Monday, August 13, 2012

A Contract with the House of Jamil Shawwa

In the US we  started to watch the closing ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics few hours after the actual ceremony took place. NBC wanted as it did with the opening ceremony to have the events broadcasted in TV prime time in America, which translates to  8:00 PM-tons of commercials and business. A little background information. Great Britain decided as it did with the opening ceremony, to honor its history. And to honor the House of Windsor. In an era where the royals have become more and more irrelevant, the House of Windsor reinvents itself and now Britain cannot imagine its existence without the House of Windsor. In such a showcase of loyalty to history, the British today as they did seventeen days ago, have renewed the queen’s and the royal family contract with Britain. This London 2012 Olympics to the British was about an empire that was and has been, about a history that will never repeat itself except in James Bond movies and videos of John Lennon, and recordings of Winston Churchill. But it was also a contract for the future, the future of the royal family and what it means to them. The British in the London 2012 Olympics told the world that in every one of them, in their DNA, there is a sample from the House of windsor, an image that reminds them of who they are, and who they have been. The British, with all their old and new ethnic mosaic, feel that their identity, self respect, existence, is connected directly with these royals, with the future of the royal family, with William and Kate and Harry and even with Pippa..I mentioned before that England every now and then shines, but in all the occasions that it shined, those occasions were somehow connected with that sharp little old lady with the silver hair, that was escorted seventeen days ago from that old office in that old palace, in that old city, by that old loyal agent, James Bond, and was parachuted, or her substitute, it does not really matter, to the new olympic field, and appeared in her new designated box, and did not smile, but looked very seriously, to a world that her family built over centuries, passing by her, giving her one last hurrah..

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