Saturday, October 17, 2015

West Bank Stabbers and Firecrackers: Deliberate and not Accident In Arabic and in English by Jamil Shawwa

Nothing is accidental in Israel or the West Bank; Palestinian stabbers and firecrackers are sent to die by intelligence services to be the "human fuel" for the upcoming political solution. It is so unfortunate but such actions, such criminal actions, are known to be used by politicians, governments, intelligence and security  services, across the globe and they almost always precede political solutions or peace treaties. It is so disgusting that those stabbers and firecrackers  accepted to be the "human fuel" regardless of the name or the cause they think, believe, or their brains washed to believe they are fighting for.

كانوا يچولوا في الاردن كل ما تشوف اتنين بدقنين، اعرف انه واحد

اخوان والتاني مخابرات وهيك في الضفة مع مشبوهين بيحرقوا

وبيضربوا بسكاكين؛ هدول مجرمين مش مقاومين

احقر خلق هدول اللي ماسكين سكاكين و بيضربوا مدنيين عزل في

الضفة و اسرائيل؛ مافش عزر؛ ولكم وين الشهامة بتضربوا ستات

وولاد؛ هادي ندالة مش رجولة؛ اهاليهم مجرمين اللي بودوا ولادهم

 و أنا عارف إنّو في ناس بتبعت هدول علشان يموتوا و يستعملوهم

"وقود" علشان الحل السياسي؛ يجب رفض عقلية الموت؛ ولكم

 بتموتوا علشان فلسطينين غيركم يعيشوا و يحتفلوا فيكم لما 

Attacking with knives and other destructive materials Israeli 

civilians, including women and children in Jerusalem and 

inside Israel and the West Bank is an act of people who do 

not have any self-respect to start with; no excuse for 

attacking civilians, it is a criminal act and not a resistance to 

occupation in the West Bank and must stop; Palestinians 

must wake up and stop cherishing the culture of death and 

start embracing life.

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