Saturday, October 13, 2012

Biden’s Bite

Biden’s style has always helped him, and he proved to be the best Obama could have gotten as a running mate and as number two. This is Biden’s territory to support number one and in doing so, he is bringing some zest to an Obama that all of a sudden got stale, timid and scared.
During the debate with Paul Ryan yesterday, Biden attacked and attacked and attacked while keeping his cool, his smiles, and his occasional laughs and smirks; and this is what the pros in politics do. In just three weeks to the big day of elections day, the debates proved detrimental to the Obama campaign because Obama did not deliver on 10/03/2012 debate while having the agenda to deliver. Paul Ryan yesterday from the first moment appeared scared and frightened by Biden’s demeanor and personality and reputation, he finished his glass of water by the end of the debate while Biden kept going with no sips of water or rests- as if he were on a mission from higher powers or something.
During the debate, Ryan talked about themes, but no details, and even when he was pressed on details of his and Romney’s across the board 20% tax cut, he could not explain it. While talking about Afghanistan, Ryan could not tell us how and when he intends to manage the war or the withdrawal.
So far we did not hear specifics from the Romney Ryan ticket, we only heard appeals to the American people to give them a chance and they will do something better, They both are looking for a blank check, a check written to bearer, with the amount but with no address. The media after the debate by large went smoothly on Ryan’s style, talked about that he did not collapse before Biden, and some pundits even considered it as a triumph, others, very few, said it as it was, a clear win for Biden on substance and performance.
On the other hand, during the Obama Romney debate everyone talked performance and how Obama got his behind kicked, and now for the Biden Ryan debate, everyone all of sudden is talking substance, no performance, and how Ryan held his grounds. Regardless, it is now or never for Obama to deliver on the 10/16/2012 debate with Mitt Romney, otherwise, probably, he will either have a tremendous hard ballot box day on 11/06/2012 or lose altogether, and if he lost, it would be because he lost, and not that Romney won.

In the picture, Vice President Joe Biden and Republican vice presidential nominee Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin shake hands after the vice presidential debate at Centre College, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012, in Danville, Kentucky. (AP Photo/Pool-Michael Reynolds)

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