Thursday, July 18, 2013

Obama’s Snowden Vs. Reagan’s Iranian Hostages

The former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, questioned president Obama over the Snowden syndrome – the NSA leaker who sits in a transit area (hiding) in a Moscow airport, waiting for the conclusion or the start of a political game and maneuver- and said that if Ronald Reagan was in power that such thing would not have happened and that the Russians would have jumped scared and delivered Snowden back to America.
Giuliani continued to say, “Obama cannot stand up to Putin”.
The interesting point among many in these demagoguery statements is that Giuliani (one of the candidate for president of the United States) was the cause of multiple times failure of his own party. Even though, in one of his own statements, Giuliani said “no terror attacks on US under Bush”, he did not say that if it were him in office, instead, he brought back Ronald Reagan, not George W. Bush.
Giuliani, even neglected to mention the shoe bomber, later on, he corrected and said there had been no attacks since 09/11, which was still wrong because the shoe bomber tried to attack in December of 2001.
Giuliani went on to say that, the Iranians released the 1979 US hostages in Iran, as soon as they knew that Reagan is about to be in office,1980-1981.
“Ronald Reagan came in, they looked in Ronald Reagan’s eyes, Iranian hostages released in one minute — because they saw in his eyes, ‘you don’t release them, baby, and there are real red lines,’” Giuliani said.
Rudy failed to say though, among his multiple failures, that the Iranians who are masters of manipulation and backstage dirty politics knew that Carter is losing because of the hostages and that Reagan is coming. Also, they chose to delay what was already agreed upon until the night of the elections, the loss of probably and arguably the unluckiest president of all, Jimmy Carter.
Jimmy Carter, who ordered the Shah to leave, made it possible for the Ayatollahs to rule Iran and create a parallel Shiite power to the Sunni Muslims in the Middle East. But it is politics, hostages or not, Snowden or not, the US policy is not subject to emotions or personal calculations.
Previously Giuliani questioned Obama on Benghazi, on the IRS files, that the IRS monitored without due process conservative organizations and checked their records, he attacked Obama on everything, whether it existed or not.
Again, its politics, it is part of his job, not a distinguished part of course but it seems it fits the questionable-on record- ethical character of Rudy Giuliani.
Obama today in Senegal rebutted, went on to be offensive and countered the attack without mentioning any particular critic, but ended the speculation on how the US will handle the maneuvers of Russia, Ecuador, China, its province Hong Kong and other wannabes who seek to have their moments of fame under the sun, in regard to the leaker Snowden.
At a press conference with the Senegalese president Sall, Obama said, “I won’t engage in ‘wheeling, dealing and trading’ to get Snowden extradited to US” and “I’m not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker,”.
End of an episode, and if Obama follows through, he would be taking the steam out of the Snowden “momentum” and bring it back to where it belongs or it should belong.This is the failure of the US government in monitoring its cyber security, its failure in outsourcing security and intelligence, now steps need to be taken to reclaim America’s dignity and effectiveness and observe what steps the US is taking to correct the path.
As for Snowden, he is being humiliated enough as a fugitive from his country, an outlaw looking for outlaws. His passport has been revoked and an arrest warrant has been issued and political brokers protect him, no to benefit from his failure but to do his entrusted job. Justice so far in part has been served.
AP “Obama says he won’t engage in ‘wheeling, dealing and trading’ to get Snowden extradited to US”(from @AP).
CNN: “I’m not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker,” Obama said about NSA leaker.
Note: Cartoon is courtesy of The International Herald Tribune, The New York times.

Originally posted in WSN on 06/29/2013 (link no longer active)

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