Kate of Cambridge, but on her sister Pippa whom I read the other day in a paper a writer describing her Behind as the most eligible or famous since Jennifer Lopez’s patented derrière. And if anyone ever noticed- what a question, of course all noticed- J. LO's behind, they would absolutely and unequivocally appreciate the comparison. 

It is not easy for any female to step to where no woman ever stepped, to step to the unknown; to Jennifer's territory and the richness Jennifer Lopez fantastic talent carries Behind and we the commoners call Derrière. 

Since the wedding of the prince of Wales and the future king of England if the monarchies in Europe stay, and probably will stay for quite some time- look at the fiscal policies of the EU, my friend, the jackass, would have done better in Greece and Italy, oops, rundown sentence, back to focus... I'm saying William is the future king of Britain, his father Charles is a nightmare to his country and the world; he, Charles, is not evil, but some consider him a mental liability, so, back to focus and back to William and Kate,  no, back to William and Kate and Pippa. 

There is a Genius structure that was in the making, which is how can we, the people in charge- not me, ease the pressure on Kate. 

The concern has been that Kate would be subjected-of course- to the same media frenzy that at the end, and with people like Diana and Charles, somehow, helped to put an end to a fairy tale that the Brits wanted to believe that it is true in their dreams, hopes and to some extent, lives, and was crushed by the domino effect of the failed marriage of the two, Charles and Diana and the tragic end of Diana and her Egyptian billionaire boyfriend, Dodi el-Fayed, the son of Harrods owner- Mohamed El-Fayed, the crown jewel of Britain department stores that defied the royal family- not sure why, is it because for some legal reason he was denied citizenship in Britain- and the English traditional establishment for the longest time and turned it, Harrods, to a place to show his despise to the royal family. 

Poor Charles, he has been looked at as a Jackass for the most of his life, has been the butt of jokes all over the world, he suffered from constant feel, why, of inferiority complex, he has been waiting to be king since 1970! Every time he looks at his mother he talks to himself that he will never be king, and he should not, really. 

Then comes Pippa, Pippa’s evolution started before Kate and William wedding- sources close to intelligence - based on various media reports, have worked very hard to ensure the creation of a duplicate. 

The purpose is to never have a repetition of Diana's tragedy, another tragedy in that magnitude could bring the House of Windsor to its knees, which it did actually with Diana, but having a shrewd and extremely seasoned queen, political decisions, and the love of the British to their royal family, brought them back up. William and Harry are saving the House of Windsor from its own self destruction. 

Charles was going to destroy it with the rest of the queen's children, I think they took after their father, they have this mental stupidity, when they talk and act, all of them really, but not Diana's children, they are normal, they are popular, smart and relate to the common man, the common fish and chips, as we call them in Britain. 

I'm saying we out of love, Britain after all it is the mother country. Pippa is saving the royal family now, the eyes are on her, and her Behind of course, it's ok, she has very nice figures, I must say though that I have not inspected her Behind closely, to ensure that it can step up to the plate, but it seems that it is working. 

Why not, brag about it, do not be timid, show that you are not. The latest news is that she is breaking up with her boyfriend, this will keep the world paparazzi busy for the foreseen future until Kate and William finish their tours, and there is a baby coming in the way. 

So imagine the pressure, if there were no "Pippa's Derriere". The royal family of England cannot afford anymore to make too many mistakes and cannot afford too many Charles or Edward VIII. Pippa’s derriere is saving the House of Windsor.

Check update from today, Saturday, 05/20/2017

Pippa Getting Married


Wednesday, November 02, 2011

The Making of a State called Jamil Shawwa

Last month, the Palestinian authority president, president in waiting, declared the independence of a Palestinian state, in the UN, couple of weeks after, Hamas and the State of Israel declared an agreement to free thousands of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for an Israeli soldier that Hamas held in captivity as a hostage/prisoner since 2006. Couple of days ago, the UNESCO declared that it accepted "Palestine" as a full member, and the rest of the UN organizations are in line to follow suit. The momentum to build a Palestinians state started in 1948 when the same time the State of Israel declared independence accepted the UN resolution 181 and the Palestinians did not. They- the Palestinians- did not have anyone to represent them except for group of local leaders who did not have the courage, the resources, the independent thinking, the class, the self-respect and shrewd politics to do the same. The Palestinian leadership was as corrupt and useless as the Arab leaders surrounding the historic Palestine prior to 1948.  The traditional Palestinian families of Gaza, Jerusalem, Nablus, and El-Khalil- Hebron- were fighting, were nothing, just representing certain powers, certain merchants, and just setting around hating, competing and dividing themselves into different camps and travelling to Cairo, and finally screaming from Beirut. The tragedy of the Palestinian people has nothing to do with the State of Israel.  Israel followed the UN resolution and moved on, the Palestinians did not, the Arabs did not, and since then a cry game started, a blame game started and tragedy after tragedy took place not because of Israel, but because of the worst leadership any people could have, the Palestinian leadership. In politics, leading countries will reach out to leaders in other countries regardless if they agree with or not, if those leaders have the local acceptance and can work deals; working deals are the key here, ideology  has no place, pragmatism is the name, if you want to participate.  In every war between Israel and the Arabs, we the world got  closer to the final solution, got closer to each other, it sounds crazy, I know, but true, keep reading and you might agree, if you say nonsense I think you are too polite and you can  move on to another subject. After every war episode- it is a like a book- there were peace, negotiations, and then war again, 1948,1956,1967,1970 with the Rogers’s project which Nasser of Egypt accepted and Sadat built on. Then came the 1973 war, when the Arabs did a moral advancement for the first time, Israel turned things around later on, and the US and the USSR- the former Soviet Union- ordered the game to stop and back to the ceasefire and the negotiations and small wars here and there to keep things exciting and keep the Palestinians people aware that they have a state waiting for them; basically the world has been telling the Palestinians, you..(Censored) wake up, build a state, focus on Gaza and the West Bank, it is there.  In the 1982 war, the PLO got the message loud and clear, back to the table and with the 1987 Intifada and the rise of Hamas, we started to see new players in the arena, that basically marked the end of the traditional families in the West Bank and Gaza, although their role has always been a supporting role and not the star role, but with the rise of the so called religious/political organizations like  Hamas, their role virtually ended, of course there are exceptions here and there but nothing more.

