Monday, October 08, 2012

Mitt Romney; Performance Vs. Policy and Record by Jamil Shawwa

During a speech today that intended to outline his foreign policy and provides some credibility and credentials to his foreign affairs stature , Mitt Romney, the Republican  candidate for president of the United States, accused president Obama of “not doing enough” to keep America strong and said that “hope” is not an effective policy. Romney also said that Obama tried but that it was not enough and the time is now for change.  The whole Romney campaign right at this moment  is built not on  the previous theme " are you better off " because America on record is actually better off now than it was in 2008, but on a new theme that his team created just before and during and after his Performance with president Obama on the 10/03/2012 debate, which revolves  around a more attractive concept to certain sectors of America and especially undecided voters; " president Obama tried but failed, Obama tried but it was not enough and now it's time for change " . Romney is energized, as he should be, by his performance on that  October 3 debate against president Obama that his team is building a last minute, final hour , high noon, you name it, campaign that is so clever and so fluid and so misleading that is so dangerous for Obama  because its hard to attack or target or discredit-because it does not exist. With Romney’s, everything is changeable, his positions on anything is like fast food chains and disposable diapers. Quick and fast and ready as needed to use and throw and replace. I do not recall a debate in recent history not since the famous Kennedy Nixon debate in 1960 that had such effect on voters as the one Romney had with Obama on October third. Romney wants to be president and it shows and this is important in politics even if you are not very likable as most polls show Romney. And if you are likable and ahead in polls and has the right policies and the economy on your side like Obama , but you are not persistent and vigor in wanting the job and showing it and bragging about it, then probably the job will slip away. I mean I'm amazed, everything on record shows that Obama should have smooth sailing towards the shores  of 11/06/2012; job market that is best in 44 months according to the September Labor department report, housing, auto , financial on the rebound , outside the US, few setbacks but overall steady and strong policies and achievements  with one major setback and exception , the killing of the ambassador in Libya. So if Romney wins this upcoming November elections,  it would be because Obama failed in the debates and the performance and not because he failed on policy or record.

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