Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Eventual Fall From “grace” of the Muslim Brotherhood

Egypt’s second revolution is underway; this time is not going to be peaceful. The Muslim Brotherhood are failing and fighting back for their own existence. Few days ago angry Egyptians torched down the soccer federation and fueled what looks like a violent protest not only against a court ruling a death penalty to accused of murders during a last year soccer game in Port Said. “The Soccer Revolution” against the Muslim Brotherhood is in progress. If it continues aggressively as it looks like it, Egypt’s generals will be back-maybe. The generals want the people of Egypt to get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood the same way they brought them to power- But the historic peaceful heads low people of Egypt will not be back. The Egyptians are having their eyes wide open and realizing that the enemy is within. The effect of the eventual fall of the Muslim Brotherhood Organization will not only be felt in Egypt but its ripple effect will reach every part in the Middle East where the political organization exists.

Even the complacent people of Gaza are starting to have life in them. They are slowly realizing that Hamas and other organizations that are offshoot of the historic Muslim Brotherhood are nothing but dictatorial regimes that have nothing to do with Islam and God and have everything to do with enslaving the minds and the souls of those they govern.
Syria will have a democratic version of the political Islam contrary to the political Islam presented by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. The new Syrian political class will be formed from moderate and pragmatic leaders mainly from well known Syrian Sunni Muslim families but also from all other religions… The Christian Arabs will have a say and will share power.
The Muslim Brotherhood organization in Middle Eastern countries including the State of Israel must to survive declares that their loyalties are to their country first and not second. Meaning; if you are an Israeli Arab or/ and an Israeli Muslim who is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood organization, then your loyalty is to your country; Israel. Same concept applies to the people of Gaza and The West Bank and all countries in The Middle East where the Muslim Brotherhood exists. The Muslim Brotherhood idea revolves around loyalty to the group and not the country; in democratic societies, this concept does not work and people usually, eventually reject it. Sometimes it takes some longer than others.
Believing in an idea, concept, religion, should never contradict the loyalty to the State people live in. The universal divine religions of Islam and Judaism and Christianity in addition to universal faiths like Hinduism and Buddhism do not contradict the above concept. However, the above, loyalty to the State, is found mainly in democratic societies where the State through constitutions and laws, and freely elected legislators protect the right of individuals and groups to think and worship freely.
The “magic” that the Muslim Brotherhood had among many for generations during its underground years is disappearing; the Arabs in The Middle East are realizing that it is just a political organization with regular politicians and regular agendas. Egypt and Tunisia are fighting back.

* Originally published in WSN on 03/16/2013 (Link no longer active)

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