In the 1950s, and the 1960s, Nasser of Egypt fooled the Arabs but in the process created the seeds for long term negotiations, not sure if he meant it or not,  by losing war after war, by destroying his country Egypt and other countries like Syria- well, Syria was a corrupt society and politicians that really it did not need Nasser to add to it, but he helped making it worse; the Syrian politicians are pure merchants, some used to say that they would sell their own (censored)  for the best price and the highest bidders, but this is another story for another day-  Nasser regardless would not have won anything anyway. The only final solution is the negotiations solution, in these wars, Nasser cemented the State of Israel’s bargaining powers for the final solution, and granted Israel the best chips to ensure that the Palestinians realize that you cannot say yes or no whenever you want, the world will not accommodate, will not accept you and give you a state just by saying, I recognize Israel and then all will go back to the UN resolution and just implement; it does not work this way. You must work for it, negotiate and play the game. Up to 1970s- Hamas and the PLO took over after that- traditional families that within the West Bank and Gaza have failed their societies miserably, they were nothing, but mouthpieces to Nasser, king Hussein of Jordan, and the PLO which after Arafat took over, created a Palestinian momentum that no other leader ever created for them before and until now. He was only matched on the Arab side by the Egyptian leader, Anwar El-Sadat. But Arafat was the ultimate, some say, political animal, he read it right and he had the courage and the shrewdness and the pragmatism that even Anwar El-Sadat did not have, Sadat wanted to be above politics, he could not, the game of politics in the Middle East was so strong, that Sadat could not match up; Mubarak after him did match the game, but by then, the game got softer, the glass ceiling has already been shattered by Anwar El-Sadat .There has never been in Gaza or the West Bank real political movement, real focus that Palestine is nothing but the West Bank and Gaza, and accordingly, create an initiative that would speak for that. Not until the Sadat visit to the State of Israel in 1977, that the whole politics shifted towards the inevitable which made it clear that Palestine is only and once and forever the West Bank and Gaza. Of course there are those that are pursuing political agendas or believe that their religious beliefs- on both sides the Israeli and the Palestinians- that talk about the whole stuff, the historic Palestine before 1948; which does not exist and will never exist. The State of Israel is here as any other country in the world, vibrant, smart, and original and a principle part of the New Middle East, the State of Palestine will be the same. The Palestinians are smart by the way, very hypocrites and pretentious and sometimes SOBs, but who is not in politics, same all over the world, but the problem in the West Bank and Gaza is that hypocrisy and pretentious and the fake pride of something that is so does not exist, is preventing the Palestinians from enjoying a world wide support including the essential support of the State of Israel to establish a civilized state in Gaza and the West Bank.  It is coming, it has to, history will not allow it not to happen, the Arabs rising in their respective Arab countries is helping the Palestinians to overcome one important thing; the class of leaders that they thought that they can never live without, the families, the PLO, Hamas, and it could very well encourage free spirited, motivated, educated, pragmatic, Professional leaders to rise. We might witness a change in the Palestinians society which is moving away from struggle to work and build and live normal life. The people in Gaza and I was one of them, used to visit Tel-Aviv, Haifa, even the little town of Ashkelon, few miles away from Gaza, and we used to compare them with Gaza and ask why cannot we live like humans like the Israelis, and the answers have always been the same, from certain circles, blame the Israelis, blame the Americans, blame this or that, always someone else, always not us, not the people that in fact created the tragedy of the Palestinian people. Again, The State of Israel has nothing to do with the plight and tragedy of the Palestinians, it is the Palestine’s who created the tragedy, lived it and loved it, and wanted to always be victims to someone else, always looking for sympathy, and the empty slogans. The Palestinians and the Arabs, always looking for a Nasser, to keep fooling them and lead them from defeat to defeat, and this way they would never confront their failures and they would never confront their shattered baseless, unrealistic, dreams. The time is now, but the Palestinians this time are lucky, because if they choose to continue to weep, cry , scream, accuse and listen to  songs moaning their illusive losses and read and listen to Nizar Qabani- the Syrian poet talking about the lost palace of the Arabs- the world will not anymore allows it. The world, including the State of Israel, wants to create a Palestinian state in the West bank and Gaza, whether the Palestinians like it or not; lucky bastards- the Palestinians- someone else  again is speaking for them, but this time not to lead to defeat but to a state in the West Bank and Gaza.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Why Israel Does Not Want To Win-The Shalit Episode… Jamil Shawwa

How can someone analyze this situation- The Shalit possible release- objectively. Obviously, and historically, Israel has proved that it takes care of its people. Each individual citizen that bears the citizenship of the State of Israel knows that it has a country that will look after them. The Arabs and the Palestinians in general never experienced such feelings; the feeling of a government that cares. Maybe the Palestinians once they decide to have elections in Gaza and the West Bank and build the foundation for a transparent government could understand such emotions. Of course, some in the State of Israel feel  strongly that their government could have done better and quicker rather than waiting six years to free Shalit and that the price is too high- some even go as far as accusing their government of failing to show enough power to secure an earlier release or at less cost. Politics is the name of everything in the Middle East, there is no ideological conflicts, but a game of politics that the Israelis and the Palestinians have and must participate in. In fighting Hamas, The State of Israel and the United States, are engaging Hamas, Egypt as well through its Intelligence Services played some sort of a broker. Basically, everyone that needs to be engaged and talked to and participate got its turn. But games change and the rules change and we all, or many of us who know or claim or think that they know, that in politics things can change overnight and instead of exchanging bullets, you end up exchanging flowers and kisses- kisses are the way to go in the Middle East. In a Time magazine cover story by the title" **Why Israel Cannot Win" Time questioned back in 2009 the state of Israel "inability" to destroy Hamas  once and for all and secure its borders from the daily shillings and bombardment. The answer was not clear but I responded, was not published, that the title should have been instead, ***“Why Israel Does not Want To Win”, I questioned few tactics and styles and I understand completely- I claim- that the organizations that exist right now in  the Middle East are not organizations that are hybrid, they do not stand alone, they do not have their own agendas and they do not claim anything else that other regional powers do not claim or represent; they are tools, again, there is no ideology here that is in conflict, there is no really so called hatred among the three divine religions followers. In the Middle East, everyone who is anyone is not an ideologue but a merchant. The politicians are engaged in business, the stakes are high, the historical consequences are abounding, and the ultimate target or goal or destination is the two-state solution in the lands of peace, Israel and Palestine. The concept of the Total War is rejected- in resolving the Palestinian issue- and it has been rejected by the US for the longest time. Total wars mean that you go all the way after your target until they are finished, eliminated, cannot get up or breathe again or be useful to play a different role. Israel is no exception here, the State of Israel realizes and it did since its independence that ultimately there will be a Palestinian state adjacent to its borders and sharing the land and the capital. So accordingly, and for other factors, regional and international, for Israel being a part of an international community and It  has  friends  that it consults with, understood that the total war is not even an option, less to say is something to think of, not allowed to think of. The Israelis  though adamant  in defending  their people are not sentimental about it, It took  Shalit over six years  and it could have taken  more, the Israelis are patient and have complimented and Indulged in the game of politics in the  Middle East.  Israel and the US are also responding to the Arab countries rising against their tyrants and dictators and within the same theme, complimenting indirectly the theatrical call of the Palestinian Authority chief, Mahmud Abbas, to declare and recognize a Palestinian state, during a speech he had a month ago before the general assembly of the United Nations. Again, there is no ideology at stake, there is no conflict among the civilizations and no conflict among the religions; actually the three religions, I claim, are one holy book from the same God which came in three parts.  We are witnessing historical movements that are championed by ordinary people going to the streets to claim their streets all over the world, not only in the Arab countries, but also in all Middle Eastern countries including ****the State of Israel.  So now, and at this moment, the Room is ready, the lights are on, the stage is clear, and the bell has rung twice. We are getting the closest to peace in the land of three divine religions. But do not be surprised if incidents continue to happen or so called conflicts continue to arise; you have to have them, otherwise you would not be living in the Middle East.
** Time 01/19/2009

