Saturday, October 17, 2015

Bibi and Abbas: Drop the Politics and the Mask

In regard to the sad and bloody events that are taking place in the West Bank now and sections of Israel, any government has all the right to protect its citizens and residents if they are attacked; if you attack, you will be attacked, period. If Abbas, the so called Palestinian President, cares about his people, he would not send them to attack Israeli women, children and civilians in general and send his youth to die. 

Second: Setting fires to religious sites such as  the crime that took place to Joseph's Tomb near Nablus in the West Bank cannot serve anyone except those that hate the Palestinians and do not want to see them having a country in Gaza and the West Bank next to the State of Israel, and there are many agents whose job is to inflate religious emotions among both Israelis and Palestinians to keep the fire of hate and destruction and retaliation and tit for tat  among the two people ignited.

Based on events and facts on the ground in the past twenty or so years, the Israeli Government, the Palestinian Authority and the occasional terrorists and negotiators, Hamas in Gaza, have engaged in what looks like deliberate escalation of events to precede political solutions. The Israeli people and the Palestinian people have suffered from such tactics and such politics but the issue is so deep that it looks like unfortunately a huge price has to be paid for people from both sides to be convinced that peace is necessary, separation is a must and a Palestinian State in Gaza and the West Bank has to exist.

The Palestinians and the Arabs and the Muslims must recognize Israel as a Jewish State with Jerusalem open and shared and symbolic capital for both. The State of Israel in return must end occupation in the West Bank and move forward to have its people understand that peace and a Palestinian State in Gaza and the West Bank are the only viable solution for future generations of Israelis to live in peace with and among their Arab and Muslim neighbours.

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