Monday, July 23, 2012

Open Borders; The Palestinians, The State of Israel and Jamil Shawwa

The expected decision of Egypt to open its borders, with no permits or visa needed, is commendable. The people of Gaza and the West Bank should have the “Freedom of Travel”. But in the same token, the neighboring countries;The State of Israel, Jordan and Egypt, have also the right to demand like any other country in the world, that borders are for people and goods to cross and for business to flourish and not for suicide bombers and enraged terrorists to kill and attack. Every country has the right to protect its borders, and frankly speaking, if those TV fanatics and their puppet masters in the Middle East did not send suicide bombers into Israeli territories, Israel, probably, would not have imposed such restrictions on the borders, or build walls. The Palestinians now have a golden opportunity, again and again,  to not get manipulated, by lowlives that only want to see them  fall further into the abyss...Do not close your roads, and build bridges..

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