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

A Message to the Turkish Erdogan...A Jackass Maybe is needed…by Jamil Shawwa

To those who either pretend or actually naive enough- I’m not that savvy by the way, most of the time far from it- I say that Erdogan’s theatrical behavior with Israel is nothing but that; theatrical. It is so normal and expected in the Middle East only, unfortunately, to act that way.

Obviously the Turks and politics believe that the path to an influence in the Arab countries, and the Palestinians is through blasting the Israeli politics, and act the way they act- The Egyptians are doing it now. I personally believe in classy politics, I know that I might sound like a Jack, but it is ok.... I think that you can of course, politically, be very influential and savvy but come across as classy.

Those who are the most clever, those who are the ultimate politicians, cannot see that they are acting like Jacks, even if they were. On the other hand, this "Erdoganian" theatrical behavior could have positive repercussions. It will increase and improve the Turkish- Israeli relations, believe it or not, and in getting both countries closer- sometimes you get closer when you kick each other’s diplomats. Also it will bring Turkey towards the EU full integration, believe it or not, and will minimize or marginalize or even civilize Iran’s influence in the Middle East.

Turkey is, arguably, the most-politically- important Sunni Muslim country or the most important Muslim country altogether right now.

Iran of course is the most influential and important, I do not like to use important and Iran next to each other, but I have to, Shiite Muslim country. The way, business is conducted, with the Arab countries rising, show the rebirth of major regional countries in the Middle East, The State of Israel and Turkey. Israel and Turkey will be in the heart of a new Middle East.

The State of Palestine in the Gaza Strip and The West Bank, will rise too, but will focus on the domestic relations for the people there, their daily living. The word Struggle that the Arabs lived with and by for hundreds of years will be substituted with the words of Living and Building and bridging the wide spectrum to civility and cooperation.

So let the Turks have their moments, in the past they were the worst, during the Ottoman Empire. During the era of Ataturk, they lost their identity, and now that the era of Ataturk and its symbol, the military, is done, Turkey’s new path is integration in the Middle East and the EU, so in the process if Erdogan needs to act like a jackass, why not, let him be…

Saturday, September 03, 2011

The world According to Norm: A Political Model For Jerusalem, by Jamil Shawwa

Norm before starting the bus tour gave us an overview of the world according to him. He said that he was a school principle and before that a teacher until retirement. Before turning on the engine, Norm took a poll on how many Americans, from the US, are on board. Norm would adjust his tour lecture depends on the nationalities of the majority of the tourists; after all, Norm depends on the 15% tip off the ticket price, that is expected and suggested from each family, or individual taking the tour.  The majorities were Americans; we were in Niagara Falls- Ontario, Canada, across the border from Buffalo, New York in the US and an hour and a half drive from Canada’s premier commercial city and the capital of the Ontario province, Toronto.  Norm started talking about the special relations between America and Canada, and how Canada managed to have healthy relations with its mega super power neighbor, as he described it. Norm proceeded to tell us that other parts of the world should look at this example as a benchmark for their relations. Norm is right, America and Canada are unique, the relations are so close, so friendly, and as strong as the steel and concrete that makes up the huge and powerful electricity generating dams on the Niagara Falls. Canada does not have an inferiority complex towards America, the Canadians love America. This unique bond is also based on mutual respect, interests, geography, history, and of course the Niagara Falls, nothing comes closer to that. The Niagara Falls has two parts, no, three parts or falls, in the US and in Canada and the third stands alone separating the two. The grand Falls are in Canada and the beautiful hotels and restaurants and theme parks are also on the Canadian side; the US likes it that way, well, the terrain in big part dictates the choices, but the US was smart, it allowed Canada to have the big parts, the grandeur views and allowed Canada to request that no US hotels be built on the US side directly overlooking the Falls. Canada rules the Falls, tourist wise, but the US rules it electricity wise, that generating electricity, the biggest, I believe, west of the Mississippi river. The Falls are governed by both countries, but you see clearly the flags of both countries on their respective and agreed upon borders markation. There is an Authority called the Falls authority which consists of both Americans and Canadians that take care of the daily business, long term plans and developments and all related issues of the Niagara Falls. There are, I believe, only two bridges that connect Canada with the US through the Niagara Falls, the Peace Bridge and the Rainbow bridge- the one I crossed, and both are organized, civilized, clean, and streamlined. I think the Peace Bridge is used more commercially. When on board of the “Maid of The Mist”. My second time, it crossed my mind, why not Jerusalem, and why not now. Both the Israelis and the Palestinians claim Jerusalem to be their beloved and eternal capital, and Jerusalem is unique as the falls, as there is only one Jerusalem, and two people that need to share. Why not creating an authority that will govern the city, the holey and beautiful Jerusalem, and let it be the political symbolic capital of both countries, but in actuality an open, international and cosmopolitan city; it is a gold mine that will never stop producing gold to all its residents. According to Norm and to research, over 12 million people visit the tiny yet magical Niagara Falls every year. Imagine, the benefits for all the people there, and imagine Jerusalem in the same time. The time is now for the Palestinians to drop the old, consumed, tired and tried politicians and the families behind them, if there are any, and elect new, modern, business like leadership, and talk now with the State of Israel and demand now, an authority to govern and regulate and manage the holy and the very touristy city of Jerusalem, and let the gold flows in the hands of the people of Israel and Palestine, in the West Bank and Gaza…Do it now. Oh, the tour ended, and it was fabulous, but I felt terrible, until now, I only had 5% tip for Norm and not the 15% suggested and recommended tip. I slipped it in his hands and I ran away. I will make it up next time.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Trial of Pharaoh, Seven Thousand Years After, Part II by Jamil Shawwa

Mubarak, until he left, abdicated power, and handed Egypt’s interim ruling to his students, the generals of the Egyptian military, did not have any legacy. He succeeded Anwar El-Sadat, whom, by many accounts, was larger than life, and continued and managed Egypt, taking into account the heritage of the 1952 revolution and Egypt’s regional role including its most important task, the peace with the State of Israel and establishing a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. Moreover, being the most visible and important and effective vehicle of peace to the Arab and Islamic countries. He was resilient, played a pivotal role in aligning the Arab countries against Saddam of Iraq and later on against the terrorist Osama Bin Laden. In the early 2000, and with the arrival of the conservatives, the Republicans, back to power in America, and George W. Bush doctrine, “either with us or against us” after the attacks on America of 09/11/2001, Mubarak new that the game has changed, he knew then, that after him, there will be democracy in Egypt and he knew that the winds of change that cruised all over the world must finally reach him, and his country and eventually will change things. Mubarak knew all along that his son will never rule Egypt, but he played the game until the end and until the signal came that he must leave. Mubarak is a strong, skilled and confident politician, a dictator of course, but not a murderer, not an assassin and not a coward. No one expected Mubarak to have a legacy, to be remembered beyond what I stated above, beyond being the transitional figure that Sadat chose brilliantly to prepare and have Egypt, after him, a democratic place in the Middle East. Few days ago, Mubarak built his legacy and he cemented it in unbreakable concrete and in larger than life iron cast. He ended once and for all the Pharaoh’s image from the brains and the psychics of the Egyptian people. Mubarak in one picture, ended seven thousand years of the rule of the pharaohs, ended the Egyptian slavery to their rulers. Mubarak wanted to stay in Egypt and wanted to be dragged to court and wanted to be pictured in a cage in a court room at the police academy in Cairo. Mubarak looked at the camera and gave the looks of a good man, a man that loves his people, and is doing the ultimate sacrifice for them, to be dragged, the ruler of Egypt, the pharaoh, the dictator, to be tried like any alleged criminal. Mubarak’s legacy to go down like this reminded me of James Cagney in one of those early 20th century movies” The Public Enemy” when he, Cagney, decided to surrender, and he is the notorious criminal, and in the cell begging for mercy; he died *“Yellow” so the kids in the movie who were looking up to him as an “accomplishment criminal” would stop thinking like that and only think of that Yellow criminal and murderer. Mubarak was like Cagney, except Mubarak will not die Yellow as Cagney in fact did not in that movie; he looked coward, acted yellow, but he was the most courageous. Mubarak did his country the ultimate favor and the ultimate sacrifice. He tossed aside his history, his pride and decided to tell the Egyptians, here I’m the pharaoh, in cage, please take a shot at me. Mubarak is telling the Egyptians that there will never again be a pharaoh ruling Egypt.

* Coward.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Brag, Obama, brag!!! By Jamil Shawwa

In business, experts say,  that you must brag about your successes, you must share your ideas, you must be out there and let people know how good you are, or not, but be there, expand and try and see how it goes. Do not be shy or modest, it does not help. If you are good, then brag about it, and if you believe that you are good, then better, brag more.  In politics and in love, I guess, the same applies, actually, in politics, you need to brag it more and there more urgency to brag and show off. You need to be out more, and  in democracies, bragging is not a choice if you want to survive, bragging is a must,, Modesty in politics does not take you anywhere, or maybe it could take you to a term, or it could give you sympathy, but not much more. Since making history in November of 2008 and becoming the first African American president of the United States, Obama did not set still and accept the honor for itself, just being elected president and making history; he understands that was just the tip of an iceberg and that he needs to do more to cement his legacy in the US history, not just being a coincidence, or a footnote or because America felt guilty and needed to elect a black president. Obama has completed phase one of his task, got elected, he lost part of the midterm elections, had the republicans won the house, but managed to keep the senate under his control, the democrats. Outside the US, he has established America’s supremacy not through regional alliances but through working within world bodies and collective overall win -win situations. He is managing Iraq; stumbling in Afghanistan but in the same time got the worst terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, to the ultimate justice that Bin Laden wrote for himself. Now the game is changing as it always anyway does close to elections date- *George Bush senior did not learn the lesson or he was too bored of politics that Bill Clinton won in 1992, Obama needs to look inward more, and focus on keeping America’s wheels well lubricated and oiled, and the next generations feeling safe and optimistic about the economic future of the United States.  America cannot continue to raise its debt cediling, and cannot function if the time is wasted in just the game of politics rather than in the game of getting solid, measurable, on the ground, actions that the American people can feel. Here is the name of the game if Obama wants to get a second term, and not just being elected by accident, and not for being elected because America felt guilty, or because Bush and the wars screwed up the economy in 2007. He needs to Brag. Brag about what you have done, show the American people your efforts in health care, law now, and talk about Congress, and the maneuvers, brag about lifting the US economy from the near collapse to stability; not success yet, just stability. Obama, Brag your lungs out, do press conferences, go all over America and start from this moment to build a legacy and grassroots movements that on their wings, you will fly to the White House for a second term. Obama needs to look inward moving forward, politics inside, and you must be successful inside, even if you need  to take care of the world, you still must relate it to the average American, otherwise, you need to kiss the second term goodbye, and you need to kiss the legacy another bigger goodbye. Brag Obama, Brag.

*         Other reason to George Bush senior loss is the Ross Perot factor. Google for more information.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Beware: Arabs, Palestinians, Refugees.. Ahead…by Jamil Shawwa

After 1948, and throughout 1956, and 1967, the society of Gaza was divided, sharply, into two sections, two classes, two distant societies: Those who are from Gaza, the families that have been there for the longest time, and those who "immigrated", "forced" or "left" from different parts of the historic Palestine due to the war that surrounding Arab rulers and their Palestinian collaborators  waged against the State of Israel after the *United Nations established the two state solution- and ended up in Gaza, in refugees camps.

The distance between the two societies maybe was nothing, few feet, few meters, but in actual integration, the distance was by thousands of miles or kilometers. The Gaza society and the surrounding Arab countries that the refugees ended up residing in- Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon- never embraced the Palestinian refugees.

In Gaza, both societies looked suspiciously at each other and both looked down or up at each other, depends on who you ask.

The Refugees as they are called were put in tents first in different parts of the Gaza strip, some on fabulous real estate alongside the Mediterranean Gaza beaches, the most well known camp, called the “ Beach Refugees Camp” you kind of think of it as if we are talking about a resort for the refugees.

Most of the residents of these camps later on found refuge in working in Israel, learning new language, Hebrew, learning other skills in all fields that the original people of Gaza did not allow them to learn nor did they have the required skill at to start with. They, the refugees,  were never accepted as normal human beings and part of the society.

The politicians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip took their cause, not to help, but to advance certain regional agendas, some worked for the Jordanians Hashemite and some worked for the PLO and other Palestinians organizations, even the terrorist, Abu Nidal, had few followers- mercenaries.

Basically the refugees became a commodity for all the fractions in the Arab countries to use, to trade and to bargain. From that point on, the issues of the Palestinian refugees started; Israel had nothing to do with it; it has been and still is a Palestinian- Arab issue that will be resolved inside the West Bank and Gaza and in the neighboring Arab countries, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.

The commodity that is still traded in until this moment is aware of its being the merchant’s tool to bargain and sell around and it has accepted to be like that, maybe out of no other choices. The refugees are treated like tenth class citizens everywhere. In Gaza right now, I believe, and I need to get more details, they have been given citizenship, or passports; Israel did the same when it provided the whole population, whoever asked for, with Travelling documents- laissez-Passer - actually I was one of those people that came to America on an Israeli travelling document. I was not a refugee, I’m originally from Gaza, from a Gaza family- see how I’m making the distinction, and I had to explain myself. At the time, I did not have any other passport, most people especially those in the West Bank had Jordanian- and many in the Gaza Strip- passports and Jordanian citizenship; the lucky ones there, had the full Jordanian citizenship. Jordan makes distinction as of the class of passports it provides.

In Jordan there is a war between those who are called the Jordanians or the original Jordanians, including Palestinians and those who are called the not so original- Palestinians- and it depends on what kind of document you have; are you originally Jordanian with regular passport, or are you one of those who have a Jordanian passport that you need to renew every two years.

I recall well. every Saturday, walking the streets of Gaza, the main two streets, al-Wehda (Union)- and  El-Mokhtar- named after the Libyan leader who fought the Italians in the last century- you would see waves of humans, workers, refugees, the forgotten Palestinians, the rejected Palestinians by their own brethrens, walking the streets, dazed, looking suspicious because the society is looking suspiciously at them.

We (the original people of Gaza) looked down at them, as if they were animals and they looked at us with eyes of fear and sometimes disgust. We did not talk to each other, they were different- not sure how- we did not visit each other and God forbid we would give our daughters to any of them to marry; they were on the fringes, the very far fringe; now they are ruling Gaza and probably the trend will continue.

We used to go to Tel-Aviv, and Ashkelon, few miles away from Gaza and we would see them there, cleaning bathrooms, working; of course later on I realized that cleaning bathrooms to make a living is an honorable task in life, to collect garbage to feed your family is not humiliating, on the contrary, the opposite is of that is humiliating.

Israel needed the refugees and the refugees needed Israel, again, some went ahead to reach the highest in their societies. Before politics turned the refugees into ticking suicidal bombers, into objects and tools for the TV terrorist organizations and for the Arab merchants of death and for those who  do not want ever to see a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza, the refugees, made money- working in Israel- to build houses, and buy properties and to send their children to universities, mainly Egypt and some Eastern European countries and of course to the ultimate "Evil Empire" which later on we found out that it was just a joke, a historical joke, the former Soviet Union.

Now, The Palestinian refugees must be given full rights in the Arab countries according to normal laws of citizenship; the so called right of return, is nothing but a political bargain and ploy that countries are using to offset the settlements in the West Bank, at this moment.

So you can imagine, the right of return might continue to be used politically as maybe the State of Israel is having the settlements in the West Bank as a political bargaining chip.

The final word is, those who live in "refugees camps" in the West Bank and Gaza must move on, instead of calling them camps, call them cities, new places to embrace the future, and to look forward and not as breeding pockets of despair, humiliation and terrorism.

The Palestinians must rise, now, and reject all those Arab regimes, including their own that continue to use them as a commodity. The Palestinians must demand elections, must start the full integration in the West Bank, and once a new leadership is elected, the Palestinians must pick up the phone, or jump on facebook, or text, the Israeli prime minister's office in Jerusalem and the defense department in Tel-Aviv and demand to sit together and talk. Talk as humans talk, negotiate as clever business people do, talk freely and discuss. The world cannot but accept you, the new Palestinians, the civilized and smart Palestinians.

*UN Resolution 181 for 1947 to establish two states in  Palestine.

Check related:

Arabs, Jewish, Israel and Palestine

Hamas Role Part 1

Hamas Enemy not Friend of Palestine

Israel and Palestine, PLO and Hamas

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Evolving Identity of the State of Israel: A Jewish State by Jamil Shawwa

I personally do not have any problems or issues with the debate and wishes of the State of Israel and many Israelis to have the State, their country, considered, by the world body, the international community as  a Jewish State.

The State of Israel after all is the original and principle homeland of the Jewish people from all over the world.

The questions being raised right now are many, for example, the status of other ethnic or better to say, religious groups, Muslims, Christians, Druze, Sharkas and others. Other questions involve how attaching a specific religion to a country's identity would affect its status as a democratic country for all of its citizens. Further more, what if each country in the Middle East started to attach a religion to its name and identity. What if France or Germany call themselves Christian, or the US calls itself Muslim, or Christian, or Jewish. What if India with over 100 million Muslims started to call itself a Hinduism society, or attach Hinduism to its identity?

This trend though  is happening mainly in Arab and Middle Eastern countries. Egypt calls itself The Arab Republic of Egypt, Saudi Arabia the same thing, Iran calls itself The Islamic Republic. So the argument could go as Judaism has the same concept as Arabism or Islamism; it could contain all religions within it.

The other question: What is in a name that makes it so important to a society; why would the State of Israel- a strong, genuine, vibrant, democratic country for its people, would want to limit itself to a certain identity. I'm sure that even doing so would not compromise it's much needed move to a complete and eventual integration of all it's groups within one society with equal rights or equal chances fair access to all positions, and all opportunities; we are talking access, after that it is up to the individual or the group to make it or break it.

Let us look at another angle, Judaism to its believers and to those that believe and understand the three divine religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, is not just a religion, it is a concept and it is a way of life. It is also an idea, and politically, it is a huge magnet. So the debate that is going on in the State of Israel right now, very strongly among all sectors of the society, is about how to preserve this idea, Judaism, as a way of life and an identity that the Jewish people from all over the world believe in  and gather around, and continue to attach it to a society and a country that include and will continue to include Israeli citizens that are Muslims and Christians, Arabs and Druze, and other sects.

How can those other groups feel as first class citizens, if their country calls itself, a Jewish State- we cannot tell them to leave, Israel is their country.

The dialogue and the debate also is taking a very important turn as the State of Israel is preparing it’s citizens, all of them, to the expected establishment of a Palestinian State in the West bank and the Gaza Strip.

A proposed law to define who is the Jewish has been in the Knesset for decades, and is a daily topic everywhere in Israel and among the Jewish people all over the world, and if passed, my information is that it has not passed yet, but if passed it would give the authority to the highest religious establishment, the rabbinate, to assume this responsibility.

The other law that just passed in the Knesset was the “Boycott law" and according to *Haaretz the following apply “According to the law, a person or an organization calling for the boycott of Israel, including the settlements, can be sued by the boycott's targets without having to prove that they sustained damage. The court will then decide how much compensation is to be paid. The second part of the law says a person or a company that declare a boycott of Israel or the settlements will not be able to bid in government tenders.” Bibi Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, voted for the law and in the same time refused to investigate the NGOs that the very same law targeted among others; skillful maneuver from a skilled politician.

I think Israel is going through an **evolution, a search for identity, or a renewable identity, Israel is looking beyond the establishment of the Palestinian State in Gaza and the West Bank to what next.

There is a momentum in Israel- a fantastic soul searching and a fantastic vision that looks beyond the daily routine of having to send its children and it’s best to areas that are not part of the State of Israel; moreover, more importantly, Israel does not want to be called an occupying force.

Simultaneously with peace, Israel will always maintain the necessary power to preserve its rightful place among all nations to live securely and permanently where it is now; this position is not questioned but needs to be highlighted daily within the Israeli society due to the geopolitics which is Israel 'still' surrounded by Arab and Islamic countries and Israel will always have those same countries around it that at this moment do not but will eventually with
it have diplomatic relations.

So if you were Israel, what is the solution, again, beyond the withdrawal from the West Bank and the establishment of a Palestinian State in the West Bank of Gaza? The solution, maybe, is to enforce an identity that has been synonymous to its name but not necessarily enforcing the religious identity. It also means the rise of a new political movement: The Political Jewish, or political Judaism, as now we talk about political Islam- the idea is almost the same as Zionism which is the foundation of the State of Israel.

The evolving concept and the new dialogue might end up establishing new boundaries to the strong religious establishment within the Israeli society.

Now, how can Israel integrate the religious establishment within it’s society, how can Israel create the ultimate civil  society where religion would be a regular political party that runs for elections, that can win and lose but regardless without jeopardizing the secular society and the universal freedoms that are granted to all human beings regardless of their national origins, religions, background, race, ethnicity.

Israel is a secular society, the religious apparatus does not control the society but it’s a political/religious establishment, wise enough not to interfere in Israel’s image as a secular and democratic society.

Israel also gives its citizenship to its citizen as expected regardless whether they are Jewish or not.

Finally, what if the State of Israel decided instead of creating a law to define who is the Jewish, would create a new concept and calls it, Who is the Israeli, and apply what other democratic societies would apply to those that they grant citizenship. Again, Israel has dual processes, the citizenship part and the identity part, and the big question now is whether the Israelis would want to combine both in one or continue to have this dual processes.

Related and Notes:

*Haaretz 07/14/2011

**The Israeli Arabs and the Evolving Identity of the State of Israel

Judaism Conversion

Ultra-Orthodox 1

Ultra-Orthodox 2

Saturday, July 02, 2011

America Wants You to Be Selfish… Jamil Shawwa

America right now is on a mission, in fact, America has been on a mission since this great nation was formulated from people from all over the world, the mission right now is to actively transfer the American values to every part of the world; it fits the American political and social model of win- win situations. America does not think that the world would be better off by surrounding itself with losers; it believes  that it needs to surround itself with winners. America is selfish here; because it believes that if each individual believes in themselves, does their best; succeed, that ultimately the group will be successful. Same applies to countries surrounding America and ultimately every single country on earth. America is the only superpower on earth And I believe it has the ingredients to continue to be the number one, and I believe it is in the humanity best interest to have the American model, a universal one with of course each country having its own version of it. Mesh the American model, I like to mesh things, when you do such things, you get new colors and new flavors and new ideas. Rigidity, stupidity, lack of imagination, the Win-Lose situations, and colonialism, ended and destroyed every single empire that existed since the beginning of time as we know it or learned about it. America does not have that model; America does not believe in expansionism or colonialism, America wants you to succeed. The United States helped the human race to survive and some actually would go as far as saying that America saved the human race twice in the last century, when America decided to intervene in World War I and did the same but more forcefully in World War II. America. Contrary to ideas and politics of isolationists within its Congress, Press, America saw- through grand presidents- Wilson, Roosevelt, and Monroe before that- that the oceans are no longer barriers, and that the US is not immune if it keeps itself confined within its borders thinking that those wars were not of its concerns. America's leadership as a super world power started in 1914 and was confirmed and engraved in an unbreakable rock during and after World War II. In 1945 and before America convinced and confirmed that humiliating Germany as the allies did after World War I would not benefit anyone, it would only plant the seeds for another war, and same applied to Japan. Actually during the famous Versailles conference in 1919, America worked hard to convince the Europeans allies that isolating the Germans and imposing humiliating compensations on Germany, will only be a prelude to another war, no one listened then, retribution and revenge were the name of the game, and what America warned from happened, when criminals took over the power in Germany, democratically, and turned the world into hell, millions were killed. After the second war, no one had the choice not to listen to America, and America made it clear, that Germany to be included, and rehabilitated, as in Japan, America kept the emperor. America worked to create the IMF and the World Bank and the United Nations to be places and models where countries can talk, emulate regionally, and agree and sometimes be forced to accept decisions that they do not like. Exactly as individuals in the US can reach to Banks and credit companies, and investment groups and courts as needed. America’s pursuit of world peace is not a dreamer’s quest, it is an action plan, and it is a plan that believes in talking, containment as it did with the Soviet Union and ultimately conclusion. America is inclusive, America is not conclusive, But America will use its military might as needed and in any place on earth to ensure that this successful model thrives. It will go after anyone and anywhere that would seek through terrorism and aggression, to destroy the way of life, the human way of life, the American way of life, all the same, and end in the same place. America right now is helping the Arab countries to seek their freedom, to have democratically elected governments; it is helping the Israelis and the Palestinians to achieve peace, a smart, practical peace with a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza, and a secure, safe, vibrant State of Israel next door. America’s associates are the following to ensure Win- Win situations all over the world; Germany, see the genius of the Americans, is leading and integrating Europe’s Economically, Britain and France leading the military actions of NATO where is needed, in particular in the Middle East and Europe, China in Asia with Japan and South Korea, soon to be one Korea, Russia is helping here and there. The emerging super power, India, and the emerging regional powers in the Middle East as Turkey and the integration of Israel and Palestine in a Middle Eastern organization. America is everywhere and this is how it should be and should continue. But do not expect America to jump every time you or others think that you are right, or that "it is the right thing to do", or "it is the moral thing to do". America does not function that way, America is a deliberate and collaborative system, it moves methodically and it acts with a wide lens and multiple perspectives that those that ask for action every time an "incident" here and there takes place, will be very disappointed. There has never been a power on earth that has the ingredients of survival and continuity and evolving as the United States; Happy birthday America.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Jerusalem: Divided….Never, Shared…Forever, by Jamil Shawwa

In an expose last Sunday on the CBS 60 Minutes program, Leslie Stahl, one of the program anchors, went to Jerusalem and to Silwan, adjacent to the city, and interviewed people managing the City of David project, a tunnel that the owners of the project say that David, the divine prophet, had his city in while in Jerusalem or it is the old city of Jerusalem, the biblical one that David built and lived in. The project is sponsored and owned by “EL-AD” an investment group based in the State of Israel with global offices; very successful team. The expose was not about the tunnel or the benefits of this project to people and tourism and the enhancements that it could bring to the City of Jerusalem, although the Mayor of Jerusalem, correctly and cleverly so, have focused on the financial and tourism benefits of the project. The whole focus was on as Leslie Stahl put it, the division of the city and the rights of both people, the Palestinians and the Israelis to the historic city that is cherished by the followers of all three divine religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The El-AD project manager focused on the religious dimensions to the tunnel and the Palestinian speaker, that 60 Minutes chose to represent the Palestinian side was a local resident of Silwan the city by the city with majority residents of Palestinians, chose to blast the project and act as victim rather than showing vision or practical solutions- I only saw anger on the Palestinian side, I did not see empowerment or solutions. The whole discussion was fruitless in my opinion, as I mentioned it focused on a moot issue that no one discusses anymore, which is the division of the city, the focus should have been though, in my opinion, about the future solution, the only solution for Jerusalem, which is the sharing of the city among it’s residents and the sharing of the city among the two states that will have Jerusalem as their capital; The State of Israel and the State of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza. I personally do not mind the project, the City of David, and I looked at it from the point of view of Mayor Nir Barkat of Jerusalem, that it is good for tourism. Now, of course such projects usually involve the local residents, and need to have their opinions and their involvement- City Hall discussion. The City of David might end up after the final solution either shared by both the Israelis and the Palestinians exactly like the Eurotunnel between France and England or it could fall under one authority, either way, it should be preserved and in the process, preserve and maintain all the holly sites in Jerusalem, the Jerusalem of tomorrow.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

The Killer and His Accomplices----Al-Assad and the Syrians…by Jamil Shawwa

       The stories coming from Syria are horrifying, terrifying and exceed all imaginative and unimaginative terror that many of us humans knew about Al-Ba’ath party and the criminals that run Syria now. Boys, girls and children in the streets are being killed and being kidnapped, mothers crying their loved ones and the stories go on and on. It has been an endless nightmare since 1963.  This the gratitude Al-Assad is providing the Syrians for allowing him to stay in power for generations, for allowing him to turn the Syrians into the worst in the Middle East, and making them ashamed of calling themselves Syrians. Al-Assad killed the Syrian mind and personality and turned his people into machines and mouthpieces for his sick propaganda, using his own sick logic and living and breathing conspiracy theories against Syria. What conspiracy and for what; Syria now is nothing, it is not a threat to anybody, it has no political weight, and it has nothing to do with the Palestinians or the Lebanese, The Golan Heights will wait until a democratic Syria is formed, no one needs Al-Assad anymore, his services are no longer attractive and his price is no longer a bargain, and he has no talents to bargain to start with. But Al-Assad is not alone, he has accomplices, has partners in the crime, he has the Syrian people. If you listen and hear many of them, you feel how they have been brainwashed; everything around them, in their mind is about conspiracy theories and metaphorical nonsense. They talk like him, they inject in their conversations, these illogical, sick minded challenging concepts and theories, trying to show logic or a trend in something that is so bizarre and so chaotic.  The face of Syria is a fascist, destructive, divisive face; it is the face of the propaganda machine of Al-Assad. I want to hear the voice of the Syrians, the ones that have resisted the brainwash that has made the Syrians doubt themselves, scared of their shadows, questioning their logic and their mental capacities to think.  The Syrians need to start thinking, and using the human logic, and see if things make or do not make sense- their sense and not Al-Assad sense. The Syrians have been drugged for generations and have been in coma for generations, and the time is now to wake up, and the time is now to start looking up, with head high and it is the time now to tell that sick, criminal, Al-Assad and his mini criminals in the Ba'ath party to go. It will take the Syrians some time to clean up after him, they even might need multinational organizations to clean the garbage he is leaving in every Syrian home and street, but the most importantly, who can clean the garbage he planted in the Syrian mind, and the Syrian logic and the Syrian personality and the Syrian reputation and the Syrian soul.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

For Israel and For Palestine; Bibi goes to Congress….by Jamil Shawwa

Everything Bibi Netanyahu of the State of Israel said in Congress yesterday came to no surprise to those that know that the ultimate strategic goal of the state of Israel is the establishment of a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank; he did it Bibi style.  He performed well, politicians must be performers, and must be smart public speakers, and must have the charisma to motivate their audience. The audience was very friendly, and the atmosphere was festive for Bibi to do his best. Bibi acknowledged publically and enthusiastically, in my opinion, the genuine desire of the majority of the Israeli people to have peace with their neighbors in the West Bank and Gaza, and with their extended neighbors in the Arab and Muslim countries, Bibi acknowledged- correctly- that Jerusalem will not be divided; it will not, Jerusalem will be shared by both the Israelis and the Palestinians. Bibi talked about the Palestinian style of missed opportunities, and he was right, so it is up to the Palestinians to think of changing style, see, maybe it will work. Basically, Bibi gave advices, and if you listen and watch the speech again, the road map is already there, the car is already there, the passengers are in the car, the tank is full and the car is ready to move, the drivers to the destination can help each other, the car has two drivers, but once it reaches it’s destination, each driver will have their own car. The borders will be drawn but will be open, political parties will be established and will play the game of politics. He acted and represented his country, the State of Israel, and he spoke on behalf of those who elected him. No one expected Bibi to talk on behalf of the Palestinians, he should not, the Palestinians need to have their own, leaders like him, who cares about their country, and who strongly and enthusiastically represent the views of the people that entrust them and choose them for such responsibility. See, the Palestinians have a political model in Bibi and actually other Israeli leaders; the model is that when you are elected, you are powerful, even if you have different parties and different point of views. You are the head of the state- in Israel, the prime minster is the executive, and the president is a ceremonial post- although the influence of the president has varied through out the history of the state starting with the first president, Haim Weisman, until now with Shimon Peres playing the elder statesman role very positively for his people. For generations the Arabs and the Palestinians expected the Israelis to succumb to their demands, why should they, the Arabs rejected them since 1947, why should the Israelis hand to the Palestinians on a silver platter what the Palestinians are asking for, I personally would have made the Palestinians work for it, and this is what Israel, the US and the world are doing; make the Palestinians appreciate this historic opportunity to have their own homeland side by side of the State of Israel. The Palestinians need to help themselves first, need to clean their house, and need to get their act together, and need to hold elections, and need to have a national referendum, maybe, on how to proceed and need to have clear answers to the refugees issues, and Jerusalem and need to create a goal and a political agenda, and finally, need to act like business people; in business- as I once read in a magazine- you do not necessarily get what you think that you deserve, but you get what you negotiate. People who want to see a Palestinian state do not send suicide bombers, do not fire rockets across the border at a neighboring state and do not talk about the right or not of this country or that to exist. The State of Israel is not a Palestinian business, the Palestinian business is the West Bank and Gaza; shift the focus inward, and you will have your state.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Art Of Political Bluntness; Bibi’s style..By Jamil Shawwa

Many were shocked at the way, style and words of Bibi Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister during his meeting with the US president in the Oval Office couple of days ago. The range of the reaction has varied from describing him as obnoxious, to just describing him as being frank, honest and straightforward. Bibi Netanyahu was blunt but this is the style of the political school that he was raised in, the school of Menahem Begin, Yitzchak Shamir, and Ariel Sharon. Some also said that Bibi is influenced to a large degree by his father that is considered an ultra conservative in Israeli politics, and that Bibi was raised on hard line politics when it comes to peace with the Palestinians. Bibi also carries the burden of his brother, Col. Netanyahu, who was killed while leading the rescue operation of the Air France plane hijacked to Entebbe, Uganda in 1976. Also he has a deep rooted sense of responsibility to ensure that the people of Israel are protected and secure in an area that is technically still hostile to them. In addition, if we go a little more back in history, it is the school of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, the revered political leader in the beginning of the last century that inspired many leaders from the right in Israel. Having said the above does not mean that Bibi rejects a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, he does not, and he knows that it is coming and that the final solution will be a two state solution. Menahem Begin, before Bibi, swore many times by his mother’s grave that he will never withdraw from Sinai and that he will never dismantle Yamit, the main settlement in Sinai, Begin did both. Ariel Sharon did the same before withdrawing from Gaza in 2005.  What people expect Bibi to do is what Bibi is doing right now, which is to be a hard liner and to sound tough and to be adamant in regard to certain concessions in the West Bank or the withdrawal to the 1967 lines. It is an art, it is politics, and it is mainly rhetoric that analysts and observers know that it does not mean much. If Bibi did not talk the way he talked to Obama, people would have thought that there is something wrong with Bibi, so he must rise to the occasion, and he must rise to the expectations of the right and the conservatives and the religious leaders in the State of Israel.  Bibi could be very well the Israeli leader that will sign the declaration of independence of the state of Palestine in Gaza and the West Bank. The conservatives have done it before and they are the ones most capable- or have the power and the confidence of the Israeli people, according to many- to handle a revolution that the ultra religious might stage once the painful process, to many Israelis, of the withdrawal from the West Bank starts, and once the more painful process for many Israeli starts, which is having to share the city of Jerusalem. There is no country in the Middle East that deserves to exist more than the State of Israel, and there is no country in the Middle East that deserves to exist more than the State of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza.

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